Calendar of Events - Spring 2017 |
Join ENSP for a number of international conferences in tobacco control during Spring 2017:
- ECTOH Porto (Portugal), 23-25 March 2017. Join the three ENSP Sessions with presentations by ENSP members and partners. ENSP members also present their work at several parallel sessions, poster sessions and presentations throughout the conference.
ENSP International Conference on Tobacco Control - 22-24 May 2017
Final deadline: 22 February 2017 |
Join ENSP for a number of international conferences in tobacco control during Spring 2017:
- ECTOH Porto (Portugal), 23-25 March 2017. Join the three ENSP Sessions with presentations by ENSP members and partners. ENSP members also present their work at several parallel sessions, poster sessions and presentations throughout the conference.
Read more about the conference, its key speakers, and organising partners. ENSP is happy to welcome the organisation Unfairtobacco.org as newest partner to the conference.
Following several requests from authors and members, the Scientific Committee has agreed to prolong the deadline for submission of proposals for oral presentations, parallel and poster sessions by one week, to allow the last proposals to be finalised and submitted. Therefore, we would very much recommend all submissions to be done by Wednesday 22 February 2017. |
Towards an EU-wide traceability of tobacco products
European Parliament Event, Brussels (Belgium) - 2 March 2017
On 2 March 2017, ENSP and French MEP Gilles Pargneaux (S&D) organise the event
Towards an EU-wide traceability of tobacco products: Ensuring an independent and efficient system to fight illicit trade and protect public health in the European Parliament, Brussels.
The event presents sessions on the latest trends in the global illicit trade of tobacco products, an EU system for Tracking & Tracing and International best practices in tracking and tracing:
Draft Programme
Opening speech
Gilles PARGNEAUX, MEP, Vice-chair of the environment, health and food protection committee & member of the budget control committee
Session 1
Latest trends in the global illicit trade of tobacco products
Session 2
Towards an EU system for Tracking & Tracing tobacco products: implementing articles 15 & 16 of the EU Tobacco Products directive - Presentation by Dr Andrzej RYS, Director in DG SANTE (EU Commission – Brussels)
Session 3
Tracking & tracing: key learnings from other industries and international best practices
Closing speech
Dr Francisco Rodriguez Lozano, President of the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP)
See the full Draft Agenda |
Due to EU Parliament security requirements, registrations will close on
23 February 2017 |
Welcome to our new members
ENSP warmly welcomes our two new members: the School of Public Health, American University of Armenia, and Kosovo Advocacy & Development Centre. We are also more than happy to welcome Senior Researcher at the School of Public Health, American University of Armenia, Arusyak Harutyunyan, as an individual member of ENSP.
The School of Public Health, American University of Armenia works towards improving the health of the people of Armenia through interdisciplinary training and development of health professionals as leaders in public health, health services research and evaluation, and health care delivery and management. Read more..
Kosovo Advocacy & Development Centre is an NGO dedicated to enhance public health of citizens and protection of the environment by informing, involving and empowering public voice in health and environmental policies and decision making processes. The organisation is engaged in raising awareness of the risks of tobacco consumption and the improved implementation of the Tobacco Control Law. Read more..
We look forward to working with you!
EU Commissioner Andriukaitis committed to support smoke-free environments
In an answer to a written question from Croatian MEPs, Ivan Jakovčić and Jozo Radoš, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Dr. Vytenis Andriukaitis, highlights the EU's recommendations for improved protection from second-hand smoke in public places. In a Recommendation from 2009 ((2009/C 296/02)2), the Council of the EU called on Member States to “provide effective protection from exposure to tobacco smoke in indoor workplaces, indoor public places, public transport and, as appropriate, other public places.” |
The European Commission recommendations on Implementation of the Council recommendations showed that in 2013 all Member States had introduced smoke-free legislation, however with great variety in the content of policies and the level of their implementation.
Commissioner Andriukaitis points out that the Commission regularly discusses progress in this area with Member States' competent authorities and is committed to continue working with the Member States in their implementation of the Council Recommendation on smoke-free environments.
