Special Edition "World No Tobacco Day"
31 May 2021 |
How cessation efforts are undermined by the tobacco industry
- The tobacco industry misleads the public about what constitutes cessation strategies by promoting “reduced-risk nicotine products”, including NENTPs, as cessation tools.
- In the guise of ‘cessation’ or helping smokers quit, the tobacco industry justifies the risks of youth uptake. While it outwardly asserts the importance of regulation to protect the youth, it aggressively markets to the youth, especially through social media
- Tobacco industry disparages the effectiveness of evidence-based cessation approaches and mischaracterizes these as ‘Quit or Die’; then claims that failure to recognize NENTPs as cessation tools hampers cessation efforts
- By resisting tax increases, the tobacco industry interferes with the governments’ ability to provide accessible and affordable cessation support
- By marketing themselves as bearers of “public health solutions” through NENTP marketing, the tobacco companies detract attention from being liable for harms caused by their products.
- The tobacco industry confounds the best available evidence of effectiveness by “manipulating science.”
- By insisting to be part of the policy development directly or indirectly through front groups and tobacco-funded entities, the tobacco companies undermine basic conflict of interest rules found in WHO FCTC Articles 5.3 and 14, and their Guidelines.
WHO World No Tobacco Day 2021 Awardees
On 31 May, World No Tobacco Day 2021 focuses on creating networks of support and increasing access to services proven to help tobacco users quit successfully.
Each year, WHO presents awards to organizations and individuals who promote and enforce tobacco control in the Region. WHO carefully selects the awardees in recognition of their long-term commitment and outstanding contribution to research, advocacy, health promotion and capacity-building in these areas.
World No Tobacco Day offers an opportunity for WHO to recognize and commend these achievements while raising awareness and building support for tobacco-control measures globally. The World No Tobacco Day Awards 2021 include a WHO Director-General Special Recognition Award alongside 5 others.
The Tobacco Control Research Group (TCRG) at the University of Bath, United Kingdom
The Tobacco Control Research Group (TCRG) at the University of Bath, United Kingdom, is to be honoured with the WHO Director-General Special Recognition Award.
TCRG was selected in acknowledgement of its enormous contribution to tobacco control over the past decade. Research results and published evidence by TCRG have helped to change attitudes towards the tobacco industry and secure policy change nationally and globally.
Mr Cornel Radu-Loghin, European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP)
Mr Cornel Radu-Loghin is a tobacco-control advocate who has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the policies and measures contained in the WHO FCTC and its guidelines, particularly in relation to the 2021 theme of World No Tobacco Day. He originally initiated and currently coordinates the ENSP Tobacco Dependence Treatment Guidelines, first published in 2011, and the ENSP online training platform Accredited Curriculum on Tobacco Treatment. This programme trains health-care professionals in Europe in the latest evidence-based practices for helping patients to quit smoking. |
Ministry of Health, Russian Federation
The Russian Ministry of Health has made outstanding efforts to strengthen national tobacco-control legislation with the aim of reducing associated morbidity and mortality. This approach to tobacco control has helped to reduce the number of smokers by 21% and reduce tobacco sales by almost 30% in just 7 years, from 2009 to 2016. In July 2020, the Ministry of Health put forward to the Federal Parliament an amendment to Law 15 FZ, broadening its scope to regulate not only tobacco but also nicotine-containing and heated tobacco products. In 2021, it presented and achieved a 20% increase in excise taxes on cigarettes and other nicotine-containing products. |
German Network for Tobacco-Free Hospitals and Health-Care Services (DNRfK), Germany
DNRfK has made an important and well recognized contribution to tobacco prevention in Germany. It emerged from a model project funded by the Federal Ministry of Health, which in 2005 aimed to establish as many hospitals as possible as smoke-free institutions. Since that time, DNRfK has supported about 120 German hospitals and health-care services to implement international smoke-free standards.
Dr Müşerref Pervin Tuba Durgut, Vice President of the Health, Family, Labour and Social Affairs Commission of the Grand National Assembly, Turkey
Dr Durgut is a leading voice for tobacco control in Turkey and was influential in the passage of strong national tobacco-control measures in 2019. These included an increase in tobacco taxation, with tax on cigarette packs raised from 13.2 to 16.2 Turkish lira, and the adoption of plain packaging despite aggressive opposition from the tobacco industry. Moreover, Dr Durgut was instrumental in securing the first government-funded anti-industry campaign in Turkey ("Their gain, our loss”), worth more than US$ 30 million.
