March: Kidney and Colon Cancers Awareness Month
Cigarette smoking is a well-established risk factor for renal cell carcinoma (RCC), the predominant kidney cancer type. According to the US Surgeon General and the International Agency for Research on Cancer:
“There is sufficient evidence from several cohort and case-control studies to support causality between tobacco smoking and development of RCC”.
Current smokers had a significantly higher risk for colon cancer. Smoking can also cause more aggressive polyps known as flat adenomas, and these can be present in both light and heavy smokers and an increased risk of dying from the disease. According to published data, people who have smoked are 23 percent more likely to die or have their cancer return within three years than non-smokers who had colon surgery. Also, people who smoked at the time of colon cancer diagnosis are 47 percent more likely to have a recurrence of colon cancer or to die from the disease. Family history has a significant influence on whether you are at higher risk for colon cancer. However, there is enough evidence to support that smoking puts you at equal risk for developing colon cancer as having a first-degree relative with colon cancer.
ENSP Brochure 2021: Ending tobacco epidemic, an essential step for beating cancer
Every year, 3.5 million people in the EU are diagnosed with cancer, and 1.3 million die from it. Over 40% of cancer cases are preventable. Without reversing current trends, it could become the leading cause of death in the EU. In 2020, the Commission released its Europe’s beating cancer plan aiming at reducing the cancer burden for patients, their families and health systems. Tobacco is a great risk factor for cancer, often still unknown and underestimated. Thus, every month in 2021, ENSP dedicates a section of "The Network" to a certain type of cancer and its link to tobacco. |
Do not forget to register!
17 March: YHO Series of webinars
"The course of urgency"
On 17 March at 16:30 CET, the International Youth Health Organization is organising an event titled "New Tactics in Tobacco Industry Interference", as part of the webinar series Curse of Urgency. The ENSP Secretary General, Cornel Radu-Loghin, will participate as a speaker and bring insights regarding the Big Tobacco tactics in Europe. The programme features important interventions on the topic from Smoke Free Partnership director, Anca Toma and WHO Representative, Angela Ciobanu.
19 March: ENSP initiative on Oral Health and Tobacco
Tobacco use and its association with oral diseases are a major contributor to the global oral disease burden, responsible for up to half of all periodontitis cases among adults. The clear link between oral diseases and tobacco use provides an ideal opportunity for oral health professionals to take part in tobacco control and cessation programmes. In order to celebrate the World Oral Health Day, the ENSP organises a webinar on 19 March at 14:00 CET, showcasing the links between oral health and tobacco.
16 March: WHO webinar
"The importance of tobacco cessation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic"
It is well known that tobacco causes millions of deaths every year and in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, smoking is proven to worsen the symptoms and even develop severe diseases alongside the infection with the new coronavirus. Many adults have expressed their will to quit during these stressful times, but this thing can be quite challenging.
The WHO World No Tobacco Day 2021 campaign aims to empower and support tobacco users on their journey to quit. Register for this webinar to learn and discuss the key role health insurances play in tobacco cessation and how health professionals can become more engaged.
18 March: WHO FCTC webinar
"Curbing illicit tobacco in free zones: Time to close the Pandora’s box"
With only a limited number of product inspections carried out inside free zones, many customs administrations now require that tobacco products carry a special declaration with detailed information that would enable joint investigations, effective risk management and electronic recordkeeping, as highlighted in a report published by the Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC).
The report,
Examples of current practices on the implementation of Article 12 (Free zones and international transit) of the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, will be launched on 18 March 2021 during a technical webinar sponsored by the Secretariat of the WHO FCTC.
The webinar on 18 March 2021 will be the first in a series of seven webinars focusing on various aspects of implementation of the Protocol.
18 March: ASH webinar on
"Women, Tobacco and Human Rights"
Tobacco control is a women’s rights issue. In the spirit of this International Women’s Day, Action on Smoking and Health, International Network of Women Against Tobacco, Alliance Contre Le Tabac, and the Feminist and Women's Movement Action Plan will discuss the tobacco industry’s violation of these rights during a webinar on 18 March at 16:00 CET.
