News from ENSP Secretariat
29 March: ENSP x 020 Webinar on environmental issues and tobacco
On 29 March at 17:00 CET, ENSP in collaboration with 020 is organising an event on the EU Green Deal. For our young generation, one of the most pressing environmental issues is the ability to maintain a sustainable lifestyle for everyone in Europe and beyond. While addressing general environmental issues and goals, this conference will bring to light the negative effects of smoking on the world we live in and tobacco's contribution to pollution, along with the harm to public health.
In this event, we will combine the expertise of multiple organizations to discuss several important policy initiatives, such as the EU Green Deal and the sanctions placed on the Tobacco Industry, as well as the Single Use Plastics (SUP) directive, which is an EU ban on single-use plastic products. This conference will show the bigger picture and consider how tobacco control fits in the plan to achieve sustainable future.
The panelists are notable experts from the relevant fields: MEP Cristian Silviu Busoi, Chair of the ITRE Committee, representative of the Belgian Alliance for a Smoke-Free Society, Ms. Danielle Van Kalthout and Dr. Dumitru Sliviu Mihail, a medical expert from Marius Nasta Institute of Pneumology in Romania. The programme will also feature the presentations of Mr. Thomas Novotny, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the San Diego University, and Ms. Azadeh Zarekar, an environmentalist who is working in Iran to raise awareness on the subject of the environmental impact of tobacco.
Join us on the day to understand the urgency of preventing pollution and bringing attention to the environmental crisis we all have shared responsibility for. In the end of the event, the floor will be open for questions from the audience and a discussion.
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2021 European Conference on Tobacco Control
Do not forget to submit your abstract for oral, poster and video presentations to be delivered at the 6th European Conference on Tobacco Control: ENSP-ECTC 2021. The deadline for submission of proposals is 31 May 2021 (World No Tobacco Day).
Stay tuned: the Conference will be organised online between September and December 2021! |
The 2021 GGTC Global Media Competition
The 2021 Global Media Competition organised by the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control (GGTC), a partner of STOP, a global tobacco industry watchdog, seeks compelling visual designs that portray tobacco industry’s tactic of using deception to undermine health policies and escape liability.
For its second year, the Global Media Competition (GMC) will welcome entries in the form of posters, short videos, and infographics that convey how the tobacco industry conceals, covers up, and misinterprets the enormous burdens it has placed on people, the environment, health systems, and the global economy.
This year, the ENSP has the honor to support this competition as a global partner, among other international organisations working in the tobacco control field. To submit entries, each participant must complete a registration form and apply before April 29, 2021. The winners will be announced at the end of May 2021.
The EC Call for expression of interest for representatives in the Advisory Forum of the ECDC
The European Commission is launching a selection procedure to appoint the representatives of non-governmental organisation representing patients, professional bodies or academia to the Advisory Forum of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
To this end, the applications must be submitted before 16 April 2021 and 3 appointments will take place for a three-year-mandate starting on 11 July 2021:
- One representative of non-governmental organisation representing patients and one alternate;
- One representative of non-governmental organisation representing health professionals and one alternate;
- One representative of non-governmental organisation representing academia and one alternate.
WHO report on the child improvement through smoking cessation
Exposure to tobacco smoke has devastating impacts throughout childhood and adolescence, starting from conception. Exposure of unborn children to maternal smoking or second-hand smoke is linked to birth defects, stillbirths, preterm births and infant deaths.
The latest report released by WHO entitled "Tobacco control to improve child health and development"
calls for raising awareness among practitioners and policymakers about the importance of strong tobacco control measures for protecting the health and development of children, including banning tobacco advertising, implementing 100% smoke-free environments and raising taxes on tobacco.
Read more about this topic...
Read the full report...
New paper on e-cigarette e-liquids composition
A new paper has been published on the topic of electronic cigarettes, titled: Chemical Composition of Electronic Cigarette E-Liquids: Overview of Current Evidence of Toxicity (by Kulhánek and Baptistová). It focuses on the process of the e-liquid vaporisation that results in different chemical compounds release, many of which are hardly identifiable. |
This paper gathers current evidence on the toxicity of the e-cigarettes, as well as defines four categories of the liquids by function and chemical composition.
"Knowledge of the toxicity of e-cigarettes is essential to assessing the degree of associated risks, as well as to establishing appropriate regulatory and public health measures". This overview aims at providing scientific evidence to be used by tobacco control advocates in their activities.
Tobacco-Free Generations program in Belgium
On the 4th of March, the Health Observatory of the Hainaut province (Belgium) welcomed the Sports Center Directors wishing to draw inspiration, for their center, from the "Tobacco-Free Generations" pilot experience developed at the Domaine Provincial du Bois d'Havré. The Provincial Domaine du Bois d´Havré is obviously a place of health, sports, education and nature.
“Tobacco-Free Generations” is an Alliance for a Tobacco-Free Society program that aims to tackle the commonplace tobacco use and for tobacco-free environments. The goal is that every child born from 2019 onwards can grow up in a tobacco-free environment and in a society in which no child will start to smoke.
Since the launch of the "Tobacco-Free Generations" program, the Hainaut Provincial College immediately decided to support child protection initiatives within its institutions, committed to promoting a first tobacco-free generation. On the strength of this commitment, the Domaine du Bois d´Havré was a pioneer in the project to protect young people so that tobacco cannot be seen within the park and playgrounds.
Coordination between the four provincial institutions present on the domain has thus made it possible to inform visitors and staff of this new measure, to reduce drastically the number of smoking points and to set up closed shelters for smokers so that they are not visible to non-smokers (outside visitors or workers on the site).
The Domain was officially declared “Tobacco-Free Generations” on December 11, 2020.
Discover Tobacco-Free Generations...
Read more about the Health Observatory of Hainaut province...
Jordi Cruiff joins the lung cancer initiative and community
Jordi Cruyff has paid tribute to his legendary late father Johan, who died of lung cancer five years ago. The Barcelona and Holland icon was one of the greatest talents and football minds the world has ever known and his legacy lives on. |
Cruyff was a heavy smoker and his son has used the five-year anniversary to announce that he has joined the initiative Lung Ambition Alliance Spain. The initiative has the ambition to doubling the five-year survival rate of lung cancer sufferers by 2025.
His father is seen doing keepy-uppies with a packet of cigarettes with the voiceover saying: 'I am Johan Cruyff. In life, I had two addictions, smoking and playing football. Football has given me everything in life, however smoking...' Jordi interjects: 'Took it all away.'
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All ECTC webinars and video materials are available on our YouTube channel.
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The latest publications in the TPC Journal:
Elizabeth K. Do, Kennedy C. Bradley, Kendall Fugate-Laus, Kiranpreet Kaur, Matthew S. Halquist, Laure Ray, Michell A. Pope, Rashelle B. Hayes, David C. Wheeler, Bernard F. Fuemmeler
Francisco Rodriguez Lozano |
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