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The Network's 2020 Resources
ENSP-ECTC Series of Webinars
16 and 17 December 2020
16 December 15:00 - 16:30 CET
E-cigarettes and Novel Tobacco Products -
What do we know so far?
The global nicotine market is rapidly evolving due to the recent emergence and expansion of novel products, such as e-cigarettes, various vaping devices, and heated tobacco products. Regulators around the world are considering a broad range of policies to minimize uptake of novel products, particularly with regards to restrictions on forms of promotion and product attributes that may enhance their appeal to current non-smokers, especially among adolescents and young people.
Even though the existing studies and data on novel products might be considered limited, mainly concerning the long-term health effects, there is clear evidence that they present a health hazard both for individual users and for public health in general. Ultimately, those 2 categories of risk have to be taken into account from regulatory as well as medical prospective. Current smokers should be encouraged to quit completely, without switching to new harmful alternatives to conventional tobacco, while addressing the danger of smoking renormalisation and prevention measures should be a top-priority on the countries’ tobacco control agenda.
The program features "The EU perspective" presentation from the European Commission, followed by recent research outcomes and survey data from Europe, Canada and the US.
17 December 13:00 - 14:30 CET
Youth Group Roundtable
The road to a Smoke-Free Generation
On the 17th December 2020, the ENSP Youth Group organises a Roundtable on the topic of Smoke-Free Generation, as part of the ENSP-ECTC Online Conference. During one hour and a half, young and motivated people will have the opportunity to learn from tobacco control experts and discuss about the priorities in further actions to be taken in order to empower the young generation to better understand and fight against the tobacco industry tactics. |
Prevalence of tobacco use is still high in Europe, but smoking statistics regarding adolescents and young people is especially worrying. Surveys show that people typically start smoking in the early period of life and keep this behaviour in their adulthood.
Since 2018 ENSP strove to actively involve young people and collaborate with youth organisations to raise awareness and build capacity among youth in Europe regarding smoking prevention and cessation.
The online event "The road to a Smoke-Free generation" will be focused on four main topics: social media and tobacco, the role of youth in ensuring a smoke-free generation, smoke-free campuses and smoking rates in schools. Thus, the program will consist of three respective presentations from the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK), Young Health Organisation International, Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal) and Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium). |
More precisely, this roundtable aims at gathering together young individuals and offering them the chance to directly interact with experts from various tobacco control fields. The event will be split in two sections: the speakers will present their subjects in the first part, followed by the interactive part where participants will be split into 4 break-out rooms and have discussions about each topic.
By the end of this meeting, we wish to gather concrete actions discussed by the participants and implement them in future ENSP activities. At the same time, we wish to provide participants with new experience and knowledge in order to become future ambassadors in the tobacco control field. |
Global tobacco control news and publications
18 December 9:00 - 15:00 CET
The Virtual YHO Winter Conference
The International Youth Health Organization is hosting the Virtual YHO Winter Conference and with it, the last chance of the year for our members to learn, connect, and gather some motivation for 2021. |
The Conference will feature different sessions, with inspiring speakers, and spaces for interaction between members who are more interested in certain topics. The meeting will take place on the platform ZOOM. |
The agenda of the meeting will be as follows:
Plenary session presentations with interesting themes and outstanding speakers
- Nutrition and Youth:
Margot Neveux, World Obesity Federation
- Mental Health of Young People:
Jessica Smith, National Union of Students- Scotland
- Role of Young people for Environmental Health:
Zoltan Massay-Kosubek, European Public Health Alliance
- Alcohol, Tobacco and other drugs:
Jan Peloza, Slovenian Youth Agency
Sections session 1
o Mental Health
o Nutrition and Physical Activity
- Sections session 2
o Alcohol and Tobacco Control
o Environmental Health |
WHO launches World No Tobacco Day 2021
“Commit to Quit." campaign
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to millions of tobacco users saying they want to quit. The campaign will support at least 100 million people as they try to give up tobacco through communities of quitters.
WHO, together with partners, will create and build-up digital communities where people can find the social support they need to quit. The focus will be on high burden countries* where the majority of the world’s tobacco users live.
"Tobacco Control in Europe" Publication
A new publication has been recently released by the German Cancer Research Center: the "Tobacco Control in Europe", which is an excerpt from the Tobacco Atlas Germany 2020. The excerpt is the English translation of the chapter on Europe. It contains prevalence data on the use of tobacco, e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, health warnings and Plain Packaging in Europe and a comparison of tobacco control measures (including the Tobacco Control Scale) such as smoke-free legislation, packaging and taxation.
The launch of Tobacconomics Cigarette Tax Scorecard
On December 15, 2020, Tobacconomics released the first edition of the international
Cigarette Tax Scorecard, assessing the performance of cigarette tax policies in over 170 countries.
The top performing countries are Australia and New Zealand, which reflects their high, uniform specific cigarette excise taxes with regular increases that have significantly reduced the affordability of cigarettes. Using purchasing power parity dollars to compare price across countries, cigarettes in Australia were an average of $ PPP 14.47 per pack in 2018, while in New Zealand, they were $ PPP 16.08 per pack.
The region with the highest performing cigarette tax policies is Europe. Nevertheless, the region scored just over half of the possible score — what most would deem a failing grade. |
“The Scorecard shows considerable untapped potential for cigarette tax increases to raise revenue for a COVID-19 recovery and importantly, prevent premature deaths and promote a healthy and productive workforce,” says Tobacconomics director and lead author of the scorecard, Frank J. Chaloupka.
Do you have an event coming up or news to celebrate?
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