ENSP SURVEY on the Application
of the Tobacco Products Directive
Tobacco Advertising Directive
Last chance to participate!
Now is your last chance to participate in the ENSP Next Youth Contest that will close on Thursday, 15 October 2020, at 23:59 (GMT+1). Enter the competition, become a part of "ENSP Next – Towards a tobacco free generation" and win 3 prizes! |
The ENSP Youth Group is happy to invite young individuals, members of youth and student associations and youth advocacy groups from the WHO European region to participate in the contest. |
The ENSP calls for your imagination and creativity in order to produce materials such as posters, infographics or videos to present your message and support one of the 4 themes mentioned below:
- Denormalisation of cigarettes and Novel tobacco products (e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products) use by youth.
- Smoke free campuses, smoke free schools-smoke free places for youth and the next generations.
- Awareness of the health impact of smoking and novel tobacco use.
- Counteracting Tobacco Industry tactics to recruit new generation of users.
The purpose of this contest is to inspire young people to get in action, raise their voice against the targeted tactics of the tobacco industry, break the chain, refuse to become the next generation of smokers and novel tobacco product users in Europe and claim a tobacco free future for them and the generations to come. |
Tobacco Treatment Delivery in cancer patients in Europe - The importance of quitting smoking after a cancer diagnosis
Series of Webinars on the Role of Smoking Cessation in Cancer Treatment
ENSP is pleased to collaborate with the European Cancer Patient Coalition in organisation of the webinar "Tobacco Treatment Delivery in cancer patients in Europe", that will be held on 19 October 2020, from 13:00 to 14:00 CET, as part of the ENSP-ECTC Conference - The Online Edition. Symposium aims at addressing the importance of smoking cessation during or after cancer treatment, highlighting the feasibility, availability, cost-effectiveness and efficacy in cancer treatment success and cancer recovery. In addition, tobacco use and smoking cessation during the COVID-19 epidemic and recommendations for cancer patients will be addressed. This will be the first webinar of the upcoming series of events on the role of smoking cessation in cancer treatment process. |
Great progress has been recorded in cancer care during the past years. Although, it is well established that approximately 30% of cancer deaths are directly caused by smoking and there are evidence-based interventions including behavioural therapy available which can double or triple the rates of successful quitting, they are often neglected and are not incorporated in cancer treatment and recovery.
Continuing smoking after diagnosis affects the treatment outcomes, increases the mortality rates after treatment and the recurrence of cancer while increases the risk of a new cancer. On the other hand, quitting smoking after the cancer diagnosis can improve the treatment outcomes, prolong survival, and reduce the risk for new cancers.
All the above mentioned suggest that tobacco treatment delivery in cancer patients from the early stages of diagnosis is a unique opportunity to improve the effectiveness of treatment and avoid new cancer development in the future.
Public consultation on preliminary Opinion
on e-cigarettes
The European Commission and its Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) published the preliminary Opinion on electronic cigarettes.
Read the preliminary Opinion... |
All interested parties are invited to submit written comments on the preliminary Opinion before 26 October 2020 in view of gathering specific comments, suggestions, explanations or contributions on the scientific basis of the Opinion, as well as any other scientific information regarding the questions addressed, to enable the Scientific Committee to focus on issues that need to be further investigated. |
The main purpose of the scientific opinion is to assist the Commission in assessing the most recent scientific and technical information on e-cigarettes. Findings presented in the scientific opinion will feed into the Commission’s reporting obligations under Article 28 of the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), and will also help the Commission in assessing the potential need for legislative amendments under the Directive or other regulatory/enforcement measures. The assessment includes and addresses the role of e-cigarettes, looking into potential impacts on the EU context, in relation to:
- their use and adverse health effects (i.e.; short- and long-term effects), risks associated with their technical design and chemical composition (e.g.; number and levels of toxicants) and with the existing EU regulatory framework (e.g. nicotine concentration and limits);
- their role as a gateway to smoking/the initiation of smoking (particularly focusing on young people) and
- their role in cessation of traditional tobacco smoking.
Read more about the public consultation...
Guidelines for submissions...
Latest updates from the scientific committee...
EUREST-PLUS ITC Supplement is now available!
The EUREST-PLUS team launched the Wave 2 Supplement: Volume 30, Issue Supplement_3, July 2020 - Supplement: European Regulatory Science on Tobacco: Policy Implementation to Reduce Lung Diseases.
The Supplement includes 15 papers, as well as an introductory commentary and is now available online in the
European Journal of Public Health.
Online symposium
Incentives for smoking cessation
On October 21st, ITC Netherlands are organizing an online symposium about financial incentives for smoking cessation. Topics such as socioeconomic differences in smoking or financial incentives for smoking cessation in the workplace will be tackled. Additionally, three other guest speakers will speak about incentives for smoking cessation.
Incentives for Smoking Cessation
On 21 October 2020 I 13.00hrs – 14.30hrs CEST
Floor van den Brand
Prof. dr. Gera Nagelhout
Prof. dr. Onno van Schayck
Maastricht University and IVO Research Institute, The Netherlands
Sponsored by University Fund Limburg/SWOL
13.00 CEST Welcome by Prof. Dr. Onno van Schayck
Prof. Dr. Gera Nagelhout, Maastricht University and IVO
Socioeconomic differences in smoking
Floor van den Brand, Maastricht University
Implementing financial incentives in workplaces
Nienke Boderie, Erasmusmc
Personalised incentives for smoking cessation: experiences from the first round of the PERSIST trial
Lesley Sinclair, Usher Institute University of Edinburgh
Incentives for Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy: Challenges of a UK Trial
Scott D. Halpern, MD, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Leveraging loss aversion and present bias to improve incentives for smoking cessation |
Tobaco-free Slovenia brochure was launched!
