Save the Date: 24 May 2022
French Alliance Contre le Tabac and ENSP World No Tobacco Day conference in Brussels
World Health Organization (WHO) and public health champions around the world are marking World No Tobacco Day this year by focusing on the many ways in which tobacco threatens the environment we live in.
The 2022 global campaign aims to raise public awareness about the environmental impact of the entire tobacco cycle, from its cultivation, production, and distribution to the toxic waste it generates. The campaign will also aim to expose the tobacco industry’s effort to greenwash its reputation and to make its products more appealing by marketing them as environmentally friendly.
In line with this topic, ACT - Alliance Contre le Tabac & ENSP - European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention are partnering to host a special World No Tobaccco Day Conference "Big Tobacco's Greenwashing - a threat for tobacco control in the EU", on Tuesday, 24th of April, in Brussels.
Register for WNTD Conference in Brussels:
Big Tobacco's Greenwashing
A threat for tobacco control in the EU
In this context, prior to WHO-World No Tobacco Day (May 31st), ACT & ENSP will organize on May 24th 2022, a conference for European stakeholders dedicated to tobacco control in Europe, with a particular angle of environmental protection. The conference will be held in Brussels from 9h30 to 16h30, and it will focus on the environmental impact of the tobacco industry & the strategy it uses to greenwash its actions.
Event agenda will follow in due course.
Register and submit your abstract now!
7th ENSP - European Conference on
Tobacco Control
The next ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control (ECTC) will take place on 6-8 July in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. The 7th edition of the Conference is co-organised with ENSP's Greek members and partners. We are pleased to invite you to register and/or submit your abstract for the conference via the forms below.
The deadline for abstract/symposia submission is 15 May 2022.
All questions and collaboration proposals can be address to ENSP Secretariat. |
Other news and publications
27 April: Conference on Tobacco Industry Interference in Spain
The tobacco industry is interfering with public health efforts with various maneuvers to take the lead in the political and legislative process. It is well known how the industry exaggerates its economic importance, manipulates public opinion to be considered socially responsible, or discredits proven science. In the same context established by World No Tobacco Day, our Spanish colleagues and friends will host a webinar on April 27, 2022, focusing on the challenges faced by the tobacco control community in Spain. During this discussion day, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on these challenges at a time when a Comprehensive Plan is foreseen and new tobacco control legislation is soon to be announced. |
27 April: Meeting Healthier Together - EU NCD Initiative Stakeholder Webinar
DG SANTE will hold a stakeholder webinar to discuss progress on the draft EU NCD Initiative "Healthier Together" document and discussion on mental health, neurological disorders and chronic respiratory diseases strands.
The webinar will take place on April 27 from 10:30-12:30 CEST.
27 May: Register to the 2022 ECPC Conference
After two years, the ECPC Conference will be held in Brussels, offering all interested participants the chance to meet in person.
The Conference "The Cancer Policy & Research Landscape in the meta-Covid Era" will be held on the 27th of May 2022 from 14:30h to 19:00h CEST. A dinner will follow at 20:00h CEST.
This year, ECPC aims to offer a program that is useful to patient advocates for bringing back concise information about what the European landscape in cancer is, offering opportunities to reconnect with other ECPC members, sharing patients' experience of the two past years and their impact on their organisations and themselves. Join us in this engaging discussion shedding light upon the cancer policy and research landscape and the role of the patients and their informal carers. The final agenda of the meeting will be shared soon.
All registrations must be submitted by Friday, 5th May 2022, midday CET.
The fight against smoking:
Advertising Agency censors Coalition of Non-Profit Organizations
In February 2022, the advertising agency Mediatransports twice refused to allow the French public health group, ACT-Alliance contre le tabac to advertise in the Parisian subway and railway stations. The blocked advertisements are from ACT’s latest campaign “Change their future” which denounces the tobacco industry’s exploitation of young people.
Mediatransports based their censorship on the fallacious grounds that ACT’s advertisements “denigrate the industry” and fall under “unfair practices.”. ACT – an NGO recognized as a general interest organization and mandated by the French National Health Insurance Fund to reveal the harms of the tobacco industry – denounces this refusal by the Mediatransports advertising agency to allow ACT to raise public awareness through factual and documented campaign materials.
The fight against smoking is also a war on resources. In France, it is impossible to quantify the indirect advertising gains of the tobacco industry which circumvents regulations. Across the Channel,
The Guardian revealed that British American Tobacco spent a billion pounds (about 1.2 billion euros ) on a marketing campaign on social networks, including TikTok.
Public health defenders need the support and participation of the advertising industry. It is essential to deliver verified, public health information, separate from the information provided by the tobacco lobby, to the public to strengthen the health of our nation. This is our shared social responsibility, important for all stakeholders! ACT reiterated this message during the French presidential campaign, educating all candidates on the need to strengthen the transparency of the tobacco industry's lobbies in order to effectively fight against tobacco use and cancer in France.
Read more (FR)...
NGO Statement of Support for WHO's decision on Covifenz vaccine
At the beginning of April 2022, a statement of support for WHO’s recent decision on the Covifenz vaccine has been signed by 63 non-governmental organizations from around the world. These NGOs are deeply concerned about the tobacco industry's involvement in vaccine and biotech development and the potential for these efforts to advance the industry’s corporate social marketing campaigns.
Moreover, there are concerns about resulting Party violations of the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control Article 5.3 (industry interference) due to government collaborations with tobacco companies. Therefore, WHO’s approval of the Covifenz vaccine would conflict with Article 5.3 of the FCTC and it would violate the FENSA engagement guidelines.
The undersigned organizations encourage WHO to stand firm in rejecting involvement with vaccines sponsored by tobacco companies and ensure that any future WHO policies will reflect the letter and spirit of Article 5.3 of the FCTC. For these reasons and others described in the statement, NGOs urge the WHO and its partners to continue to refrain from assisting with the promotion, procurement, and distribution of the Covifenz vaccine.
New Australian report on electronic cigarettes and their health impact
As the industry targets especially the young generation with their new products and the vaping trend, a systematic evidence review conducted in Australia brings again strong evidence which emphasizes the importance of e-cigarette risks.
Evidence shows that there is a higher risk of addiction to smoking in people who use e-cigarettes, as well as the risk of double use of products (traditional products and novel tobacco products). The governmental report also highlights a number of health problems that could occur after using these products: respiratory problems, burns, injuries, poisoning, neurological outcomes, or other adverse effects. Moreover, the environmental impact is now undeniable.
The latest publications in the TPC Journal:
Dharma N. Bhatta, Ruchi Adhikari
Marcela Fu, Dolors Carnicer-Pont, Yolanda Castellano, Montse Ballbè, Xisca Sureda, Antònia Raich, Jose M. Martínez-Sánchez, Cristina Martínez, Antoni Baena, Anna Riccobene, Marta Enríquez, Esteve Fernández
Joshua S. Yang, Afsana Faruqui, Angela Sou, Tim K. Mackey |
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