Following the success of the ENSP Conference in Athens, next International Conference on Tobacco Control, co-organised by ENSP and CNPT, will be held on 14-16 June 2018 in Madrid, Spain.
The Call for Abstracts is now open and we look forward to receiving your proposals. |
Welcome to our new member
Stichting tegen Kanker (Belgian Foundation against Cancer)
Stichting tegen Kanker is the only national organisation for the fight against cancer in Belgium. The Foundation is active in multiple domains.
- Stichting tegen Kanker invests in the scientific research to increase the chances of cure.
- They support the patients and their family providing reliable and clear information and carrying out targeted social actions to improve their quality of life.
- Stichting tegen Kanker is committed to everyone's health. Based on scientifically supported information, they encourage everyone to lfollow a healthy lifestyle, and regularly remind about the importance of prevention and screening.
- Foundation advocates a better public health policy. They stimulate and help the government to always do more and better in the fight against cancer.
- Stichting tegen Kanker encourages everyone to fight against the disease through involvement and personal choices.
Read more... |
Andrea Glahn has been an integral part of ENSP Secretariat for one and a half year closely working on the EU Projects. The Board and Secretariat would like to thank Andrea for her commitment and enthusiasm which contributed to project-related activities and beyond: ENSP events, advocacy campaigns and communications.
Andrea moved to Copenhagen and will stay engaged in tobacco control working at the Danish Cancer Society.
We wish Andrea all the best at her new position and we look forward to future collaboration.
Thank you Andrea! |
“I started to work with ENSP in March 2016. Since then I have learned a lot about a topic I was not familiar with. I have learned about the MPOWER, the FCTC and the TPD.
Given the very small office, I had to cover a variety of tasks.I was soon positively surprised by the passion, the very nice welcoming and workingenvironment. A big challenge of the job is to meet every member’s needs, as themembers are so many, with different backgrounds and from countries where the levelof implementation of tobacco control varies considerably. However, I really enjoy thateveryone at ENSP has the same goal. Meetings are fundamental to keep the networkunited and I’m glad to have the opportunity to work with so many different people.I arrived at a time when ENSP was changing and growing. I hope this positivedevelopment will continue further ahead.” |
ENSP participates in the Romanian National Tabacology Conference
On 28-30 September, the Romanian Society of Pneumology in partnership with several organisations including ENSP held the 7th National Tabacology Conference on the topic: "Interdisciplinary approach, diagnosis and treatment in diseases related to the smoking and pleural pathology".
ENSP co-hosted the symposium titled "Impactful legislative measures in prevention and reduction of tobacco consumption" during which President Francisco Lozano shared Spanish experience in adopting the tobacco control laws, Prof. Mihaltan (ENSP Board member and President of the Romanian Society of Pneumology) spoke on the evolution of the tobacco control from the Romanian prospective and ENSP SG Cornel Radu-Loghin presented the work ENSP does at the European level to support the adoption of the effective tobacco control measures. |
TackSHS is a 4 year research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. TackSHS aims to improve our understanding of second-hand tobacco smoke and e-cigarette emissions and find ways of tackling the health burden caused by exposure to these aerosols. |
TackSHS Annual Consortium Meeting
The annual consortium meeting was held in La Palma de Mallorca on 5 and 6 October, where project partners shared updates on the progress in each of the 11 work packages.
The programme included sessions on clinical impact of passive exposure to e-cigarette emissions on the respiratory system, exposure to SHS and acute health effects in patients with chronic lung disease, attributable mortality and morbidity to secondhand smoke in Europe, its economic impact and return on Investment of interventions etc.
Read more about all work packages...
TackSHS researchers participate in the Annual Conference of the Spanish Epidemiology Society
ESNP participates in the Consultation on Traceability and Security systems of tobacco products
The European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention provided detailed feedback on the draft secondary legislation relating to the establishment and operation of the systems of traceability and security features for tobacco products, as provided for under Articles 15 and 16 of Directive 2014/40/EU.
Among multiple suggestions and adjustments to the draft document the most crucial topic ENSP commented on is Article 15 on Independence from Tobacco Industry and Guaranteeing Member States control.
