Upcoming Events - Spring 2017 |
Join ENSP for a number of international events and conferences in tobacco control during Spring 2017:
- Tobacco Control Seminar, organised by the Tobacco Control Unit/WHO Collaborating Center on Tobacco Control, Barcelona (Spain), 21 March 2017
- ECTOH Porto (Portugal), 23-25 March 2017. Join the three ENSP Sessions with presentations by ENSP members and partners. ENSP members also present their work at several parallel sessions, poster sessions and presentations throughout the conference.
ENSP International Conference on Tobacco Control
Athens (Greece), 24-26 May 2017
The 2nd International Conference of the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention will be hosted in Athens on 24-26 May 2017.
A very high number of abstracts have been submitted for ENSP International Conference and are now being reviewed by the members of the Scientific and the Scientific Advisory Committees.
The program will be available shortly and in the meantime you can get more information on the organisation and register here.
Key speakers:
- Dr Katja Bromen, Policy Officer,Tobacco Team, DG Santé, EU Commission
- Prof. Mike Daube, Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia.
- Carolyn Dresler, Associate Director for Medical and Health Sciences, Center for Tobacco Products, FDA
- Prof. Geoffrey Fong, Founder and Chief Principal Investigator of the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (the ITC Project)
- Dr Taylor Hays, Director of the Nicotine Dependence Center, Mayo Clinic
- Kristina Mauer-Stender, Program Manager, Tobacco Control Program World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe
- Prof. Martin Raw, Director, International Centre for Tobacco Cessation Honorary. Associate Professor, UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies
ECTOH Porto (Portugal), 22-25 March 2017 |
ENSP looks forward to three high-level sessions with presentations by ENSP members and partners at the European Conference on Tobacco or Health (ECTOH) Porto, Portugal – 22-25 March 2017. ENSP members also present their work at several parallel sessions, poster sessions and presentations throughout the conference.
ENSP is organising three sessions:
- ENSP Projects – Science And Research For Tobacco Control,
Chairs: Dr. Francisco Rodriguez Lozano & Cornel Radu-Loghin
- Young People And Tobacco Consumption,
Chairs: Prof Florin Mihaltan & Dr Niels Them Kjaer
- Implementing WHO-FCTC Art.14: Time To Prioritise Tobacco Dependence And Treatment,
Chair Prof Panagiotis Behrakis & Dr Krzysztof Prewoźniak
See more details on ENSP sessions...
ENSP Projects: Science & Research For Tobacco Control
ECTOH Session - 23 March, 14:30 - 15:30
Equipt – European Study On Quantifying Utility Of Investment In Protecting From Tobacco (FP7)
Presented by Prof Hein De Vries
TackSHS – Tackling Secondhand Tobacco Smoke And E-Cigarette Emissions: Exposure Assessment, Novel Interventions, Impact On Lung Diseases And Economic Burden In Diverse European Populations – (Horizon2020)
Presented by Prof Esteve Fernandez
TOB-G – Tobacco Cessation Guidelines For High Risk Groups (Public Health Programme)
Presented by Prof Panagiotis Behrakis |
SILNE-R – Enhancing The Effectiveness Of Strategies To Prevent Smoking In Adolescents (Horizon2020)
Presented by Prof
Anton Kunst |
EUREST PLUS – European Regulatory Science On Tobacco: Policy Implementation To Reduce Lung Diseases (Horizon2020)
Presented by Dr Constantine
Vardavas |
ERS event on tobacco control in Iberian and Latin-American countries
Madrid (Spain), 27 March 2017
The conference “Towards stronger tobacco control strategies – a forward look at Iberian and Latin-American countries”, organised by ERS with the support of numerous Iberian and Latin-American organisations and ENSP, takes place in Madrid, Spain on 27 March 2017. The event will bring together health professionals, policy makers and non-governmental organisations to discuss prevalence, morbidity, mortality and tobacco control and prevention policies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Spain, Portugal, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
Two ERS reports will be launched on the day, alongside recommendations on tobacco control in Iberian and Latin-American countries to policy-makers from participating countries.
ENSP President Dr. Francisco Lozano will present the role of ENSP tobacco control at European level, as well as sharing his expertise and experince in the Spanish context, during the session titled: "How can National societies and Regional organisations help tackling the epidemic?"
