Special Edition: Christmas 2017 |
ENSP President Dr. Fransicso Lozano wishes you Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year 2017
Dear ENSP members, partners, colleagues and friends,
Last year has been good for smoking and tobacco prevention in Europe. While some countries have achieved more progress than others, big steps have been made across the European Union, where the Tobacco Products Directive has been transposed and entered into force. Endowed with a much better basic framework than formerly, the TPD serves as an example, not only on the European continent, but also in North Africa and Latin America, where tobacco control legislation is finding exceptional inspiration in EU policies.
The Directive is a framework of minimum regulations for tobacco packaging and additives, which states the possibility of introducing legislation beyond these requirements. Considering public health as a fundamental right for citizens and smoking as the main cause of death and preventable diseases, a number of countries have established policies for a comprehensive approach to tackle tobacco use, which go beyond the provisions of the TPD. Measures include improved cessation aid services, education campaigns aimed at discouraging the younger generations from taking up smoking, increased taxes on tobacco products and adoption of plain packaging.
As the theme for this year’s World No Tobacco Day, plain packaging is a measure of high current relevance and proven effectiveness, which should make up part of any comprehensive approach to smoking prevention. As results are gathered from the implementation across Europe and Australia, I am convinced that plain packaging will be adopted in an increasing number of European countries. This will happen despite the aggressive attacks from the tobacco industry, which reckons it as their last weapon to target children and young people. I take this opportunity to congratulate France and the UK who already adopted plain packaging along with Ireland, Hungary and Norway who have approved the measure and await its implementation. Finally I encourage and applaud the governments that recently manifested strong support towards the measure such as Belgium, Slovenia and Finland.
Within this context, I would like to express my gratitude to all ENSP members and partners for being the driving forces behind the adoption of these and other crucial measures in tobacco control. Your work and pressure against the powerful, and increasingly threatening tobacco industry has resulted in important achievements and, most importantly, have paved the way towards further measures in tobacco control and stronger public support for tobacco-free societies. I encourage you to keep working hard for the adoption and implementation of effective tobacco control measures, with the assurance and a personal commitment that you will always have the support of the ENSP network and Secretariat.
Next year will be full of important challenges, starting with the Revision of the tobacco taxes directive, decisions on the EU mechanism for tracking and tracing and the full implementation of the TPD. On behalf of ENSP, I would like to reiterate that in 2017, we will do everything in our power to stay strong, proactive and more than ever by your side. The health and wellbeing of our fellow citizens remains our priority.
I wish you, and your loved ones, a very happy holiday and a successful new year.
Francisco Rodriguez Lozano
ENSP President
ENSP is recruiting a Communication and office assistant
ENSP is currently recruiting a Communication and office assistant to support the Secretariat with activities related to the daily running of the Brussels office.
Read the full job description and send your application to cornel.radu@ensp.org before 16 January 2017. |
Join us for the first event of 2017:
The ABC to lead actions on Chronic Respiratory Diseases in Europe
Brussels - 11 January 2017
Chronic respiratory diseases account for more than 315,000 Europeans dying every year. Diseases such as respiratory allergy, asthma and COPD cost more than €300 billion to Europe’s economy annually.
How can we act to reduce the burden of these diseases on both patients and Europe’s health and long-term care systems?
This event will serve as the grand finale to our #BreatheMission campaign to ask Members of the European Parliament to take action against chronic respiratory diseases by signing the written declaration 115/2016 on chronic respiratory diseases.
The sessions will facilitate energetic and participatory discussions as we look from a range of perspectives at the importance of taking care of the respiratory health of European citizens, and how we can work to tackle the issue and improve treatment and care for patients.
Read more here. |
New Published Articles
A Dollars and “Sense” Exploration of Vape Shop Spending and E-cigarette Use
Clara G Sears, Joy L Hart, Kandi L Walker, Alexander S Lee, Rachel Keith, S. Lee Ridner
Tobacco Control at Community Colleges: Context and Opportunities
Scott McIntosh, Andrew F. Wall, Tye Johnson, Douglas H. Done, Jordan H. Kurtzman, Duncan Ververs, Deborah J. Ossip
Prevalence and predictors of e-cigarette trial among adolescents in Argentina
Paola Morello, Adriana Perez, Lorena Peña, Paula Lozano, James F. Thrasher, James Sargent, Raul Mejia
Tobacco packaging and labelling policies in countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and Western Pacific Regions: Post-deadline assessment of the time-bound measures of WHO FCTC Article 11
Aya Mostafa, Mina Kashiwabara
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