ENSP - Preliminary Assessment Report for
Tobacco Products Directive and Tobacco Advertising Directive
ENSP plays a key “watch‐dog” role in Europe to prevent the tobacco industry from biasing and slowing down the tobacco control processes nationally and at EU level. As national policies and priorities are dynamic, influenced by political constellations, funding opportunities, influence of EU policies and public support for tobacco control, ENSP must regularly and systematically assess both the level and type of support requested from ENSP members across Europe.
The preliminary report of the ENSP Survey on the Application of Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) and Tobacco Advertising Directive (TAD) is now available on the ENSP Website. |
The preliminary report outlines the results of the monitoring of TPD and TAD implementation in 17 EU countries as well as an assessment of the level and kind of need expressed in various member countries along with specific topics of future interest.
ENSP SURVEY on the Application
of the Tobacco Products Directive
and Tobacco Advertising Directive
Inputs from the following countries are still awaited: Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia.
The European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP) invites Tobacco Control Experts from the European Union to complete the SURVEY on the status of the TPD (Tobacco Products directive 2014/40/EU) and TAD (Tobacco Advertising Directive 2003/33/EC) application in the EU Member States.
To that end ENSP Secretariat has launched a Questionnaire and is kindly requesting tobacco control stakeholders from the European Union to fill it in. |
Invitation to Tobacco Treatment Delivery in cancer patients in Europe Webinar
ENSP is pleased to collaborate with the European Cancer Patient Coalition in organisation of the webinar "Tobacco Treatment Delivery in cancer patients in Europe", that will be held on 19 October 2020, from 13:00 to 14:00 CET, as part of the ENSP-ECTC Conference - The Online Edition. This will be the first webinar of the upcoming series of events on the role of smoking cessation in cancer treatment process.
Symposium aims at addressing the importance of smoking cessation during or after cancer treatment, highlighting the feasibility, availability, cost-effectiveness and efficacy in cancer treatment success and cancer recovery. In addition, tobacco use and smoking cessation during the COVID-19 epidemic and recommendations for cancer patients will be addressed.
The event received support from the Challenge Cancer EU Parliamentary Intergroup, the first and only EU Parliamentary Intergroup on cancer that serves as a forum for MEPs from all political parties to engage in dialogue with patients, cancer survivors and carers, scientific and medical societies, research institutions, think tanks, medical practitioners and researchers, policy makers and leaders of the health industry, civil society at large, national governments and institutions.
Participate to the EPACTT-PACA training!
In collaboration with DNF - Droits des Non Fumeurs, ENSP is organising a live event, split in three sessions, aiming at training health care specialists, medical- & psychology-major students and other interested parties to become competent professionals in smoking cessation. The training particularly targets French-speaking communities and will be conducted by international team of certified training will simultaneous English-French translaion. |
EPACTT (EuroPean Accreditation Curriculum on Tobacco Treatment project) P
roject's goal is to train and certify professionals who successfully complete the courses along with the guidelines training. The professionals are then considered as competent in smoking cessation and knowledgeable of cutting edge issues in tobacco control.
More information about EPACTT can be found here.
Register now and participate to the interactive training sessions on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of November! |
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