Welcome to the September 2016 edition of The Network. ENSP invites you to attend a series of events and activities in tobacco control taking place this fall in Europe and world-wide. We particularly highlight the high-level event "Roadmap to a Tobacco-Free Romania 2035" on 8 September in Bucharest, the EQUIPT Final Project Conference on 27 September in Brussels and the ENSP Annual Capacity Building Event and Network Meeting on 19-21 October in Ljubljana. Find more details on each of the events below.
ENSP Capacity Building Event and Network Meeting
19-21 October - Ljubljana, Slovenia
ENSP holds its annual Capacity Building Event and Network Meeting from 19 to 21 October in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The Capacity Building Event and Network Meeting welcomes free of charge ENSP members as well as wider stakeholders with the aim to provide them with updated information, practical tools and above all, support them in their respective projects. This year, with the support of the Slovenian Government and national NGOs, we have agreed to organise the event in Ljubljana (Slovenia) from 19th to 21st October 2016. We anticipate an audience of around 100 people, including national representatives, Healthcare professionals, NGOs, academics, experts and also young people from around Europe.
Combining presentations from experts and moderated practical group workshops, the two-and-a-half-day event will focus on the following four topics:
- Tackling tobacco interference
- TPD and plain packaging
- Tobacco Dependence Treatment
- Youth Advocacy
On Friday 21st October, the morning session will take place at the Slovenian National Council in front of an audience of high-level government representatives, in order to show international support for the Slovenian new tobacco law. The first part will give the audience an overview on tobacco issues and hot topics, while the second half offers a discussion round-table (in Slovenian - Interpreters available) on the specificities of the national legislation.
Download the Save the Date.
Please register for the Capacity Building Workshop before Monday 3 October. |
High-level event: Roadmap to Tobacco Free Romania 2035
Bucharest, Romania - 8 September
On 8 September 2016 ENSP and Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids organises the high-level event
to Tobacco Free Romania 2035 in Bucharest, Romania. The event marks the joint call to action for Romania’s first holistic and whole-system approach to tobacco control. Under the auspices of the President of Romania, His Excellency Klaus Werner Iohannis, the Strategy to Create the First Tobacco-Free Generation by 2035 will put clear emphasis on prevention, protection, and well-being for future generations, with an ambition to achieve the end-game goal for tobacco in Romania.
Read more about the event.
EQUIPT FInal project conference, 27 September 2016 in Brussels
The EQUIPT project team is pleased to invite you to the final project conference in Brussels on Tuesday 27 September, 2016.
EQUIPT is a comparative effectiveness research project in tobacco control, that brings together expertise from multiple disciplines and aims to provide policy makers and wider stakeholders with bespoke information about the economic and wider returns that investing in evidence-based tobacco control including smoking cessation agendas can generate.
The final project conference will present all EQUIPT project results and offer a demonstration of the Return On Investment (ROI) tool by project partners. We are expecting around 100 participants to the conference, including stakeholders, policy makers and project contributors.
Read more about EQUIPT on www.equipt.eu
Register to the conference by contacting andrea.glahn@ensp.org
Impact Assessment on Directive 2011/64/EU on Excise Duty in tobacco products |
Directive 2011/64/EU on the structure and rates of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco sets out minimum rates for excise duty on cigarettes and other tobacco products. The Commission has now started the preparations for an Impact Assessment of the directive. |
The assessment will among others focus on the questions:
- Should taxation of novel (tobacco) products such as electronic-cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco products be harmonized at EU-level?
- Is there a need for EU-action to avoid that raw tobacco is diverted to the illegal circuit or sold on retail level without excise duties?
- Are certain products taking advantage of the differences in tax rates between different categories?
NGOs active in the health area are targeted as stakeholders to the assessment in Q3 and Q4 of 2016. On 8 September 2016, DG TAXUD organises a Roundtable Tobacco meeting on the Impact Assessment of the directive. Read more in the consultation strategy and in the European Commission Inception Impact Assessment.
European Commission launches a public consultation on additives used in
tobacco products |
The European Commission and the SCHEER committee (Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks) have launched a public consultation on the Preliminary Opinion published by SCHEER on additives used in tobacco products. The opinion provides guidelines for the types of studies and their criteria that should be requested by manufacturers when assessing the relevance of individual additives. It outlines studies to be made for the priority list of 15 additives and for other additives that may be added to the list in the future.
All interested parties are invited to submit written comments on the preliminary opinion by 22 September 2016. Read more on the consultation. |
Hungary finalises Plain Packaging requirements |
On 20 August 2016 a new Hungarian legislation came into force, regulating the packaging of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco products in accordance with the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD).
The legislation will be effective at retailer level as of 20 May 2017. Furthermore, the legislation introduces plain packaging for cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco products to be implemented by 20 May 2019.
