ENSP accredited as a Non-state actor
during the 71st Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe
The 71st Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (#RC71CPH) has been held from 13 to 15 September 2021. Within this annual session, health ministers and high-level representatives of the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region as well as partner organisations and civil society met virtually to discuss current health issues and set the direction for future activities. |
Regional accreditation of non-State actors is an engagement modality in line with the WHO Framework for Engagement with non-State Actors. It is a privilege that the WHO Regional Committee for Europe may grant to regional nongovernmental organizations, international business associations and philanthropic foundations. It includes an invitation to participate, without the right to vote, in meetings of the Regional Committee and the opportunity to submit written and/or oral statements through WHO/Europe.
The advantage of participating as a Non-state actor concerns mainly a better engagement with the WHO for the advancement and protection of public health. This includes engagement with nongovernmental organizations, private sector entities, philanthropic organizations, and academic institutions. |
Moreover, the event has been connected to the WHO European Programme of Work 2020–2025 (EPW) – “United Action for Better Health in Europe”, which was adopted last year.
This year, #RC71CPH was held virtually for the second year in a row, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, WHO ensured live streaming of the session on all online platforms and encouraged interactive discussions with the public in order to maintain a healthy meeting environment.
More specifically, Member States were invited to:
- endorse the official launch of the EPW flagships, the European Immunization Agenda 2030 and the Mental Health Coalition;
- draw lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of emergency preparedness and response;
- consider opportunities to reorient health systems, reinvent primary health care and rethink health priorities in the post-COVID-19 era and in the light of future pandemics;
- strengthen WHO politically, technically and financially, making WHO/Europe fit for purpose, and optimizing its impact at country level
In addition to this, a series of briefings and side events are planned for 16 and 17 September 2021, that will aim to continue the discussions on a larger variety of health issues.
The ENSP wants to thank the Regional Director WHO Europe, Hans Kluge, for his kind welcome words and looks forward to closer collaboration! |
Share your views on the RSV-associated burden and disruption to the healthcare system
The European Health Management Association (EHMA) is currently working on the production of a white paper providing evidence-based policy insights into the management and prevention of the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in Europe. Healthcare providers across the ENSP network are encouraged to survey their views on the RSV-associated burden and disruption to the healthcare system.
EHMA has designed four structured questionnaires, addressing each of the care settings utilised by pediatric RSV patients:
Each questionnaire takes a maximum of 20 minutes to complete. Additionally, respondents can enter into a draw to win an Apple watch. The information gathered will be published in the white paper, and will assist decision-makers, health managers and other stakeholders take a long-term preventive approach for the future.
Strategy for a tobacco-free Germany 2040
The English translation of the Strategy for a Tobacco-Free Germany 2040 has been recently published! Endorsed by more than 50 public health and civil society organizations, the strategy was published on World No Tobacco Day several months before the upcoming parliamentary elections in Germany and thus, it is a timely call on the German government to implement tobacco control measures that will lead to less than five per cent of adults and less than two per cent of adolescents in Germany using tobacco products, e-cigarettes or other related products by 2040.
Read the full document...
AHS Scotland's action on NCDs
ASH Scotland, in partnership with other charities, is calling on the Scottish Government to act to reduce the consumption of health-harming products. In this direction, a report and a poster coordinated by the British Heart Foundation Scotland have been launched at the start of the global week of action on NCDs. Together they are calling for urgent action by the Scottish Government to reduce the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and unhealthy food and drink.
The most important thing that their joint efforts demand are in terms of tobacco, with a special focus on the regulations needed to enact restrictions on advertising of e-cigarettes in Scotland (following through on a commitment made in legislation in 2016); and to restore smoking cessation, weight management, and alcohol treatment services as core elements of our national recovery from COVID-19.
Read more…
Fighting for future generations in Romania
"Ramona is a leading voice for change in Romania where she oversees a national campaign aimed at eliminating the death and disease caused by tobacco use."
In a short video from CTFK, she shares her main drivers and motivation factors to fight for a tobacco-free generation, as well as how she contributed to the improvement of the public health system in Romania. |
September: Childhood and Acute myeloid leukaemia Cancers Awareness Month
Evidence suggests that exposure to smoking by family members during pregnancy or exposure to waterpipe and cigarette smoking during their neonatal period is a risk factor for developing cancer. Evidence supports a possible association between maternal smoking during pregnancy with childhood cancers overall, paediatric neuroblastoma, retinoblastoma, certain types of childhood brain tumours and nervous system cancers. Paternal smoking was related to a significantly elevated risk of childhood lymphoblastic leukemia during pregnancy.
Scientific research has confirmed cigarette smoking to be associated with an increased risk of developing myeloid leukaemia in adults. Smoking may result in an imbalance in the haematopoietic system such as changes in the erythrocyte–leukocyte ratio and composition of mature leukocytes in peripheral blood. Although no detailed biological mechanism has been proposed, a causal link has made the association of the systemic effects of cigarette smoke and the presence of chemicals in cigarette smoke and leukaemia risk, evident.
ENSP Brochure 2021: Ending tobacco epidemic, an essential step for beating cancer
Every year, 3.5 million people in the EU are diagnosed with cancer, and 1.3 million die from it. Over 40% of cancer cases are preventable. Without reversing current trends, it could become the leading cause of death in the EU. In 2020, the Commission released its Europe’s beating cancer plan aiming at reducing the cancer burden for patients, their families and health systems. Tobacco is a great risk factor for cancer, often still unknown and underestimated. Thus, every month in 2021, ENSP dedicates a section of "The Network" to a certain type of cancer and its link to tobacco. |
Kellen Nyamurungi Namusisi, Frances Thirlway, Noreen D. Mdege, Joseph K. B. Matovu
Maria Gangadi, Natasa Kalpourtzi, Magda Gavana, Apostolos Vantarakis, Gregory Chlouverakis, Christos Hadjichristodoulou, Gregory Trypsianis, Paraskevi V. Voulgari, Yannis Alamanos, Argiro Karakosta, Giota Touloumi, Anna Karakatsani |
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