Eouropean Commission replies to the critics of the track and trace draft legislation |
Following the Consultation on the two draft Implementing and Delegated acts on the track and trace system, which closed on 2 October, a few Member States, including France, Germany and Italy criticised the proposal referring to its complexity and the administrative burden it would entail.
The European Commission argued back that the proposal for a tobacco track and trace system is fully in line with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) provisions, as it gives control over the system to the Member States and not the tobacco industry.
Swedish producers push for snus to be included in the EU tobacco directive
A report published by the The Swedish Association of Snus Manufacturers insists the European Commission to regulate snus the same way as all other tobacco products are regulated. Citing Eurobarometer figures about low smoking rates in Sweden, which they attribute to the use of snus, the manufacturers would like the EU-wide ban on the sale of snus lifted. Sweden has an exception to this rule since its accession to the EU.
The Commission, however, says that it has no plans to revise the Tobacco Products Directive, at least until its implementation report, due 2021.
Read more... |
Swedish "Match" initiates the court case against Plain Packaging in Norway
Swedish "Match" filed a case at the Oslo District Court against plain packaging that came into force in Norway on 1 July 2017 providing one year wash-out period to phase out old packs.
Using harm-reduction argument "Match" claims that standardised packaging on snus violates Articles 11 and 13 of the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement. To that end, they request a temporary suspension of the implementation of standardised packaging on snus until the legality of the measure is tested in a court of law.
The case run from 25 to 28 September and the Norwegian Cancer Society intervened in court on the side of Norway represented by the Ministry of Health and Care Services. The trial is over and the parties are awaiting the announcement of the final verdict. |
The International Labour Organisation is urged to stop partnership with the tobacco industry |
The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Corporate Accountability International and many representatives of global tobacco control community launched an initiative calling on the International Labour Organisation to end its partnership with the tobacco industry. |
The petition is addressed to the ILO governing body requesting that they end the tobacco industry’s funding and cooperation with the ILO at the upcoming 331st session of the governing body.
The ILO has received more that US$15 million from the industry disguised as charitable contribution in reducing child labour in tobacco fields. The question of further partnership with the tobacco industry is on the agenda of the upcoming governing body meeting of the ILO. It should be decided whether the ILO is going to comply with the recommendation of the UN Interagency Task Force on NCDs and the Economic and Social Council resolution urging members of the task force to adopt internal policies that protect against conflicts of interest with the tobacco industry.
While many other former allies of Big Tobacco like ITIC and UN Global Compact have already cut their ties with the industry, the ILO remains one of the tobacco industry’s last inroads to the UN. The change in the ILO policy would be a huge victory for public health, human rights, and the UN system.
Read the letter to the ILO...
Tobacco Control community critises the launch of "Smoke-Free World" |
One of the world’s biggest tobacco companies (PMI) has launched the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, claiming that it is committed to creating a future in which people will stop smoking its cigarettes. This industry-funded initiative raised the wave of criticism and indignation from international institutions and civil society.
Global Tobacco Control community is well aware that the industry has great commercial incentive in developing novel smokeless tobacco products. Earlier this year PMI officially announced its intention to ensure the switch from conventional cigarettes to non-combustible nicotine products. The FCTC Secretariat comments that "t
he tobacco industry is introducing new products in pursuit of profit rather than public health."
Furthermore, the Convention Secretariat regards this "Smoke-Free World" initiative "
as a clear attempt to breach the WHO FCTC by interfering in public policy. It is a deeply alarming development aimed at damaging the treaty’s implementation, particularly through the Foundation’s contentious research programmes."
Taking to account obvious conflict of interest when a tobacco company funds a purported health foundation WHO announces it will not partner with the Foundation. WHO also calls on the governments and the public health community not to partner with the Foundation.
Read more... |
Consensus Statement on E-cigarettes:
Helping people to stop smoking COMPLETELY is the priority
NHS Scotland (publicly funded health care system) communicated a message regarding e-cigarettes, explaining its public health stance and issuing two recommendations to the public concerning the products. |
Arguing that e-cigarettes could only be considered useful for public health if they are used "instead of" regular tobacco products, the Scottish NHS urges smokers, whether they smoke regular or e-cigarettes, to aim quitting smoking altogether. The NHS also asks healthcare professionals to refer people to more effective quitting aid, but not to turn people away if they are smoking e-cigarettes.
