News from ENSP Board & Secretariat
Message to The Network - ENSP President, Dr. Francisco Rodriguez Lozano
With everyone in Europe and worldwide currently living through this paralysing time of uncertainty and crisis caused by COVID-19, ENSP President Francisco Rodriguez Lozano made a powerful and motivating statement related to tobacco control efforts during the pandemic. Dr Lozano encourages the Network, all ENSP's colleagues and friends to carry on their activities with even more dedication than before, hence to continuously strive for a better and healthier society. |
"Health is an inalienable value in European societies; and after these difficult and dark times, it is something that no one will doubt of anymore, but rather fight to defend. Therefore, since we have rarely faced such an open-minded receptive society in regard to health, we must use this window of opportunity and continue sending messages related to smoking cessation. One of our great challenges has always been linked to the general population’s perception of the risk associated with the tobacco use. Now we are at an exceptional time to overcome this challenge, and I would like to encourage you to continue doing so with even greater force. Thank you very much for your hard work and tremendous support to the ENSP!" |
Five years of
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Journal
"Initially developed to be a valuable medium to inform public health professionals and academics who work, or are interested, in the field of tobacco control, the journal has grown into a significant source of information for all stakeholders."
Professor Florin Dumitru Mihaltan, ENSP Board Member and Editor in Chief of the Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Journal, reveals his new publication, Five years of Tobacco Prevention and Cessation, in which he expresses his thoughts about the journey of TPC Journal, its achievements and future goals. |
Abstract Book published:
the 5th ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control (ECTC)
Special times require special solutions! Thus, as a part of the online edition of the 5th ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control (ECTC), organisers published the Abstract Book in Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Journal. The Supplement includes 120 abstracts that aim to advance
research or policies in order to combat the global tobacco epidemic. ENSP would like to thank everyone who contributed to this edition and look forward to meeting all authors at the next ENSP-ECTC Conference!
New ENSP Brochure
"ENSP actions to support the implementation
of WHO FCTC Art. 14"
In addition to the earlier-published ENSP Brochure, a new publication was prepared to better assess the implementation of Article 14 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). This Art.14-focused brochure emphasises that
“Each Party shall develop and disseminate appropriate, comprehensive and integrated guidelines based on scientific evidence and best practices, taking into account national circumstances and priorities, and shall take effective measures to promote cessation of tobacco use and adequate treatment for tobacco dependence”.
Throughout the years, the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention developed various tools in order to contribute to the fight against tobacco and support the WHO FCTC. With the ultimate goal of protecting the public health, ENSP initiated the EPACTT Project, the ENSP Guidelines and e-Learning Platform for Treating 6 Tobacco Dependence, but also other Hands-on Tobacco treatment specialists’ trainings for healthcare professionals.
This brochure compiles information about the above mentioned projects and activities and its objective is to serve as a platform of sharing good practices and motivation for further and greater projects worldwide. |
ENSP SURVEY on the implementation of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)
The European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP) supports its members in their involvement with implementation of the FCTC and its transposition into national laws. Challenges to implementation of the FCTC remain present in a number of EU and non EU states. ENSP developed a survey that will give more information on the weaknesses, challenges, and where we must focus to strengthen the FCTC implementation. In order to prepare a brief shadow report on the implementation status of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, in EU and non EU countries, ENSP is kindly asking you to answer this list of questions. |
Opinion letter on Philip Morris International
In the opinion letter entitled "A cigarette is extinct – but not the ingenuity of the tobacco companies", Suzanne Gabriels, Tobacco Control Expert at the Belgian Foundation against Cancer addresses the conflict between the interests of the tobacco industry and the interests of public health policy, and exposes the cunning tactics of the tobacco producers. |
Philip Morris International (PMI) has recently announced the end of cigarettes within 10 to 15 years for a number of countries. The letter brings this statement to close examination, and describes it as particularly manipulative in creating confusion and putting itself at the forefront as a respectable company.
Suzanne Gabriels outlines that never before in the history a business responsible for creating the problem in the first place, came forward to provide harm-reduction solutions afterwards. While tobacco companies obviously sit on the side of the problem-makers, they still have the audacity to appoint themselves as problem-solvers.
The letter draws particular attention upon the soft transition and the continued use of a business model based on addiction and PMI’s new heated tobacco products, clearly reflecting the strategy of the Big Tobacco. |
‘Tobacco harm reduction’ (THR), the fashionable new term in the tobacco prevention field that PMI eagerly uses, was originally introduced by small e-cigarette manufacturers and encouraged by well-organised vapers. Today, however, it is the big four international tobacco companies that are at the forefront of the THR strategy and are marketing ‘healthy’ alternatives to the cigarette.
Participate to the Smoke&Mirrors global webinar!
This Wednesday, 28th October 2020 at 7PM (GMT), join the webinar Smoke & Mirrors: Healthcare company retirement plans are addicted to tobacco
, organised by As You Saw, the USA's non-profit leader in shareholder advocacy. You will have the chance to participate to the launch of a report detailing how tobacco companies are routinely found in US retirement plans. The event will, on one hand, showcase the surprising fact that tobacco is embedded in the retirement plans of many healthcare companies and on the other hand, demonstrate Tobacco Free Funds, a free online tool that exposes mutual fund investments in tobacco.
Leadership Summit on Tobacco Control
Webinar on plain packaging
The 18th WCTOH series of webinars continues with the goal to provide an accessible online platform for tobacco control leaders and experts to discuss key topics related to the theme of the Leadership Summit on Tobacco Control: Navigating Change.
On Thursday, 29th October 2020, from 13:00 to 14:00 (CEST), you will have the opportunity to participate to the webinar Plain packaging: lessons for the next round of implementing countries, where Ms. Suzanne Zhou from the McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer in Australia will set out the legal framework for plain packaging across the world and Prof. Joanna Cohen will present the experiences and lessons from Australia and from multiple other countries. In addition, Prof. Prakit Vathesatogkit will talk about Thailand’s experience of getting plain packaging legislation introduced and implemented last year, Thailand being the first south Asian country to introduce plain packaging.
Join ASH for a week full of webinars!
As Conference of the Parties is postponed for next year due to COVID-19, ASH decided to organise a full week of webinars dedicated to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) related topics. Therefore, from 9th to 13th November 2020, ASH, with support from its partners, including the Framework Convention Alliance and Corporate Accountability International, will provide the global tobacco control advocates with valuable information.
The FCTC should be a cornerstone for all public health advocates, as many parts of it are relevant to our everyday work, so this series of webinars will will cover the intersections between the FCTC and COVID-19 and the importance of smoking cessation during a pandemic. The FCTC Conference of the Parties has in recent years also faced challenges, therefore the meetings will aim at tackling all aspects related to endgame, liability and human rights.
Register and find out more by clicking on each webinar:
Do you have an event coming up or news to celebrate?
Would you like to share your best practices or inform about local initiatives?
Share your work and promote you activities among 2.300+ colleagues in Europe and around the globe via
The Network - ENSP monthly newsletter |
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