Tobacco Control Unit (UCT) of the Catalan Institute of Oncology, Spain
UCT was created in 2000 as part of the Catalan Institute of Oncology. Its main objectives are to lower tobacco consumption and exposure to second-hand smoke and electronic cigarette aerosols through the development of research and evaluation tools. Its tools and online learning programmes are used to train European health sciences students in offering smoking-cessation help, and to improve the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of Spanish health professionals related to quitting smoking. |
Make every day World No Tobacco Day
The World Health Organization’s 'Commit to Quit’ tobacco campaign has made resources from its Quitting Toolkit freely available to more than a billion tobacco users, less than 5 months into the year-long campaign. WHO launched the campaign to support those millions of tobacco users who are actively taking steps to save their lives, but still need help to succeed.
The campaign is currently working directly with 29 focus countries. Each country agreed with WHO on selected activities, including, running national awareness campaigns, releasing new digital tools, revising policies, engaging youth, training health workers, opening new cessation clinics, supporting nicotine replacement therapies through WHO partners, establishing national toll-free quit lines, making quitting courses available, and more.
“Smokers have up to a 50% higher risk of developing severe disease and death from COVID-19, so quitting is best thing smokers can do to lower their risk from this coronavirus, as well as the risk of developing cancers, heart disease and respiratory illnesses,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “We urge all countries to play their part by joining the WHO campaign and creating tobacco-free environments that give people the information, support and tools they need to quit, and quit for good.” |
Save the Date 8 June 14:00 CET
World No Tobacco Day 2021 Webinar and Award Ceremony
The Smoke Free Partnership and the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention with the support of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe are hosting the World No Tobacco Day 2021 conference, taking place on 8 June 2021 (14:00 CET).
The conference is titled “Tobacco-free policy-making for a tobacco free Europe” and will focus on exposing, discussing and counteract tobacco industry efforts to delay and distort policy processes to prevent progress in tobacco control.
The event will have two main parts: in the first part, we will organise a high-level panel discussion between experts, advocates and policy makers who will discuss tobacco industry interference tactics and ways in which policy makers and advocates in different countries have counteracted them. We will also address industry’s attempts to take advantage of the COVID-19 epidemic in the past year to whitewash its reputation and to re-gain a seat at the policy making table.
In the second part, a virtual award ceremony will be organised, facilitated by WHO EURO, to honour and recognise the European recipients of the 2021 WHO World No Tobacco Day Award.
8 June 10:00 CET
Journalists Lab: Understanding Tobacco Industry Interference
On the same day, ENSP's members in Bulgaria, BlueLink and the Smoke-Free Life Coalition, organise a Journalists Lab: Understanding Tobacco Industry Interference, with the support of the World Health Organisation - Bulgaria.
The online session will be held on 8 June 2021 from 11:00 to 13:00 EEST in Bulgarian and English with online translation. Gathering international and Bulgarian experts on tobacco control and public health, the event will focus on rejecting tobacco industry interference, guidelines under Art. 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the level of implementation in Bulgaria, the EU policy framework and practice as well as journalistic investigations on tobacco industry interference in Bulgaria.
International journalists interested in taking part in the event can register by filling an online form by 7 June 2021.
In the afternoon this group of journalists will continue their training in the framework of the "Journalism and Tobacco Control Workshop" (supported by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease), and the session will partly merge with the ENSP-SFP World No Tobacco Day Webinar and Award Ceremony.
Celebrate World No Tobacco Day with ENSP – Follow today's webinars!
31 May 12:00 CET
World No Tobacco Day Webinar
"Commit To Quit"
In the context of the World No Tobacco Day, celebrated annually on May 31, the Romanian Society of Pneumology joined the campaign of the World Health Organization (WHO), by organising this webinar in which they will give presentations in the field of public health.
The webinar is addressed to both doctors (pulmonologists, cardiologists, family medicine, internists, pediatricians, etc.) and the general public, and aims to remind the harmful effects of tobacco products and equally of passive smoking.
The webinar will be conducted in Romanian. Learn more and see the agenda...
31 May 15:00 CET
European Week Against Cancer
The Crucial Steps to Combat Cancer
For this year’s European Week Against Cancer, the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) and Cancer Complications and Comorbidities Initiative Members are organising several online events in form of webinars.