For more information on the event and to register...
Tobacco industry pushes for its own tracking and tracing technology
The event “Global Illicit Trade Summit“ took place in Brussels on 21 February. While aiming to debate "the needs to protect society, the rule of law and the strong enforcement of global supply chains from counterfeiting and illicit trade”, the event was clearly sponsored by Japan Tobacco International (JTI) and featured key speakers from JTI. In the conference booklet, the company’s tracking and tracing technology was advertised on a double-page spread.
Report on the EU Parliament event: "Towards an EU-wide traceability of tobacco products" |
On 2 March 2017, ENSP organised the EU Parliament conference supported and kindly hosted by MEP Gilles Pargneaux: “Towards an EU-wide traceability of tobacco products: ensuring an independent and efficient system to fight illicit trade and protect public health”.
The topic attracted high attention from European and national authorities, NGOs, journalists and private companies. The event gathered more than 70 participants, which clearly demonstrates the interest in this acute and highly topical issue of tobacco products traceability.
The panel of experts unanimously emphasised the harm of tobacco, and not solely for public health, but also for European finance and security. Moreover, with the help of "technical" experts possessing extensive experience in the field, different possibilities of a single European track and trace system for tobacco products that should be established before 2019 were discussed by the panel of high level speakers, including Katharina Kummer Peiry (FCTC Secretariat), Georg Roebling (OLAF); Dr Andrzej Rys (DG Santé, EU Commission).
Read the full report and download related documents...
Global tobacco investments:
The fight for tobacco-free pensions
On 2 March 2017, Dr Bronwyn King and Dr Rachel Melsom from Tobacco Free Portfolios presented the implications and dangers of the global investment in tobacco, and possible ways to fight against it at the Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen.
"As the world’s number one cause of preventable death, accountable for 6 million deaths per year globally, there is an intrinsic need for discussing the responsibility of supporting the tobacco industry and a momentum for acting to restrict investments in tobacco", Dr King said. |
Dr King calls for common action of health actors to connect with local and national companies to push for change. Health care, governmental and financial actors must collaborate to move the subject ahead and start making responsible investments.
A fresh look at youth smoking in Europe
Latest reports from the UK, Luxembourg and Denmark
A review of young people's relationship with tobacco in the UK
This report reflects their commitment to carry on talking about the problem and how it is evolving, until the UK is a country where lung cancer is no longer a threat to future generations.
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation calls on the UK Government to publish a new tobacco control strategy to support local authorities and charities to further decrease the uptake of smoking in young people.
In 2015 the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation merged with the charity Cut Films, which provides a creative and empowering way of engaging children and young people through film-making, to understand the long-term harms of tobacco.
Worryingly high prevalence amongst Luxembourg youth
New statistics from Luxembourg shows that there is no real decrease in the number of smokers, and even more young people smoke. According to the latest research by the market survey institute TNS ILRES, commissioned by the Luxembourg Fondation Cancer, the percentage of smokers in Luxembourg stagnated between 2015 and 2016 (21% to 20% respectively.
Also, and more worryingly, the highest percentage of smokers in 2016 is observed in young people in age group 18-24, with 26%. This figure increased by 3% from last year. Other figures from the report gave interesting information on water pipe consumption (20% in people aged 15-24), e-cigarette users (about 4000 users in Luxembourg) and the percentage of people who would like to quit smoking (more than half of all smokers).
Read More... |
Youth smoking in Denmark increased by 4% in one year
Similar trends are demonstrated in Denmark, where the number of smokers among 16-25 year-olds has increased from 18 % to 22% in just one year. According to a recent study commissioned by the Danish Cancer Society, the large majority of smokers are under 18 years old when they smoke their first cigarette and start smoking at a regular basis. |
The Danish Cancer Society calls on policy-makers at elementary and secondary schools to establish smoke-free environments. This idea resonates among the young people interviewed in the study, of which four out of five are positive towards the idea of smoke-free school time on elementary schools and 50% were favourable to introduce it in secondary schools. Read more about the study here [Danish]. |
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Positive trends in France
Annual Tobacco Scoreboard 2016
“Sale of cigarettes (million units) and yearly average price per cigarette package of the most sold brand"
Source: OFTD report |
The French Observatory for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT) has published its annual tobacco scoreboard, with the latest details for 2016. The observatory’s results for 2016 take into account the entry in force of the new French anti-tobacco law, including the adoption of plain packaging, although it is only obligatory starting from January 2017.