Read the full statement... |
Tobacco tax reform:
A solution to improve public health and induce development |
The World Bank has issued a report on tobacco taxation, calling it the "Tobacco tax reform at the crossroads of health and development".
The Bank's report highlights that political leaders who raise tobacco taxes can expect longer lives and better health for people and more resources for development. The Bank advises leaders to "go big and fast" instead of a gradual approach, so that the tax on tobacco can target affordability. Also, building broad coalitions is needed, so that the tax increases are accepted by the public as public health measures.
Read the full report... |
Tobacco Control Scale:
Indicator and advocacy tool |
Since 2007 the Tobacco Control Scale has been ranking European countries based on the implementation of tobacco control policies in six different areas including price, smoking in public places, consumer information (awareness campaigns), advertisement, health warnings and availability of treatment.
Luk Joossens, one of the authors of the Tobacco Control Scale, shared his insights about the latest edition, observations on the changes in the ranking and how the Scale contributed to improved national regulations. |
Looking at the 2016 Scale, such countries as Romania, Hungary and Slovenia (Slovenian new law couldn't be included in 2016 ranking due to timing) are performing very well. They serve as a great example demonstrating tobacco control and smoking prevention at national level are not predefined by economic situation in the country per se, which is very inspiring. On the other hand, Germany, Austria and Luxembourg are very low in the Scale for their standard of living.
"Overall, countries which failed to undertake new initiatives lost points and fell in the ranking. The countries that are leading tobacco control in Europe are those that have comprehensive tobacco control policies," Mr. Joossens concludes.
There have been surprises through the years the Scale exists. In 2010 it was Turkey that traditionally had very strong "culture" of smoking but still managed to achieve a lot. 2013 was the year when Ukraine entered the Scale among top 10 countries (higher than Sweden, Hungary, the Netherlands and Belgium).
Luk Joossens sees the ranking as a sort of indicator. First of all, it has a research purpose and helps to track major achievements such as the transposition of the TPD provision on obligatory pictorial warnings or going even further to plain packaging (at this point UK, France, Ireland, Hungary, Norway and Slovenia adopted plain packaging legislation).
Furthermore, the results are widely disseminated by media and brought to the attention of policymakers. There are multiple examples of how Tobacco Scale contributed to positive policy changes around Europe including Spain, Belgium and Germany. Thus, in a way the Scale serves as an advocacy instrument, a tool to trigger much needed change.
ESNP SG Cornel Radu-Loghin comments:
"The ranking indeed shows national achievements which are very important to celebrate but there are no winners until the Scale has "red" countries. Rather than competing for "green' position in the Scale
Europe should be united in the common race against tobacco".
Read the report...
Do you have an event coming up or news to celebrate?
Would you like to share your best practices or inform about local initiatives?
Share your work and promote you activities among 1.400 colleagues in Europe and around the globe via
The Network - ENSP monthly newsletter
Meet our members:
Ingrid Talu (Teachers against Tobacco - Sweden) |
A network is only as strong as the members holding it together. That is why the ENSP board and Secretariat would like to extend our thanks to all members and friends of the ENSP network for your contributions to a tobacco-free Europe, and introduce you to each other, your organisations and current priorities in tobacco control in a series of interviews with ENSP members from across Europe.
This month we are pleased to share a bit of information about Ingrid Talu and her work within Teachers against Tobacco in Sweden, ENSP full member since 2017. |
What is you role and how did you get into Tobacco Control?
Inspired by Doctors, Dentists and Nurses against Tobacco in Sweden we were a group of teachers who started Teachers against Tobacco 1994. I am chair of Teachers against Tobacco.
What are the biggest challenges in tobacco control in Sweden?
Implementation of the FCTC... There are several things we have not achieved yet such as the ban of advertising at point of sales, plain packaging, smoke free playgrounds etc.
What are you most proud of (your achievements)?
- No advertisement of snus at SAS aircrafts in Europe
- Involving students in Tobacco control
- The work for smoke free/tobacco free working hours in the communities
- Tobacco free pension funds
- The Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund (AP4) divestment from tobacco in 2016
What are the next steps/projects?
- Continue with tobacco free investments and pension funds
- Follow up smoke free/tobacco free working hours
- Work towards Tobacco Endgame (Smoke Free Sweden 2025) together with Professionals against Tobacco, Think Thank Tobaksfakta and other involved organisations
Why did you become an ENSP member?