Call for Applications to FCTC 2030 Initiative
The WHO FCTC Secretariat has recently launched its “FCTC 2030” initiative, which aims to strengthen tobacco control in developing countries. As part of the programme, up to 15 Parties can receive individually tailored assistance from the FCTC Secretariat and UN Development Programme to implement various provisions of the Convention. Countries will be offered support to implement the WHO FCTC, including treaty obligations to ban tobacco advertising and promotion, require effective health warnings on tobacco packaging, implement smoke-free work and public places, increase tobacco taxation and protect public health policies from tobacco industry interference.
The initiative is open for applications from FCTC Partner countries eligible to receive official development assistance. Read more on how to apply.
Deadline for applications is 6 March. |
WHO launches call for nominations to World No Tobacco Day Awards 2017
The World Health Organization is calling for nominations to the World No Tobacco Day Awards 2017 to individuals or organizations in each of the six WHO Regions for their accomplishments in the area of tobacco control.
There will be a maximum of six World No Tobacco Day awards per WHO region. Two of the awardees might be granted special recognition by means of a WHO Director-General Special Recognition Award.
Anyone can submit names for the nomination and the nominee may be an individual or a collective who has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the policies and measures contained in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and its guidelines, particularly in relation to the theme of World No Tobacco Day 2017: Tobacco - A threat to development.
Read more and access the nomination form..
World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) Award 2016.
From left: Roberto Bertollini, Chief Scientist and WHO Representative to the EU, Awardee of WNTD Award 2016 Europe Region Mrs Aurelia Cristea, Member of Parliament, Romania, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Dr. Vytenis Andriukaitis and Awardee of WNTD Award 2016 Europe Region, Coalition Romania Breathes represented by Mrs Ramona Brad.
Deadline for submissions is 30 March 2017. |
249 MEPs signed the Written Declaration on chronic diseases
January 24 2017 was the final day for MEPs to voice their support for further action on chronic respiratory diseases through the Written Declaration 115/2016. The Declaration collected 249 signatures, meaning that 1 in 3 MEPs actively supported further action in the area.
Throughout the campaign European patients, doctors, public health and environmental advocates joined forces to seek the support of the European Parliament to embed a “health in all policies” approach at European level to improve respiratory health. Read more about the final event organised in the frame of the Written Declaration, Act. Belive. Care. held in the European Parliament on 11 January by ENSP, EFA, ERS and EAACI.
ENSP would like to thank all ENSP members and collaborating partners for their efforts during the campaign.
EQUIPT Project Results now available
EQUIPT is a comparative effectiveness research project in tobacco control, which has developed decision-support tools to compare the cost of tobacco control interventions with savings to the local economy and the wider health sector. All deliverables from the project are now available online.
Follow SILNE-R on Research Gate:
Find the newest research on effectiveness of tobacco control policies
Within most European populations, smoking prevalence rates differ substantially according to people’s educational level, occupational class and income level. Large inequalities in smoking are now emerging in all European countries, especially in the youngest generations.
SILNE-R is a three year research project funded by the EU's Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020, which aims to identify evidence on the effectiveness of policies, programmes and interventions that have already been implemented at national or local levels. Evaluations of these actions may help to estimate more directly what has been achieved and what can further be achieved by real-world actions in the field of tobacco control.
Read much more about SILNE-R researchers on Research Gate and follow the project progress via www.silne-r.ensp.org
Call for French-speaking dissemination subcontractors to the TOB-G project
In the frame of the EU funded project
Tobacco Cessation Guidelines for High Risk Groups (TOB-G), ENSP launches a call for applications to contract for the provision of supporting services relevant to the project dissemination activities in Belgium (French speaking community) and France.
TOB-G project is a 30-month project, aiming to develop and implement an innovative and cost effective approach to prevent chronic diseases related to tobacco dependence. The specialized guidelines for high risks groups will be developed according to ENSP’s evidence based practices in tobacco cessation. High risk populations are considered those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, COPD, type 2 diabetes, adolescents and pregnant women.
