2021 European Conference on Tobacco Control
Call for abstracts is now open!
ECTC Conference Organising Committee is pleased to invite authors to submit abstracts for oral, poster and video presentations to be delivered at the 6th European Conference on Tobacco Control: ENSP-ECTC 2021.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 31 May 2021 (World No Tobacco Day).
Stay tuned: the Conference will be organised online between September and December 2021! |
24 February: Ending Tobacco epidemic - an essential step for beating cancer
In the framework set by Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, European public health community is joining forces towards one common cause that affects so many people in every European Member State. As tobacco use still continues being the leading preventable cause of cancer, ENSP aims to prioritise tobacco control on the health agenda; and will launch a targeted discussion on Tobacco and Cancer with the following key message: "Ending tobacco epidemic - an essential step for beating cancer".
To that end, on 24th February ENSP will host a webinar with key stakeholders in the field: the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Ms. Stella Kyriakides and the WHO Representative to the European Union, Ms Oxana Domenti, as well as the Romanian Ministry of Health and representatives of major civil society organisations.
The webinar will be hosted on 24th February 2021, at 16:00 CET.
Save the date and register! The detailed agenda will be soon published at ensp.network. |
20 February: ELMO-ENSP End Tobacco and
e-cigarettes consumption through
Lifestyle Interventions
To mark the launch of a new collaboration with the European Lifestyle Medicine Organization (ELMO), ENSP is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar connecting treatment of lifestyle-related diseases with prevention and cessation of tobacco and e-ciagrettes' use. The event titled "End Tobacco and e-cigarettes consumption through Lifestyle Interventions" will be held on 20 February (9:00 - 13:00 CET).
Further information about the webinar and the programme will follow shortly. |
12 February: Europe's Beating Cancer Plan Webinar
Considering that Europe has a quarter of all cancer cases and less than 10% of the world’s population, it is evident that cancer is a huge threat to our society. The overall economic impact of cancer in Europe is EUR 100 billion annually. Evidence shows that around 40% of cancer cases in the EU can be prevented, however, only 3% of health budgets is spent on health promotion and disease prevention. The scope for action is therefore immense.
The adoption of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan marks the beginning of a new era in cancer prevention and care. With its policy objectives, supported by ten flagship initiatives and multiple supporting actions, the Plan will help Europe to lead in the fight against cancer and will support Member States and stakeholders turn the tide against cancer.
The aim of this webinar is an opportunity to inform the public in more detail about the Cancer Plan, to have an exchange on the content and to discuss how stakeholders can support the implementation of the Plan and its actions.
The webinar is held on 12 February 2021, 11:30 – 13.00 CET.
12 February: Webinar EU Plan for Beating Cancer: Has it met the expectations?
Will the recently published Europe's Beating Cancer Plan be able to achieve its goals and how? Did the European Parliament succeed in speeding up European Commission with the intense work of the Special Committee on beating Cancer? What are the EU priorities in terms of prevention, research, access to treatment, survivorship and palliative care? How is it possible to reduce the inequalities in health and, in particular, the large differences between Europe’s west and central and eastern countries in handling cancer?
For this reason MEP Tomislav Sokol, MEP Sara Cerdas, MEP Nicolae Stefanuta, with the support of EU40, are organising a debate, to discuss the Europe's Beating Cancer Plan and work of the European Parliament Special Committee on beating Cancer.
Join the discussion with representatives from the EU various stakeholders and patients, on 12 February, from 11:00 CET, on ZOOM. Bring your questions! |
11 February: Tobacco Endgame Webinar
On 11th of February, join Laurent Huber, ASH Executive Director; Adriana Blanco, Head of Secretariat of the WHO FCTC; Francisco Rodríguez Lozano, ENSP President; John Mirisch, Beverly Hills City Councilmember; Chris Bostic, ASH Deputy Director for Policy; Raquel Fernández Megina, Nofumadores.org President; Ruth Malone, Tobacco Control Editor-in-Chief; Daniëlle Arnold, Health Funds for a Smokefree Netherlands Policy Advisor; Guy Muller, International Public Affairs Consultant of the Dutch Cancer Society; Richard Daynard, University Distinguished Professor of Law at Northeastern University and President of the Public Health Advocacy Institute; and Esteve Fernandez, Director of the Department of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention at the Catalan Institute of Oncology, and Director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Tobacco Control, as they discuss the tobacco endgame in Spain.