Tobacco control experts will address why tobacco is a women’s rights issue, how these rights have been violated by big tobacco with regional examples, research on women and tobacco use, and how to increase the visibility of women's rights and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control at the UN.
The webinar will be live-cast in English and French. Reserve your virtual seat and discover the amazing panelists!
24 March: Webinar on a new report
"Targeting the European Commission: The 7 Lobbying Techniques of Big Tobacco"
Big Tobacco has been influencing policy to its advantage for decades—postponing, protesting, promoting untruths, playing the victim and pushing new technologies—in order to disrupt tobacco control policies. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the best global tool to combat tobacco industry interference, providing clear guidelines to protect public health policies and reduce tobacco-related deaths.
A new report "Targeting the European Commission: The 7 Lobbying Techniques of Big Tobacco" analyzes key contacts between the European Commission (EC) and the tobacco industry to better understand why the EC has struggled to implement a consistent policy around industry meetings. Download the report or brief to read about the seven identified tactics Big Tobacco uses to lobby the EC.
6-7 May 2021: WCTOH
Leadership Summit on Tobacco Control
Evidence is demonstrating the negative impact of tobacco use on outcomes for people with COVID-19, while the tobacco industry is actively exploiting the pandemic to improve its public image through offering donations and support to governments under the guise of "corporate social responsibility" activities. Therefore, it is vital that global conversations continue so that we can find solutions to the tobacco epidemic.
The virtual edition of the Leadership Summit on Tobacco Control will take place on 6-7 May 2021 will provide a critically needed platform for global, national, and sub-national leaders to share learning and best practices on the most important challenges and opportunities in tobacco control. |
If you are from a low or lower middle-income country, a student or a nurse, you can now apply before 26 March for a sponsored registration and attend for free. |
Other news and publications
CTFK launches a tool "Heated Tobacco Products and Taxes around the world"
Taxing tobacco products to make them expensive is the most effective way to prevent non-users from starting and to spur users to quit. As HTPs and conventional cigarettes are both harmful, governments should discourage their use and promote public health by imposing high and equivalent excise taxes on both, which increase price and reduce affordability. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids developed this interactive tool to help technical experts/researchers, government policymakers, and advocates compare excise tax on heated cigarettes to excise tax on conventional cigarettes in 65 countries, jurisdictions, and provinces across the world, as of October 2020. These maps illustrate how differences in taxation impact relative prices. Such differences eventually affect government revenue from total tobacco excise taxes.
2021 European Conference on Tobacco Control
Call for abstracts is open!
ECTC Conference Organising Committee is pleased to invite authors to submit abstracts for oral, poster and video presentations to be delivered at the 6th European Conference on Tobacco Control: ENSP-ECTC 2021.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 31 May 2021 (World No Tobacco Day).
Stay tuned: the Conference will be organised online between September and December 2021! |
All ECTC webinars and video materials are available on our YouTube channel.
Subscribe now to rewatch the Online Edition and stay tuned for updates! |
The latest publications in the TPC Journal:
Medhia Afzal, Martha Ellis-Parkinson, Luke Holdsworth, Dominic L. Sykes, Michael G. Crooks
Connor Stonesifer, Salvatore Crusco, Sritha Rajupet
Rosemary Hiscock, Michael J. Bloomfield
George Skalis, Stefanos Archontakis, Costas Thomopoulos, Iliana Andrianopoulou, Ourania Papazachou, Georgia Vamvakou, Konstantinos Aznaouridis, Vasiliki Katsi, Thomas Makris
Detlef Schröder, Gábor Bóta, Maria Molina Sierra
Megan M. Weemer, Melissa A. Ketner, Sam A. Crecelius
Balram Rai, Mahadev Bramhankar |
Do you have an event coming up or news to celebrate?
Would you like to share your best practices or inform about local initiatives?
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