The subcontractor is expected to support the dissemination activities in Belgium (French speaking community) and France.
Read more.. |
WHO/Europe Tobacco Control Plabook |
WHO's Tobacco Control Playbook developed by its Regional Office for Europe aims to provide a single source of information explaining how tobacco industry players proactively misinform the general public, and offers governments as well as the public health community clear evidence-based responses to their deceptive arguments.
To disseminate this important work carried out by WHO Europe,
the Network features key arguments from the Playbook of relevance to ENSP members and stakeholders in the tobacco control community. Read more about the impact of tobacco taxation on illicit trade:
"Tobacco Taxation does not result in Illicit Trade"
High tobacco taxes have not been shown to be associated with high levels of illicit trade; instead illicit trade is more common in countries where governance is poor, whether taxes are high or low. Legitimate concerns about illicit trade in many countries are being used by the tobacco industry to try to keep taxes low. Yet increasing tobacco taxes as part of a comprehensive tobacco control strategy effectively decreases smoking prevalence while also increasing government revenue, regardless of levels of illicit trade.
Key arguments for tobacco taxation include:
- Implementation guidelines for Article 6 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control on price and tax measures state that the development of tobacco tax policies should be protected from the tobacco industry and any arguments made by its front groups.
- The Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products calls for stronger, cooperative systems to curb illicit tobacco trade. This includes measures such as licensing, regulations on international transit, and sanctions applicable to those complicit in illicit tobacco trade.
- Given the tobacco industry’s complicity in illicit tobacco trade, the Protocol also calls for transparency in any interactions with the tobacco industry related to illicit trade matters.
Read more about the arguments for increased tobacco taxation on the Tobacco Control Playbook. |
MEP Alojz Peterle receives the ENSP Award for
Outstanding contribution to Tobacco Control
On 24 January 2017 MEP Alojz Peterle received the ENSP Award for Outstanding contribution to Tobacco Control in the European Parliament, Brussels. Mr Peterle is President of the European Parliament group
Members of European Parliament against Cancer, which works towards improving cancer prevention and control in Europe, in the belief that European cooperation adds value to member state actions. In his work, Mr Peterle has proven high commitment to provide added value in the fight against cancer at EU level and for the European Parliament to improve cooperation with stakeholders in the Member States.
The nomination of Mr Peterle for the ENSP Award for Outstanding contribution to Tobacco Control was announced during the ENSP Conference and Network Meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia in October 2016. See all awardees of the ENSP Awards. |
National parliament passes bill for plain packaging and tighter tobacco control
On 15 February 2017 the Slovenian Parliament accepted the new tobacco bill that includes plain packaging, ban on smoking in cars in the presence of minors, licenses to sell tobacco, a total display ban and further measures. The bill passed by 61:0.
The proposed amendment to introduce specialized shops to sell tobacco did not pass the Health Committee, and the proposal for the earmarked taxes did not pass the Government reading.
Most of the adopted measures will come into force as of 1 March 2017 while plain packaging will be implemented on 1 January 2020.
Poland cellebrate 20 Years of Tobacco Control
Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the Polish Tobacco Control Bill, Health Promotion Foundation, Poland has now published a series of articles documenting the developments in tobacco control in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe.
In the 1980s Poland was the country with the highest cigarette consumption in the world and the highest smoking prevalence in Europe. Following the Tobacco Control Bill implemented in 1996, a series of measures were introduced including large health warnings on cigarette packs and a complete ban on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.
Health Promotion Foundation President and Founder, Prof. Witold Zatonski, notes that the publications mark the substantial advances in Polish tobacco control and public health since the 1980s.
“The reason I became interested in tobacco control was the dramatic rise of lung cancer morbidity in Poland, which by the 1980s reached one of the highest levels in the world. For a physician and health advocate, being able to observe a halving of cancer rates during my professional life has been an extremely gratifying experience.”, says Prof. Witold Zatonski.