This team of international experts will cite their experiences to contextualize the topic of a tobacco endgame in Spain. This discussion is an opportunity to learn from Spanish civil society representatives who will present their bold resolution to end Spain’s tobacco epidemic by decreasing the prevalence of smoking in Spain to under 5% by 2030.
The webinar will have simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and English.
New Publications and Country Updates
Special Eurobarometer Report:
"Attitudes of Europeans towards tobacco and electronic cigarettes"
The EU and its Member States have been working in the past years to reduce the use of tobacco and related products through a range of measures, including regulating tobacco and related products, restricting the advertising and sponsorship of tobacco and related products, implementing smoke-free environments and running anti-smoking campaigns. The European Commission regularly carries out public opinion polls to monitor Europeans' attitudes to a range of tobacco-related issues. |
This survey is the most recent in a series that has been carried out since 2003, with the last survey in 2017.
The general aim of these surveys is to assess the prevalence of tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke in public places, to explore the motivations for smoking, and to help identify measures to reduce the number of smokers in the EU.
In addition to these general themes, the current survey also explores the use and the exposure to the advertising of electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products.
Paper TC NGO’s on Mandatory Environmental and Human Rights Due Diligence
Led by the Belgian Alliance for a Smoke Free Society, a group of tobacco control stakeholders has been working together on the input for the public consultation on human rights and environmental due diligence launched by the European Commission. As a result a comprehensive document calling on the mandatory due diligence, including the tobacco industry, was created and submitted as a response to the consultation: Paper TC NGO’s on Mandatory Environmental and Human Rights Due Diligence. The final document was endorsed by 69 signatories, representing tobacco and public health NGOs and institutes.
We would like to thank ENSP members and partners who answered the call to support this important initiative!
The key messages of the paper are:
- Mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence for companies is absolutely necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, to protect and fulfill human rights obligations and avoid environmental destruction.
- The tobacco industry has an ecological footprint that is comparable to that of entire countries. The human rights violations include the worst form of child labour in tobacco growing.
- Mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence should include transparent reports on standardized criteria, the obligation to develop and implement an ambitious plan of actions, permanent monitoring structures, enforcement and sanctions.
How legal and social factors influence smoking habits in the Balkans
Smoking prevalence in the Balkans remains high compared to Western Europe, and some argue that aside from the public health measures and regulations the cultural/social factor may affect smoking behaviour in the Balkans. In addition, the emergence of novel tobacco products, that are not covered by the general smoking and TAPS bans in most of the Balkan countries, also has its influences on the smoking rates, especially among young people.
ENSP Board Member Uliana Bakh (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and ENSP Member Dr Dimitrievska (North Macedonia) provide their views on the social aspect of smoking denormalisation and the importance of raising awareness on this topic, but emphasise the priority to adopt and implement strong regulatory actions to fight high tobacco prevalence in the region.
ENSP Resources: A new YouTube channel
All ECTC webinars are available on our YouTube Channel.
Subscribe now to rewatch the Online Edition and stay tuned for new videos! |
The latest publications in the TPC Journal:
Arti Singh, Fiona Dobbie, Tarja I. Kinnunen, Gabriel Okello, Sean Semple, Portia Boakye Okyere, Divine Darlington Logo, Kwabena Fosu Lartey, Ann McNeil, John Britton, Linda Bauld, Ellis Owusu-Dabo |
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