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A word from the ENSP Secretariat:
Wrapping up the year of 2020...
At the end of this challenging year, we are proud to say that a lot of positive things have been achieved despite, but also partly thanks to,
the particular context that 2020 set up for all of us. Significant advancement in the field of tobacco control and public health has been made, and while we are looking in retrospective at the ENSP's activities, we would also like to congratulate everyone on their own contribution to this common progress and mark your continuous efforts towards creating a healthier world.
With great pleasure we announce that "The Network" newsletter had over 10 000 views in 2020, and on this note we would like to thank you for the interest and support, dear reader!
We close the year with this last edition featuring the highlights of 2020 for the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention. |
The Network's 2020 Highlights
Factsheets, Videos, Guidelines, Posters...
New Video: COVID-19 pandemic and smoking behaviour
Factsheet: COVID-19 pandemic and smoking behaviour
The Fact Sheet Series #1/2020 "COVID-19 pandemic and smoking behaviour" has been produced in English, French, Romanian and Albanian. In this material, ENSP summarised the evidence for smokers and novel tobacco users and made recommendations to be followed in the context of COVID-19 pandemic.
Discover the fact sheet in 4 languages... |
Factsheet: Ban on Menthol Cigarettes
The EU wide ban on menthol cigarettes sales went into effect on May 20 following the Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products and repealing Directive 2001/37/EC. The European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP), through its national members and partners, supported and monitored the full implementation of the characterizing flavours ban as requested by the Directive.
Factsheet: Herbal Cigarettes
Many people assume that anything herbal or natural isn't dangerous, and that's not true. Toxic components also exist in the mainstream smoke of herbal cigarette in large amounts similar to the general cigarette. Thus, there's no such thing as a safe smoke!
Country Factsheets: Tobacco Control Policies implementation level
2020 Edition: Guidelines for treating tobacco dependence
In 2020, ENSP also produced a series of useful resources such as the Guidelines for treating tobacco dependence (accessible through the ENSP Website) available in multiple languages for all tobacco control stakeholders. |
Online campaign: Increased danger of smoking during the epidemic
In the context of COVID-19, it is more important than ever for smokers to protect their lungs due to the increased risk imposed by smoking. Thus, ENSP created a series of posters in order to raise awareness on the risks that tobacco use entails and to encourage smoking cessation and adopting a healthy lifestyle. |
The ENSP Brochure
"We are The Network ... join us!"
Since 1997, the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention strove for a better and healthier world, by reducing health inequalities due to tobacco. During 23 years, ENSP actively developed a strategy for action among organisations active in tobacco control in Europe by sharing information and experience and through co-ordinated activities and joint projects.
This brochure aimed at highlighting the progress that has been done until today and encourages all health advocates to join The Network and contribute to even greater progress in the future. |
In addition to the above-mentioned ENSP Brochure, another publication was prepared to better assess the implementation of Article 14 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC). This brochure compiles information about the ENSP projects and activities, and its objective is to serve as a platform of sharing good practices and motivation for further comprehensive projects worldwide.
Online events and webinars
World No Tobacco Day 2020:
#TobaccoExposed Webinar
The webinar, titled #TobaccoExposed: protecting youth from deceptive tobacco industry marketing focused on this year’s WNTD theme and highlight the importance of protecting youth from tobacco industry manipulation. It was organised by Smoke Free Partnership (SFP), the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP), the European Respiratory Society (ERS), the Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL), and the European Cancer Patients Coalition (ECPC), with the participation of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The award ceremony also recognised the European recipients of the 2020 WHO World No Tobacco Day Award.
EPACTT-PACA Webinar by ENSP and DNF:
Become a competent professional in smoking cessation
On 2nd, 3rd and 4th of November, in collaboration with DNF - Droits des Non Fumeurs, ENSP organised a live training for health care specialists, medical- & psychology-major students and other interested parties to become competent professionals in smoking cessation. Split in three sessions, EPACTT-PACA covered topics such as nicotine addiction, behavioural counselling, pharmacotherapy and the interference of e-cigarettes and novel tobacco products in the context of harm reduction. |
The training, particularly targeted French-speaking communities, providing a simultaneous English-French translation, and was conducted by an international team of certified trainers. |
The online edition
The 2020 ENSP-ECTC Online Edition brought all Conference speakers and their presentations closer to you in a new format. You can find all abstracts published on the ENSP-ECTC website along with the authors' slides, videos and other information about the online Conference 2020.
With the ultimate goal to advance
research or policies in order to combat the global tobacco epidemic, 120 abstracts have been published under 5 general themes: Demand and side reduction measures, Supply and side reduction measures, Protection of the environment and the health of persons, Liability, Cooperation and communication.