ENSP SG Cornel Radu-Loghin will speak on importance of tobacco cessation and prevention during the webinar on 31 May titled "Crucial steps to combat cancer". This session will present issues around prevention, screening, and early detection, such as cost-effectiveness of early detection, tobacco use, alcohol abuse, etc.
31 May 16:00 CET
Tobacco and Air Pollution: Next Steps to Tackle Second-Hand Smoke Exposure
This ENSP webinar titled “Tobacco and Air Pollution: Next Steps to Tackle Second-Hand Smoke Exposure” will be hosted on today, on 31 May (16:00 – 17:30 CET).
The webinar is symbolically organised between two important dates: the World No Tobacco Day on 31 May itself and ahead of the World Environment Day, celebrated on 5 June.
The programme includes interventions from Prof. Elif Dagli (European Respiratory Society), Dr. Krzysztof Przewozniak (Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology), Dr. Giuseppe Gorini and Dr. Silvano Gallus (researchers from the EU project TackSHS focused on second-hand smoke exposure), and Panagiotis Chaslaridis (European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations).
Join the discussion on the next steps needed to protect everyone’s health from tobacco smoke and defend our right to clean air, free from tobacco pollution!
Discover ENSP's Smoking Cessation Resources
Tobacco Dependence Treatment Guidelines 2021
The ENSP Guidelines for evidence-based smoking cessation are the most recent and globally up-to-date systematic clinical guidelines for smoking cessation and were continuously published and updated from 2011 according to best practice standards in clinical guideline development.
We are happy to announce the release of the updated 2021 edition for the following languages:
Spanish version of the Tobacco Dependence Treatment Guidelines is published
The Spanish version of the ENSP Tobacco Dependence Treatment Guidelines (updated 2021 edition) is now available! Through this publication, we aim to establish a wider coherence among smoking prevention activities, as well as promoting comprehensive tobacco control policies at a European and at the individual national level with the contribution of our members.
Are the guidelines not yet available in your language?
Any partner organisation, interested in translating and adapting the ENSP's guidelines and the online course, should contact ENSP Secretariat. |
Coming soon: Redesigned E-learning Platform
Become a tobacco treatment delivery specialist!
Since more than 2 decades of ENSP's existence, its efforts and work were always oriented to support Article 14 of the WHO FCTC implementation in the wider European region. This is the reason why in accordance with FCTC Article 14, the ENSP accredited e-learning platform has been developed and is freely available for all healthcare professionals and the public. |
We are confident that the platform will help healthcare professionals to be equipped with the necessary skills to combat this fatal addiction and provide them with a wide range of vital tools in order to help them introduce tobacco treatment delivery into their daily clinical life. ENSP’s online training program provides the opportunity for healthcare professionals in Europe to receive training in the latest evidence-based practices for helping their patients quit smoking.
The ENSP e-learning platform has also received accreditation by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide CME activity for medical specialists.
We are currently getting ready to relaunch the platform with even more functionality, tools, additional access languages, and new modules added to the programme. The website will also feature a library of useful resources on smoking cessation from WHO, Mayo Clinic and other expert organisations in the field of treating tobacco dependence. Stay tuned and follow the course in your language this summer via http://elearning-ensp.eu/!
2021 European Conference on Tobacco Control
Call for Abstracts has been extended till 1 July
The deadline for
the 6th European Conference on Tobacco Control: ENSP-ECTC 2021 is postponed until 1 July 2021. Do not miss a chance to submit your proposal for oral, poster, and video presentations to be delivered at the 2021 Conference that will be organised online or in a hybrid online-onsite format between September and December 2021! |
For any inquiries regarding the Conference please send an email to
The latest publications in the TPC Journal:
Heike H. Garritsen, Rein R. Distelvelt, Ingri G. Olsen, Ien A. M. van de Goor, Anton E. Kunst, Andrea D. Rozema
Ashley L. Merianos, Judith S. Gordon, Michael S. Lyons, Roman A. Jandarov, E. Melinda Mahabee-Gittens
Lærke P. Lidegaard, Maria Kristiansen, Charlotta Pisinger |
Message for authors and reviewers:
You can now log in to the TPC Journal with an ORCID ID, and all research activity is automatically updated in your ORCID profile!
Do you have an event coming up or news to celebrate?
Would you like to share your best practices or inform about local initiatives?
Share your work and promote you activities among 2.400+ colleagues in Europe and around the globe via
The Network - ENSP monthly newsletter |
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