Amongst many encouraging results, it was notied that:
- Official tobacco sales in metropolitan France declined by 1.1% in 2016 compared to the previous year.
- This decrease in sales is accompanied by an increase in indicators that demonstrate willingness for quitting. The sale of smoking cessation tools increased by 16.5% from last year, while quitting consultation and support services received a boos with 180.000 registrations in November 2016.
Read the full report...
Tobacco Control shown to benefit economy and sustainable development
A new report from the United States argues that tobacco control makes sense not only from a public health viewpoint, but also from economic and development perspective.
The report (Monograph 21: The Economics of Tobacco and Tobacco Control), published by the The National Cancer Institute of the US Department of Health and Human Services, finds that by applying evidence-based policies such as taxation, advertising control and smoke-free policies, the prevalence of tobacco use can be severely reduced with important declines in death, diseases and economic costs involved. The report looks at the different possible economic opportunities to be found in controlling tobacco.
The report concludes:
- Low-and-Middle-income countries (LMICs) increasingly carry the burden of tobacco use – among 80% of smokers live in LMICs.
- Evidence-based and highly cost-effective policies are available to be used by governments in these markes, but these policies are underused.
- Most importantly, tobacco control does not harm economies, and it does not result in net job losses. On the contrary, these policies help reduce the disproportionate burden that tobacco imposes on the poor.
The lead scientific editor of the report, Professor Frank Chaloupka concludes: “the evidence is clear - effective tobacco control interventions make sense from an economic as well as a public health standpoint”.
Plain Packaging not only deters take up
but also helps people quit
A study conducted in Australia by researchers based in the Australian National University and the University of Queensland has found that the introduction of plain packaging in the country helped in reducing smoking, by changing the way smokers identified with their favorite brand.
Hugh Webb and his colleagues interviewed 178 smokers immediately before and seven months after plain packaging was introduced and the results demonstrate the correlation between reduced brand identity and smoking cessation. |
The researchers, who asked smokers to rate their sense of identification with fellow smokers of the same brand before and after the introduction of plain packaging. They explain the decrease in brand identification by saying the fact that a person who smokes a certain brand of cigarettes purchased not only the the cigarette itself, and a positive sense of belonging to the same group of smokers who smoked that product.
By cutting this link, researchers find, plain packaging has reinforced both quitting behaviours, intentions and smoking intensity.
Read more... |
NGOs invited to the 8th FCTC Conference of the Parties
Save the Date
The Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) announced that the eighth session of its Conference of the Parties (COP8) will take place from 1 to 6 October 2018 at the seat of the Secretariat, in Geneva, Switzerland. COP8 could be delayed for a week if the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products enters into force before this time.
The overview of the decisions taken last year at the previous Conference of the Parties (COP7) in India can be found at the ENSP website.
17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health
Abstract submissions and registrations from April 2017 |
The 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH) will be held in Cape Town, South Africa from 7-9 March 2018. It will unite researchers, academics, non-government organisations, civil society, scientists, healthcare professionals and public officials working on all aspects of tobacco control from more than 100 countries.
World No Tobacco Day 2017 in Brussels
Event by Women Against Lung Cancer in Europe
On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day 2017, Women Against Lung Cancer in Europe (WALCE), in partnership with the ENSP, European Respiratory Society (ERS), the European Lung Foundation (ELF) and Insieme Contro il Cancro, organises a double event in Brussels to promote smoking cesation interventions and activities around Europe.
On 30 and 31 May there will be a two-day exhibition, under the title “Go out of the Tunnel. Don’t burn away your future”. This program will feature a structure shaped as a giant cigarette, where pulmonologists will provide the general public with counselling, educational materials and basic spirometry tests.