We joined the Network to get inspiration and learn from all members of ENSP working for a tobacco free future. Moreover, to get the possibility of presenting our work at ENSP events.
Thank you Ingrid!
Read more about the work of Teachers against Tobacco...
Congratulations to Slovenia and Montenegro:
Ratification of Illicit Trade Protocol
Montenegro and Slovenia ratified the WHO FCTC Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade on 11 October and 25 September respectively.
Eight more parties still need to join the Protocol to reach the number of 40 in order for the Protocol to come into force.
At the moment only 8 (plus the EU) countries from the European Union became the parties of the Protocol and 11 (plus the EU) from WHO Europe region.
Read more... |
Ireland celebrates the introduction of the Plain Packaging
30 September was marked by the beginning of the wash-out period gradually introducing standardised tobacco packaging in Ireland over the next year. Local NGOs, Irish and international supporters celebrate the commitment to protecting the health of Irish citizens. |
As from 30 September, all tobacco manufactured for sale in Ireland will be required to appear in plain packaging, which means that any new tobacco produced for sale in Ireland must now come in drab packaging accompanied by graphic health warnings and no other distinguishing features, apart from brand names in plain text.
The wash-out period allows retailers to sell old stock until 30 September 2018, but after that all tobacco in the country must be sold in plain packaging.
Read more... |
WHO Europe Tobacco Control Playbook
WHO's Tobacco Control Playbook developed by its Regional Office for Europe aims to provide a single source of information explaining how tobacco industry players proactively misinform the general public, and offers governments as well as the public health community clear evidence-based responses to their deceptive arguments.
To disseminate this important work carried out by WHO Europe,
the Network features key arguments from the Playbook of relevance to ENSP members and stakeholders in the tobacco control community. Read more on how the tobacco industry attempts to resist the implementation of effective tobacco control measures by creating myths about their negative consequences on economy, trade and society.
Key Message:
"In countries where effective tobacco control measures have been implemented, catastrophic outcomes predicted by the tobacco industry – such as public uproar, illicit trade or negative economic impacts – have simply not materialized."
When evidence-based tobacco control measures are proposed or implemented, the tobacco industry generally predicts that they will have catastrophic effects. However, those predictions, like economic loss as a result of plain packaging implementation or public uproar due to tax increase or introduction of smoke free environments, never came true.
Key messages illustrate the reaction of the industry to new tobacco control measures versus the reality:
When effective tobacco control measures are proposed or implemented, a common tactic of the tobacco industry is to argue that the proposed measure will result in a catastrophe: illicit trade, crime, economic loss, job losses, expensive lawsuits that will be lost, and so on.
The experience of various countries, however, shows that these predictions simply do not materialize. In many countries, evidence-based tobacco control measures such as tobacco taxes, smoke free laws, plain packaging and bans on tobacco marketing have been implemented with great success.
Read more in the WHO Tobacco Control Playbook.
The launch of the WHO NCD Progress Monitor |
On 18 September, the WHO launched its Noncommunicable disease Progress Monitor 2017, looking at the four NCD risk factors (tobacco, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol) and assessing actions by countries to counter these factors. Concerning tobacco control, the report investigates whether countries have taken measures to:
increase excise taxes and prices,
- introduce smoke-free policies;
- require large graphic health warnings/plain packaging;
- institute bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship;
- launch mass media campaigns
As a whole, the report states that limited progress was achieved so far. Overall, Costa Rica and Iran lead among the 10 best performing countries, with each achieving 15 of the 19 indicators.
Read the full report...
Health Economics course:
8-10 November 2017 at Brunel University, London, UK
The Health Economics Research Group (HERG) at Brunel University London is offering a three day course in Economic Evaluation in Health Care from 8th-10th November 2017.
This course provides an in-depth introduction to methods, techniques and use of economic evaluation in health care for those with no, or little, previous training in health economics. It draws on the extensive experience of HERG members and the teaching combines formal presentations, group work on case studies and opportunities for one-to-one discussions with the faculty. To attend the course please send an enquiry to HERG Admin by email to herg-admin@brunel.ac.uk.
Read more... |
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