A word from the ENSP Secretariat
As we prepare to wrap up another year, at the end of 2021, we would like to thank you for making this one truly special. Despite the continuous uncertain situation, we still managed to create impact through our activities and adopt new approaches to our work, such as hybrid events or the international hackathon, specially tailored for the new digital era that has become our daily reality.
With a great history of positive changes in the public health field, the ENSP is celebrating its 25 years and will keep striving for a better future of new generations. Over the years, our members have worked hard to support and promote the ENSP at the highest level, and contribute to the common progress towards creating a healthier world, something that we are all proud of. Together, we will carry the torch to ensure this dream lives on. We have every confidence in all our members’, partners’, and friends’ talent and expertise to help us capture the many opportunities we see in our future.
With great pleasure, we announce that "The Network" newsletter had over 15.000 readers in 2021, and on this note, we would like to thank you for the interest and support, dear reader!
We close the year with this last edition featuring the highlights of 2021 for the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention.
ENSP Fact Sheet Series 2021
Fact Sheet "Tobacco use and Cancer: The role of smoking cessation"
ENSP Resolution on Art 14 of the WHO FCTC
As one of the most powerful tools ENSP uses to communicate within its network, the monthly newsletter counts today more than 2400 recipients from various countries in the EU and beyond.
Follow the European Network for Smoking Prevention’s Accredited Curriculum on Tobacco Treatment Delivery! ENSP has created an e-learning course designed to empower healthcare providers with necessary knowledge and skills to identify, treat, and follow up with patients who smoke.
Indexed in PubMed, Scopus and the Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index, Tobacco Prevention & Cessation is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompasses all aspects of tobacco use, prevention, and cessation that can promote a tobacco-free society. The aim of the journal is to foster, promote and disseminate research involving tobacco use, prevention, policy implementation at a regional, national, or international level and finally the treatment of tobacco attributable disease through smoking cessation.
For the past five years, the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Preventionhas held its European Conference on Tobacco Control (ECTC) annually, bringing together hundreds of experts, researchers, academics and advocates from across Europe. In 2021 ENSP ECTC took place in a hybrid format via a series of online webinars combined with an onsite event for ENSP members hosted in Paris a few weeks ago.
Created in 2018 during the Capacity Building event in Vienna, Austria, the ENSP Youth Group gathered, in the next years, additional members and continued to meet regularly in order to facilitate communications, promote youth-oriented initiatives and produce advocacy or policy materials within European Tobacco Control activities.
Tobacco as a risk factor for cancer
New Tobacco Dependence Treatment Guidelines
The Environmental issues and Tobacco
Watch again keynote speeches during ENSP events
Online and youth campaigns: World Lung Day
6th ENSP-ECTC Hybrid Conference in Paris
Do you have an event coming up or content to promote?
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The Network - ENSP monthly newsletter |
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