5-7 April 2016, Brussels (Belgium) |
Special Edition
ENSP Conference on Tobacco Control
Taking place from 5th to 7th April 2016, ENSP first conference has as a theme this year
"Research, Prevention & Treatment" and will focus on the understanding and treatment of the tobacco epidemic including; factors initiating tobacco use; health hazards due to tobacco use; economic consequences of tobacco use; approaches for tobacco control; pathophysiology of nicotine addiction; evidence-based tobacco treatment (counselling and pharmacotherapy); tobacco control legislation (international and national); tobacco control services in the country; establishing and operating a smoking cessation center.
Day 1 (Tuesday 5 April) will include keynote speeches and presentations on the European Tobacco Products Directive, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), e-cigarettes, additives in tobacco products, tackling the industry, youth prevention, taxation, plain packaging etc. There will also be a special plenary session at the European Parliament, followed by a cocktail reception on the afternoon of the 5th.
Day 2 (Wednesday 6 April) focuses on tobacco treatment and handling nicotine addiction, including cognitive and behavioral treatment within the form of workshops. The programme includes presentations on tobacco control, case studies, guidelines for smoking cessation among high risk groups & hands on workshops on how to perform smoking cessation in clinical practice.
Day 3 (Thursday 7 April), fully sponsored by ISPTID as its satellite session, will include plenary speeches and oral presentations on a wide range of topics, including women smoking, tobacco use and oral health, waterpipes use and citisine in tobacco dependance treatment.
The conference programme is now available
The programme for the three-day event is now available. It includes presentations in plenary and parallel sessions, as well as workshops and symposiums. Experts in tobacco control, Policy makers, Researchers and Academics from around Europe but also Australia, Canada, USA and Japan, have confirmed their support and participation in this international conference, which focuses particularly on science and evidence-based activities.
Please note that the programme is subject to change, and will be updated continuously up to the conference.
Registrations are now open for delegates and presenters
Registrations are now open. Due to security measures at the European Parliament, whether you are a delegate or a presenter, you will need to fill in two separate forms, the second of which will ask you for personal details including ID numbers, date of birth and nationality. This is the normal procedure. Therefore, when completing the generic registration, you will be prompted to fill a registration form for the "European Parliament session " . Plese ensure you complete both, otherwise access will be denied.
Places for the conference are limited, and priority will be given to ENSP members and partner organisations. We would therefore encourage everyone to register as soon as possible, and no later than Monday 21st March 2016, to avoid disappointment.
Information for ENSP Members and EU Project Partners (EUREST PLUS and TOB-g)
Along side this three-day event, ENSP members and project partners are expected to attend various meetings, set in parallel. If you are involved in the EUREST PLUS or the TOB-g projects, or you are an ENSP member organisation, you will be directly contacted and informed as to which meeting to attend. Every effort has been made to enable you to make the most of the conference, as well as attending your respective meetings.
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