The presentations submitted by authors are also available as a library under the above-mentioned 5 themes.
ENSP - ECTC Series of Webinars
As part of the ENSP-ECTC Conference - The Online Edition, together with the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC), ENSP hosted the webinar "Tobacco Treatment Delivery in cancer patients in Europe". The session addressed the importance of smoking cessation during and after cancer treatment, recommendations for medical professionals and cancer patients, and explored available data on tobacco use and cessation during the COVID-19 epidemic. Research-focused presentations were balanced by public health prospective on the issue and further complemented by a patient’s testimony on the emotional, psychological and social challenges patients face when attempting to stop smoking. |
Please find below the list of webinars organised as part of the ENSP-ECTC 2020 Conference:
Interviews and statements for the Network
In an interview with the Head of the Secretariat of the WHO FCTC, Dr Adriana Blanco Marquizo, the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention addressed a few questions related to the greatest challenges faced by the Convention Secretariat in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion tackled the topic of collaboration with NGOs in Europe, as well as the news on the preparation of COP9 and MOP2.
With everyone in Europe and worldwide currently living through this paralysing time of uncertainty and crisis caused by COVID-19, ENSP President Francisco Rodriguez Lozano made a powerful and motivating statement related to tobacco control efforts during the pandemic. Dr Lozano encourages the Network, all ENSP's colleagues and friends to carry on their activities with even more dedication than before, hence to continuously strive for a better and healthier society.
"Initially developed to be a valuable medium to inform public health professionals and academics who work, or are interested, in the field of tobacco control, the journal has grown into a significant source of information for all stakeholders." Professor Florin Dumitru Mihaltan, ENSP Board Member and Editor in Chief of the Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Journal, reveals his new publication, Five years of Tobacco Prevention and Cessation, in which he expresses his thoughts about the journey of TPC Journal, its achievements and future goals.
During the ENSP-ECPC “Tobacco Treatment Delivery in cancer patients in Europe” webinar, Dr Oxana Domenti (WHO) made a strong statement on the link between cancer treatment and smoking cessation.
"Tobacco control is about saving lives; about preventing diseases, about discouraging an addiction. And support to tobacco cessation of cancer patients is about improving treatment outcomes and quality of life of cancer survivors."
Read the speech...
Youth Webinar: Tobacco use and regulations - risk factor for COVID-19
ENSP-ECTC: The road to a Smoke-free Generation
On the 17th December 2020, together with the CTFK and Youth Health Organization, the ENSP Youth Group organised a Roundtable on the topic of Smoke-Free Generation, as part of the ENSP-ECTC Online Conference. During the 90-minute session, more than 50 participants have had the opportunity to learn from tobacco control experts from relevant fields and discuss the priorities for further actions to be taken in order to empower the young generation to better understand and fight against the tobacco industry deceptive tactics.
This year ENSP invited young individuals, members of youth and student associations and youth advocacy groups from the WHO European region to participate in the ENSP Youth group contest in order to inspire young people to get in action and raise their voice against the targeted tactics of the tobacco industry.
We received so many creative projects which deserve recognition. Once again our congratulations to the winners! |
News from around the world
Spanish Declaration:
the ENDGAME of tobacco in Spain by 2030
Several major tobacco control actors in Spain have recently concentrated their efforts on drafting a strong statement concerning the tobacco endgame, which was signed and supported by a number of European and international tobacco control stakeholders. Via this Declaration, the authors and signatories of the document urge the government of Spain to establish the foundation of the first smoke-free generation for the year 2025 and reach the end of the tobacco epidemic, known internationally as the tobacco endgame, by the year 2030.
ENSP fully supports this initiative as it creates a strong base for ending the tobacco epidemic in Spain and Europe whilst ensuring a healthier future for the generations to come.
ENSP Survey: Tobacco challenges & successes of 2020 and plans for 2021
2020 was truly a challenge and while countries were struggling with the epidemic, there were still positive news for the tobacco control community and public health in general. The increased risks of COVID-19 contagion and serious complications associated with smoking served as an incentive for governments to further advance tobacco regulations as well as motivated a lot of people to quit tobacco use. |
Next year brings hope but the challenges and successes of 2020 should not be immediately forgotten. At ENSP we believe they can be turned into a learning tool for our Network and empower us to provide better support to the members and community. We invite you to tell us both challenges and achievements that your organisation and country faced this year, and share your plans for 2021. Let us stay connected with each other! |
Do you have an event coming up or news to celebrate?
Would you like to share your best practices or inform about local initiatives?
Share your work and promote you activities among 2.300+ colleagues in Europe and around the globe via
The Network - ENSP monthly newsletter |
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