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Season's greetings
Happy Holidays and Healthy New Year!
2020 was truly a challenge and while countries were struggling with the epidemic, there were still positive news for tobacco control community and public health in general. The increased risks of COVID-19 contagion and serious complications associated with smoking served as an incentive for governments to further advance tobacco regulations as well as motivated a lot of people to quit tobacco use. Next year brings hope but the challenges and successes of 2020 should not be immediately forgotten. At ENSP we believe they can be turned into a learning tool for our Network and empower us to provide better support to the members and community.
We invite you to tell us both difficulties and achievements that your organisation and country faced this year, and share your plans for 2021. Let us stay connected with each other! |
The Network's 2020 Resources
Factsheet Series 2020
Tobacco Control Policies Implementation level
in Denmark, Spain and Greece
Save the date: 21 January 2021, Webinar
COVID-19 pandemic and tobacco use behaviour
On Thursday, 21 January 2021, 14:00 EET, ENSP organises the webinar titled "Covid-19 pandemic and tobacco use behaviour". The event is hosted by the Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan Chamber of Commerce.
- Ramona Brad - Project Director 2035 Tobacco-Free Romania Initiative
- Cornel Radu-Loghin - ENSP Secretary General
Learn more about Covid-19 and Tobacco:
Global tobacco control news and publications
Smoke Free Partnership reports on smoking bans in Europe: Latest Smokefree Map update
The latest Smokefree Map update (a tool by the Smoke Free Partmership) shows that smoke free legislation in Europe has come a long way in recent years. Most European countries have introduced comprehensive smokefree policies encompassing a broader range of areas. Smoking bans have been extended to more public places (hospitals, schools, public transport), workplaces, bars and restaurants, but also private cars.
Open spaces are increasingly covered by smoke free bans, with the objective of protecting the most vulnerable members of society from the adverse effects of secondhand smoke, whilst taking into consideration environmental concerns.These bans encompass places like children playgrounds, terraces or even beaches.
Although not all countries have the same policies in place, we note a trend in countries extending smokefree policies to new products on the market, such as heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes : 37 European countries have included some form of vaping ban and 23 an e-cigarette ban, in their smokefree policies.
Learn more...
CTFK launches a new mapping tool: Heated Tobacco Products and Taxes Around the World
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids created an online interactive tool that enables users to compare taxation and prices of heated tobacco products (HTPs) with cigarettes. Although heated cigarettes and pods are often priced similarly to cigarettes, many countries subject HTPs to a much lower excise tax. As a result, HTPs tend to bear a smaller tax burden than conventional cigarettes, reducing the amount of potential revenue that governments could collect if heated cigarettes and pods were taxed the same way as cigarettes. |
Taxing tobacco products to make them expensive is the most effective way to prevent non-users from starting and to spur users to quit. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids developed this interactive tool to help technical experts/researchers, government policymakers and advocates compare excise tax on heated cigarettes to excise tax on conventional cigarettes in 45 countries across the world, as of July 2020. These maps illustrate how differences in taxation impact relative prices and government revenue from tobacco excise taxes.
The latest publications in the TPC Journal:
Chahida Harizi, Fatimah El-Awa, Habib Ghedira, Carmen Audera-Lopez, Radhouane Fakhfakh
Ayse D. Esen, Yuksel Soylem, Secil Arica, Gulten Belgin, Nadire Gonultas
Arusyak Harutyunyan, Armine Abrahamyan, Zaruhi Grigoryan, Varduhi Hayrumyan, Nune Truzyan, Varduhi Petrosyan
Joy L. Hart, S. Lee Ridner, Lindsey A. Wood, Kandi L. Walker, Allison Groom, Anshula Kesh, Robyn L. Landry, Thomas J. Payne, Jennie Z. Ma, Rose Marie Robertson, Paige E. Hart, Aida L. Giachello, Thanh-Huyen T. Vu
Do you have an event coming up or news to celebrate?
Would you like to share your best practices or inform about local initiatives?
Share your work and promote you activities among 2.300+ colleagues in Europe and around the globe via
The Network - ENSP monthly newsletter |
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