In addition to this motivational campaign, on 31 May at the EU Parliament in Brussels, a high-level event titled “WHO FCTC Article 14 – Time to prioritise tobacco cessation and dependence treatment.” will be hosted from 13:00 to 15:00 by Italian MEP Alberto Cirio. The aim of this session is to provide delegates with valuable information and good practices in order to advocate for the implementation of WHO FCTC art.14 at national level.
Registrations are now open.
WHO/Europe Tobacco Control Playbook
WHO's Tobacco Control Playbook developed by its Regional Office for Europe aims to provide a single source of information explaining how tobacco industry players proactively misinform the general public, and offers governments as well as the public health community clear evidence-based responses to their deceptive arguments.
To disseminate this important work carried out by WHO Europe,
the Network features key arguments from the Playbook of relevance to ENSP members and stakeholders in the tobacco control community. Read more about the use of tobacco taxation as a fast and effective tool to reduce tobacco consumption:
"Tobacco taxation is one of the most cost-effective health interventions, as government revenues increase while smoking rates fall."
Tobacco taxes are a fast and effective way to reduce tobacco consumption while simultaneously generating revenues for the state, at relatively little cost. The tobacco industry argues that increasing tobacco taxes will lead to a loss of jobs and revenue due to declining smoking rates; the truth, however, is that increased taxes create a win-win situation for public health and the economy as revenue increases even as smoking rates fall.
Key arguments for increased tobacco taxation include:
- According to guidelines for WHO FCTC Article 6 on price and tax measures to reduce tobacco demand , when establishing or increasing national levels of tobacco taxation, Parties should make tobacco products less affordable over time in order to reduce tobacco consumption.
An effective tobacco tax policy should lead to higher prices, taking into account factors such as inflation and changes in household incomes. Taxes should be increased on a regular basis.
- The simplest and most efficient tax system should be implemented, considering in particular specific or mixed excise systems with more reliance on the specific component or a minimum specific tax floor in favour of purely ad valorem systems.
- In line with the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, tax policy should include efficient tax administration systems to enhance compliance, and mechanisms to prevent forestalling .
Read more about the benefits of increased tobacco taxation on the Tobacco Control Playbook.
No-Tobacco Stadiums:
EURO 2016 is an example that it can be done!
The European Healthy Stadia® Network supports sports clubs, stadia operators and governing bodies of sport to develop health promoting policies and practices at stadia that contribute to improved levels of public health amongst fans, stadia workforces and local communities.
Their latest case study "UEFA EURO 2016 RESPECT YOUR HEALTH: NO TOBACCO CASE STUDY" presents social responsibility project success at EURO 2016.
Read the case study... |
Ukraine acts on the ratification of the Illicit Trade Protocol
On 1 March, the Ukrainian government passed the bill that allows the ratification of the WHO FCTC Protocol to Eliminate Illicit trade in Tobacco Products in Ukraine. Accession to the Protocol is a very important step for the country towards the ratification of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
WHO lists Ukraine among the countries, which are the sources of significant amount of illegal cigarettes, along with China, Paraguay, Russian Federation, United Arab Emirates, Belarus, Moldova, Kenya and Zimbabwe.
WHO FCTC notes that Ukraine will draw various benefits from joining this international cooperation, including improved national security, increased tax revenues, and most importantly public health benefits for its population, including vulnerable groups.
The Protocol, which was adopted in 2013, enters into force when 40 Contracting Parties to the WHO FCTC have adopted, accepted, approved or formally confirmed it. Currently 15 Partners need to give their consent to the Protocol before it is adopted.
Read more [Ukrainian]...
New Published Articles
Knowledge, attitude and willingness to counsel patients regarding e-cigarettes among academic health professionals in Malaysia
Ali Yaldrum, Srinivas Sulugodu Ramachandra, Shelly Arora, Kumar Raghav Gujjar, Daniel Devaprakash Dicksit, Christopher A Squier
Social determinants of tobacco use: towards an equity lens approach
Alexios-Fotios A. Mentis
Acute effects of short term use of e-cigarettes on airways physiology and respiratory symptoms in smokers with and without airways obstructive diseases and in healthy non smokers
Ali Yaldrum, Srinivas Sulugodu Ramachandra, Shelly Arora, Kumar Raghav Gujjar, Daniel Devaprakash Dicksit, Christopher A Squier
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