Call for the ENSP External Evaluator 2020!
The European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP) invites interested and experienced candidates to apply for the position of External Evaluator to carry out an external evaluation of activities related to the implementation of the ENSP work programme 2020. The evaluation will focus on the areas of ENSP activity and on the governance of the ENSP network. |
The objectives of the evaluation include, on one hand, evaluating whether ENSP performed in an effective and relevant way in 2020 to reach its key objectives within the eight work packages and on the other hand, elaborating recommendations for possible corrective measures.
We are looking for proposals from individuals or companies with one or more of the following evaluation expertise:
- Public health (preferably tobacco control);
- European public or regulatory affairs;
- Civil society organisations with an advocacy mandate;
- Communication with member organisations of an advocacy association.
The evaluation will look at activities run throughout the year 2020, and the actual work will be carried out between mid-December 2020 and mid-January 2021.
ENSP-ECTC Webinar on Illicit Tobacco Trade
ENSP is pleased to announce the webinar “Illicit Tobacco Trade” that will be held on 19 November 2020, from 13:00 to 14:30 CET, as part of the
The illicit tobacco trade transforms cigarettes into a cheaper and more accessible solution, resulting in more people smoking, which has negative health consequences and associated higher healthcare costs. The illicit tobacco trade also has implications for tax policy: not only does it deprive governments of tax revenues, but it also undermines the public health role of tobacco taxation aimed at curbing smoking. |
During the fifth session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control FCTC by Decision FCTC/COP5 (1) of 12 November 2012, The Protocol to elimination all types of tobacco illicit trade was adopted. It was negotiated by the Parties to the WHO FCTC over several years and entered into force on 25 September 2018. The first meeting of the Parties to the Protocol was celebrated, at Geneva, on 8 – 10 October 2018.
The treaty aims at eliminating all forms of illicit trade in tobacco products. It provides tools for preventing illicit trade by securing the supply chain, including by establishing an international tracking and tracing system, by countering illicit trade through dissuasive law enforcement measures and a suite of measures to enable international cooperation.
Join this webinar to learn more about this topic. Registrations are open until 18 November 2020, 20:00 (CET). |
WHO-FCTC Global Strategy to Accelerate Tobacco Control 2019-2025
This year, in order to mark what would have been key deliberations and discussions taking place at COP9, the Secretariat of the WHO FCTC is casting a spotlight on what is essentially a blueprint for the global tobacco control community to help tackle the tobacco epidemic: the Global Strategy to Accelerate Tobacco Control: Advancing Sustainable Development through the Implementation of the WHO FCTC 2019-2025 (the Global Strategy).
The Global Strategy was adopted at the Eighth Conference of the Parties to the WHO FCTC and calls upon stakeholders to intensify efforts to work together to support implementation and accelerate the application of the WHO FCTC.
Join the 'IT'S TIME' campaign to spotlight the Global Strategy to promote awareness around it and the importance of accelerating implementation of the Convention as a means of advancing sustainable development!
Learn more...
The Spanish manifesto on heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes
The National Committee for the Prevention of Smoking (CNPT) and the General Council of Official Associations of Physicians (CGCOM) have presented the 'Manifesto on novel tobacco products', a text prepared by 167 experts that warns about the practices of the tobacco industry to promote heated tobacco and e-cigarette products as alternatives to conventional tobacco.
In Spain, 23% of the population are represented by smokers. For this reason, health professionals and other experts who signed this document ask to increase the degree of public awareness about the important benefits of quitting smoking, protection against second-hand smoke and preventing young people from consuming tobacco and nicotine, both via traditional cigarettes and novel tobacco products.
The manifesto argues that these new products "are being aggressively promoted to young people so that the industry compensates its bottom line after the drop in cigarette sales. In addition, the industry uses 'marketing' strategies through, among others, social networks and mass events for young people, hiring influencers with thousands of followers, with unusual public relations strategies".
Read more (ES)...
Become a competent professional in smoking cessation
On 2nd, 3rd and 4th of November, in collaboration with DNF - Droits des Non Fumeurs, ENSP organised a live training for health care specialists, medical- & psychology-major students and other interested parties to become competent professionals in smoking cessation. Spit in three sessions, EPACTT-PACA covered topics such as nicotine addiction, behavioural counselling, pharmacotherapy and the interference of e-cigarettes and novel tobacco products in the context of harm reduction. The training, particularly targeted French-speaking communities, providing a simultaneous English-French translation, and was conducted by an international team of certified trainers.
EPACTT (EuroPean Accreditation Curriculum on Tobacco Treatment
project) P
roject's goal is to train and certify professionals who successfully complete the courses along with the guidelines training. The professionals are then considered as competent in smoking cessation and knowledgeable of cutting edge issues in tobacco control.
Thank you for participating in this insightful training!
Learn more about EPACTT by visiting the project website.
The Network's 2020 Resources
Since 1997, the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention strove for a better and healthier world, by reducing health inequalities due to tobacco. During 23 years, ENSP actively developed a strategy for action among organisations active in tobacco control in Europe by sharing information and experience and through co-ordinated activities and joint projects.
In 2020, ENSP produced a series of useful resources (accessible down below) available for all tobacco control stakeholders. Through its work, ENSP also aims to encourage all health advocates to join The Network and contribute to even greater progress in the future. |
The new 2020 Guidelines for treating tobacco dependence (currently available in English, Albanian, French and Italian).
The ENSP TDT Guidelines will soon be published in Spanish, Portuguese, Kazakh and Arabic languages! |
The ENSP 2020 Brochure and its Special Edition
"ENSP actions to support the implementation of WHO FCTC Article 14". |
ENSP Fact Sheet Series 2020 on:
- COVID-19 (available in English and French) and
- the Ban on Menthol Cigarettes.
The 17th European Angiology Days
Organised every year as Academic meetings by VAS with the collaboration of UEMS Division of Angiology/Vascular Medicine, the 17th edition of the European Angiology Days will be live-streamed, giving the opportunity to everyone interested in this topic to participate in scientific workshops and learn more about different European Cooperative projects.
The 17th EAD aims to offer high-level updating on one topic integrating clinical and research aspects, as well as to divulge information and receive contributions to the progress of the European education and research projects proposed by VAS. From 27th to 29th November 2020, you will have the chance to participate in a unique experience. Make sure you also register for the session taking place on Sunday, 29th November from 10:30 - 12.00 CET, in order to find out more about VAS-International Consortium of Vascular Medicine, composed of various organisations such as APSVM, EIWH, EMSA, ENSP, EPHA, ESNO, ESSPSY, IFMSA, SIHA.
Find out the preliminary programme here...
Learn more about European Angiology Days...
The latest publications in the TPC Journal:
Laura Akers, Ashley L. Merianos, E. Melinda Mahabee-Gittens
Raquel Cobos-Campos, Arantza Sáez de Lafuente, Antxon Apiñaniz, Naiara Parraza, Iraida Pérez Llanos, Gorka Orive |
Do you have an event coming up or news to celebrate?
Would you like to share your best practices or inform about local initiatives?
Share your work and promote you activities among 2.300+ colleagues in Europe and around the globe via
The Network - ENSP monthly newsletter |
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