Serbia and Croatia's high-level authorities breach obligations of
international agreements
Serbia and Croatia's high-level authorities have been observed to breach international agreements' obligations on tobacco control by having meetings with British American Tobacco (BAT) and declaring the importance of cooperation with BAT in their countries.
On 25 August 2016, ENSP and 28 other organisations expressed their concern with these attempts of the tobacco industry to subvert tobacco control and public health policies in Serbia and Croatia in an open letter to the President and Government of the Republic of Croatia and the President and Government of the Republic of Serbia.
Read the full letter.
President Erdogan to visit Philip Morris CEO |
In a 30-day campaign, Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will visit 24 countries to present the advantages of investing in Turkey. Among the prominent CEO's on Erdogan's list is Philip Morris International Managing Director PM Turkey, Morris Enrique Jimenez. |
Along with 32 other organisations, ENSP has co-signed a statement urging President Erdogan to reconsider including tobacco industry representatives in his world tour. The inclusion of a tobacco corporation not only risks tarnishing Turkey's well-deserved reputation on health matters, but also the success of this specific venture. Ultimately the visit would violate Article 5.3 of the FCTC to which Turkey is a partner.
Read the full statement.
Progress in New Zeland's Plain Packaging Bill |
New Zealand's Tobacco Plain Packaging bill shows promising progress as it was approved by the Committee of the Whole on 24 August by a vote of 108 to 13. The bill goes to the third and final reading.
Interview with TackSHS Project Coordinator, Prof Esteve Fernandez |
The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) features an interview with Prof Esteve Fernandez, Project Coordinator of TackSHS on his current work in TackSHS and research on tobacco control in general. Esteve is the Director of the WHO Collaborating Center at the Catalan Institute of Oncology and associate professor of public health at University of Barcelona.
"We aim to have a comprehensive understanding of the exposure to second-hand smoke and aerosols from electronic cigarettes so that we will be able to protect the population from these hazards by means of effective evidence-based policies and interventions," Esteve explains about TackSHS.
The TackSHS project was made possible thanks to the recent GACD Lung Diseases Call.
Read the full interview. |
Consensus Paper calls for improved implementation of FCTC Article 14 on tobacco dependence and cessation |
In a recent consensus paper published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, fifteen experts on tobacco dependence call on policy makers to take action to reduce the human, societal and economic burden of tobacco use by improving the implementation of Article 14 on tobacco dependence and cessation.
The consensus paper highlights the need to further advance the availability and access to services to support cessation of tobacco use. The experts find that implementation of these services in line with Article 14 can and should be significantly improved to protect the health of European citizens. |
DG SANTE to support implementation of TPD in remaining EU Member States |
As of 15 June 2016, 17 EU Member States have notified DG SANTE of the transposition of the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) into national law. Out of these, eight Member States have notified complete transposition and nine have notified partial transposition. In a meeting with the group of experts on tobacco policy on 15-16 June 2016, DG SANTE underlined that it will support Member States still working on transposition of the TPD.
Read more on the transposition of the TPD in individual Member States.
Imperial Tobacco finds new way to counter plain packaging |
Imperial Tobacco has deployed a new method to counter the use of Plain Packs for cigarettes. The solution consists of a soft lift-out package placed inside the plain packaged cardboard package. After buying the plain package, consumers can throw away the packaging and keep the internal foil package. The Australian federal Department of Health is currently investigating the issue, which is not specifically mentioned in the Australian Plain Packaging Act.
New study: Regulatory intervention is necessary to keep young people from
The use of electronic cigarettes is growing rapidly. A study recently published in
Pediatrics shows that young people are attracted to the use of e-cigarettes by curiosity and continues to use them due to low prices. Regulatory strategies like increasing costs or prohibiting e-cigarette use in certain places could have an impact on preventing continued use of e-cigarettes among young people. In addition, the study shows that it may be needed to realise interventions that deliberately target current cigarette smokers and younger students. |
FCTC speeds up prohibition of tobacco marketing in partner countries
In a recently published study researchers Heikki Hiilamo and Stanton Glantz demonstrate that the FCTC has successfully sped up the prohibition of tobacco marketing across the world. Hiilamo and Glantz have studied the development of marketing prohibitions in countries that are partners to the FCTC and countries that are not. They looked at marketing in TV and radio, printed media, on big screens, in shops and through sponsoring. Countries that become partners to the Convention have in average sped up the introduction of marketing prohibitions, especially in what concerns low and middle income countries, compared to countries that have not become partners. |
New Published Articles
Reasons for Polytobacco Use among Young Adults: Scale Development and Validation
Carla J Berg, Regine Haardoerfer, Gillian Schauer, Betelihem Getachew, Matt Masters, Bennett McDonald, Jill Shah, Jackelyn Payne, Raina Sarmah, Michael Windle
Are hospitality workers aware and do they support the State-wide Regulation of Smoking Law in Lagos state Nigeria?
Oluwakemi Ololade Odukoya, Uche Ohanusi, Banji Olokodana
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