Read more and download the publications.. |
Support tobacco control prior to the French presidential election
Sign Appel Des 100.000
2017 is the year of both Presidential and Parliamentary elections in France. For tobacco control to gain weight in political debates and public opinion, French ENSP member, Alliance contre le tabac (Alliance against tobacco), has launched a petition to mobilize stakeholders and health professionals against the tobacco epidemic.
Alliance contre le tabac calls on all doctors, medical professors, medical students, prevention actors, tobacco control specialists and volunteers to sign the petition and underline the dangers of tobacco.
With the support of the national and international tobacco control community the Alliance will challenge the candidates for the presidential election to:
- Prohibit the sale of tobacco to minors
- Increase the price of cigarette packages to 10 euros
- Break down clientelism and tobacco lobbies at all levels
- Install earmarked tobacco taxes to reach national tobacco reduction targets
Read all about the petition here [French/English]. Access www.appeldes100000.fr to sign the petition or inform of your signature directly to francesanstabac@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support!
New Romania's Charter for a tobaccofree Generation 2035:
ENSP is in full support |
The campaign for the First Romanian Tobacco-Free Generation in 2035 has recently launched Romania's Charter for a Tobacco-Free Generation 2035. The document is a commitment paper and a work program drawn up by representatives of civil society and of medical societies with the purpose of protecting the right to life and health of the Romanian adult and child population, by eliminating the most important avoidable risk factor for chronic diseases, tobacco use.
The document puts forward a set of measures aiming at having adolescents choose not to start smoking, so that children born as of 2017 could become the first tobacco-free generation by the time they each adulthood.
2035 being the year when they will be able to legally buy tobacco products, we may hope that it will stand for a new generation free from tobacco as young people would choose not to smoke.
ENSP has signed the Charter and invites all interested members and partners to support the initiative by doing so. Please contact ramona.brad@clearpoint.ro for further details.
Romania reports unprecedented levels of support for tobacco reduction policies
As part of the national strategy and campaign “2035 – The First Generation without Tobacco”, Aer Pur Association Romania has called for a national quantitative study aimed at investigating the general public’s perception towards tobacco control policies.
The study shows an unprecedented level of general support for tobacco use reduction policies among the population (85%) and support for the legal ban on indoor smoking that is even higher than prior to the adoption of the law (80%).
The campaign “2035 – The First Generation without Tobacco” seeks to reduce tobacco consumption in Romania by generating public policies that regulate how manufacturers of tobacco products advertise their products both at points of sale amd through promotions and sponsorships. Aer Pur Association Romania conducts a number of advocacy, advertising and communication actions with the aim to reach the objectives of the national campaign.
Read more..
Germany decides to ratify the WHO FCTC
Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products
On 8 February, the German federal government decided to ratify the WHO FCTC Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. The Protocol sets binding standards for the contracting states and provides a framework for international cooperation with the aim to combat the illegal production, counterfeiting and smuggling of tobacco products. |
The Protocol plans to install a licensing and control system as well as a worldwide tracking and tracking system for tobacco products are planned among others.
Federal Minister of Health, Hermann Gröhe, has expressed that Germany is sending a clear signal against tobacco smuggling and counterfeiting with the decision to ratify the Protocol.
The Protocol, which was adopted in 2013, enters into force when 40 Contracting Parties to the WHO FCTC have adopted, accepted, approved or formally confirmed it. Currently 16 Partners need to give their consent to the Protocol before it is adopted. |
Lithuanian tobacco control advocates sign position against
tobacco industry interference
The Lithuanian National Tobacco and Alcohol Control Coalition (NTAKK) and co-organising Lithuanian institutions involved in tobacco control policy have recently signed a consensus position regarding their commitment to protect tobacco control policy from interference of the tobacco industry. The position focuses on implementation of tracking and tracing systems in accordance with the TPD and aims to promote awareness of the international tobacco control treaties ratified by Lithuania, among these the FCTC Protocol to eliminate illicit trade in tobacco products, which was ratified by Lithuania in December 2016. The position will serve as a basis for implementing more transparent solutions within different agencies as well as within the framework of international negotiations and cooperation.