Contributing to the tobacco cessation fight, Slovenia wants to reduce the number of chronic non-communicable diseases by a third by 2025, and to become a tobacco-free country by 2040. According to them, by that time, less than 5% of adults will smoke , and pregnant women and young people will generally refuse to smoke. The strategy FOR A TOBACCO-FREE SLOVENIA 2019-2030, which was put up for public discussion in the summer of 2019, also includes these steps.
The brochure aims at offering information on all these topics. It was published by a voluntary non-profit coalition of non-governmental organisations working in the area of public health, which is also a member of ENSP: the Slovenian Health Coalition for Public Health, Environment and Tobacco Control.
Read the full brochure...
WHO Tobacco Knowledge Summary on Tobacco and Coronary Heart Disease
Just a few cigarettes a day, occasional smoking, or exposure to second-hand smoke increase the risk of heart disease. But if tobacco users take immediate action and quit, then their risk of heart disease will decrease by 50% after one year of not smoking. |
Every year, 1.9 million people die from tobacco-induced heart disease, according to a new brief (WHO Tobacco Knowledge Summary on Tobacco and Coronary Heart Disease) recently released by the World Health Organization, World Heart Federation and the University of Newcastle, Australia ahead of World Heart Day, marked on 29 September. Together with the press release, an accompanying animated video was published to mark the occasion and help spread the word.
#TobaccoControlTactics: Is the Big Tobacco Phoenix Rising from the Ashes?
The former Australia's Minister of Health and Community Care Professor Michael Moore AM explained during a live discussion tactics deployed by tobacco companies to undermine the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and to continue selling lethal products specifically e-cigarettes. You can now watch the full Tobacco Control Talk "Is the Big Tobacco Phoenix Rising from the Ashes?" on YouTube!
Russia increases tobacco excise by 20% in the context of COVID-19 pandemic
In Russia the Ministry of Finance proposed to cover increased budget expenses caused by the coronavirus pandemic with a 20 percent raise of the excise tax on cigarettes. As RBC reports, the proposal suggests amendments to the Tax Code, according to which in 2021 the excise rate on tobacco, nicotine-containing products and electronic cigarettes will increase by 20% instead of the previously planned 4%. |
So the the rate of excise duty on cigarettes next year will be 2359 rubles per 1000 pieces; for other tobacco it will increase from 3172 rubles per kg to 3806 rubles. The excise tax on electronic cigarettes and vapes will also increase (from 50 to 60 rubles per piece).
As the representative of the Ministry of Finance explained, the unscheduled increase in excise taxes should allow the state to fulfill all its obligations in the context of budgetary expenditures due to the pandemic.
The Finance Ministry’s plan has already been approved by the commission on legislative activity, as well as the government. According to RBC, since the beginning of 2020, cigarette excise taxes have brought 372 billion rubles to the budget. Over the year, a replenishment of 586.5 billion is expected.
Read more [RU]... |
Leadership Summit on Tobacco Control: Navigating change
The Secretariat of the 18th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH) announced that it will host the first Leadership Summit on Tobacco Control as a virtual event from 6-7 May 2021.
The Leadership Summit on Tobacco Control will ensure that the global conversation continues to find solutions to the tobacco epidemic, which kills eight million people each year. This is crucially needed as the COVID-19 pandemic brings new urgency to reducing tobacco use.
The Summit will bring together heads of state and national and subnational governments, as well as prominent global health leaders, the scientific community and civil society. However, tobacco control advocates from any background and sector will be encouraged to join and participate in sessions.
Under the theme 'Navigating Change', conversations will focus around the changing landscape of tobacco, the emergence of new nicotine and tobacco products like e-cigarettes, and the tobacco industry's attempt to re-brand itself as part of the solution to the tobacco epidemic – whilst continuing to aggressively market its traditional products in lower- and middle-income countries, where 80 percent of tobacco-caused deaths occur.
Good practice regarding smoking cessation management in Spain: Challenges and opportunities for primary care physicians and nurses
Carlos Martin-Cantera, Jose M. Iglesias Sanmartín, Ana Furió Martínez, Cesar Minué Lorenzo, Vidal Barchilón Cohen, Maria L. Clemente Jiménez, Sara Cascón Pérez-Teijón, Joan A. Ribera i Osca, Rodrigo Córdoba García, Joan Lozano Fernández, Miguel A. Gallardo Domenech, Maria A. Mendiguren Navascues, Emilio Salguero Chaves, María L. Rodríguez Ibañez, Victoria Gueto Rubio, Susana Morena Rayo, Bruno Marioni Otero, Lucia Gorreto Lopez, Francisco Camarelles Guillem, Fernando Martín Fuente, Diego Beni Ruiz, Alicia I. Hernández Rodríguez, Juan De Dios González Caballero, Cruz Bartolomé Moreno, Mercé Pau Pubil, Merce Lopez Grau
Becoming a tobacco-free campus: A survey of student attitudes, opinions and behaviors
Rose M. Pignataro, Charles Daramola
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected tobacco users in India: Lessons from an ongoing tobacco cessation program
Himanshu A. Gupte, Gauri Mandal, Dinesh Jagiasi
Chinese immigrant smokers’ access barriers to tobacco cessation services and experience using social media and text messaging
Nan Jiang, Yidan Zhang, Xiaokun Qian, Lorna Thorpe, Chau Trinh-Shevrin, Donna Shelley
Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA) implementation in education institutions in India: A cross-sectional study
Akash Pradhan, Kunal Oswal, Asim Padhan, Sanjay Seth, Ashima Sarin, Lakshman Sethuraman, Paul Sebastian, Arnie Purushotham
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