Read the full consensus position.
French Health Minister goes further in tackling Tobacco Industry marketing:
Ban of misleading trade names and brands
French NGO Les Droits des Non-Fumeurs (DNF) welcomes the proposal to ban certain brands and trade names of tobacco products brought forward by Health Minister Marisol Touraine. The prohibition is based on Article 13 of the European directive of 2014, transposed into French law by an ordinance and its implementing decree adopted in the summer of 2016. |
The decree states that "Messages, symboles, trade marks.., which
- Suggest that a tobacco product is less harmful than others; Aims to reduce the harmful effects of certain components of smoke; Exhibits vitalising, energizing, curative, rejuvenating, natural, biological, beneficial to health or lifestyle properties; Contributes to weight loss; Increases the power of sexual attraction, or social status, or femininity or masculinity or elegance;
- Evoke a taste, odor, aroma or other additive, or the absence thereof;
- Suggest economic advantages,
shall in particular be regarded as elements and devices which contribute to the promotion of tobacco."
DNF welcomes this critical position against an industry which is accountable for 78.000 deaths in France each year. As electoral deadlines emerge, DNF hopes that all candidates will become aware of the need to continue and amplify efforts against tobacco consumption.
Bosnia & Herzegovina adopts draft tobacco law
Today, 16 February 2017, the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the draft of the Law on control and limited use of tobacco, tobacco products and other smoking products. The law includes:
- A comprehensive smoking ban in all indoor public places; in all workplaces; in all public transport; in private car if there is a minor inside; at public gathering;
- Ban of sale of tobacco products to minors;
- Ban of display of cigarettes at the retail level;
- Ban of sale of tobacco products within 100 meters near schools;
- Ban of tobacco products containing flavors, vitamins, caffeine, taurine, colours and other additives;
- Ban of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.
ENSP will closely follow the further process of adoption of the law.
Czech Republic passes ban on smoking in indoor public spaces
After passing through the Parliament and the Senate, President of the Czech Republic, Mr. Milos Zeman, signed the national ban on smoking in indoor public spaces on 14 February 2017.
The ban will prohibit smoking in cafes, bars and restaurants and prohibit the installation of separate rooms for smokers in movie theaters, concert venues, exhibition halls and indoor sports settings. The ban enters into force on 31 May 2017, World No Tobacco Day. |
Israel to tighten law on smoke-free environments
Tobacco prevalence rates in Israel has seen a strong decrease over the past decades[ 1] to reach 26% among men and 13% for women in 2015. The Israeli minister of health now prepares for introducing further restrictions on second-hand smoking. Director of Public Health Services Israel, Itamar Grotto, notes that the proposal concerns a ban of smoking in public places and an increase in the number non-smoking areas around outdoor childrens' facilities.
It will be illegal to smoke in zoological gardens and open-air venues, while smoking zones currently allowed in certain restaurants will be closed.
The Health Ministry’s proposals follow the recent publication, which found that nearly 40% of Israelis are smokers by the time they finish their compulsory army service. That is twice as high as the overall national rate. |
New Published Articles
Do brand characteristics contribute significantly to variability in toxicant exposure in smokers? Data from NHANES 2007-2012
Richard J O'Connor, Liane M Schneller, Lynn T Kozlowski
The Associations between Yelp Online Reviews and Vape Shops Closing or Remaining Open One Year Later
Grace Kong, Jennifer Unger, Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Steve Sussman
Dental Records and what they can Reveal about Tobacco Use Intervention Practices
Mohammed Al-Kayyal, Nadia A Al-Hazmi
Vape Shop Employees: Public Health Advocates?
Joy L Hart, Kandi L Walker, Clara G Sears, Alexander S Lee, Courteney Smith, Allison Siu, Rachel Keith, S. Lee Ridner
Employee and customer handling of nicotine-containing e-liquids in vape shops
Robert Garcia, Jon Patrick Allem, Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Jennifer Beth Unger, Steve Sussman
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