Welcome to our New Member! |
The Health Association Institute from Turkey just joined the ENSP Network and we are eager to introduce them to you.
Working on the causes of cancer, heart disease, lung disease, brain-vascular disease, viral diseases, home and work accidents, traffic accidents, they examine the risk factors of health sciences and draw a very serious preventable disease and death table.
They also work on acknowledging that comprehensive social transformation is necessary for the elimination of health-threatening forces and relations and they are advocating a multidisciplinary advocacy by believing in the importance of entering, revealing and engaging in struggle.
Learn more about them...
CHAFEA - Call for tenders published:
studies on the EU system tobacco traceability
Chafea has published on 28/12/2018 the Call for tenders "Chafea/2018/Health/11 for the provision of an experts study on development and configuration of automatic alerts ('alerts') to be generated by the repositories system of the EU system of tobacco traceability".
The objective of the contract is to supply the Commission and the competent authorities of Member States with an expert study on development and configuration of automatic alerts ('alerts') to be generated by the repositories system.
Call for nominations!
WNTD 2019 - Tobacco and lung health
The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for nominations to the World No Tobacco Day Awards of individuals or organizations in each of the six WHO Regions for their accomplishments in the area of tobacco control. The objective of these criteria is to facilitate nominations, bearing in mind that the final decision about whether to bestow an award rests with the WHO Regional Directors and the WHO Director-General. |
Who can be nominated? How to submit a nomination?
Please note that the deadline for submission of nominations is Friday, 8 March 2019 - 17:00 hs (GMT). |
4th ENSP-SRP International Conference on Tobacco Control
Keynote Speaker: Stephen P. Marks |
The emphasis of Stephen Marks’s work is on public health and human rights, drawing on the disciplines of international law, international politics, international organizations, and international economics.
Professor Marks’s recent research has focused on the right to health, global health governance, integrating human rights into sustainable human development; mental health; poverty; tobacco control; and the right to development.
He has published recent books, articles or book chapters in each of these areas. His earlier work has dealt with biotechnology and human rights; impunity for mass atrocities; terrorism and human rights; cultural rights; access to medicines, and human rights education. He directs the Program on Human Rights in Development (PHRD). He recently co-edited a book on Advancing the Human Right to Health (Oxford University Press, 2013). His book Health and Human Rights: Basic International Documents, is now in its third edition. Professor Marks is collaborating with Prof. Balakrishnan Rajagopal of MIT on a Research Handbook on Human Rights and Development for publication in 2019 by Edward Elgard Publishing. He was also consultant editor of Realizing the Right to Development: Essays in Commemoration of 25 Years of the United Nations Declaration on the Right to Development, published by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in 2013. He is Co-Chair, Human Rights Thematic Group, Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) (2013-present) and served on the Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) form 2010 to 2017. He teaches courses at HSPH and in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. |
Global Forum on Human Rights and a Tobacco-Free World: 26 March 2019 |
His Excellency Vytenis Andriukaitis, the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, will be in Bucharest on 26 March as an honorary guest of the Global Forum on Human Rights and a Tobacco-Free World to emphasize the direct link between tobacco consumption and harm the fundamental right to health of every citizen. |
EURACTIV is a European media platform specialising in the online publication of articles focusing on European policymaking, which is present across 12 EU capitals. |
EUPHA - Letter to WHO to express concern regarding the PMI-funded entity (FSFW)
EUPHA strongly supports the statement issued by the World Federation of Public Health Associations and many other like minded partners regarding the attempt made by the Philip Morris funded “Foundation for a Smoke-Free World” to interfere with global health policy and decision-making. EUPHA has consistently voiced its concern about the tactics being used by the tobacco industry and has issued several statements to this effect over the past months. In support of the statement issued by the FCTC secretariat on the launch of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, EUPHA reiterates that no government or organisation should accept money from, endorse, or enter into partnerships with the Philip Morris International (PMI) funded ‘Foundation for a Smoke-Free World’.
Read the letter... |
European Parliament Debate: Where does the parallel trade of tobacco come from? How to end it?
On January 29, Romanian Christian democrat MEP Cristian-Silviu Bușoi organised a seminar discussion titled "Where does the parallel trade of tobacco come from? How to end it?", which focused on firstly finding the cause for the parallel tobacco trade and subsequently, propose solutions on how to end it. The discussion largely focused on proposed tracking and tracing systems to combat parallel and illicit tobacco trade within the European Union, with stakeholders from various organisations such as the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention, and a representative of the Commission giving interventions on the topic, focusing on the legal framework proposed for tracking and traceability of tobacco products.
Francisco Rodriguez Lozano, President of the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP), offered some introductory remarks. He welcomed everyone to what he hoped would be a fruitful discussion, and he thanked MEP Bușoi for the organisation of the event. Price, he highlighted, was one of the most effective measures of tobacco control.
The Director of Smoke Free Tobacco, Anca Toma Friedlander, also offered some opening remarks. She thanked for the invitation to the event, and for being allocated time to intervene. Smoke Free Partnership is a partnership of the Belgian Foundation against cancer, Cancer Research UK, the Dutch Cancer Society and the Norwegian Cancer Society with the European Heart Network, Action on Smoking and Health (UK), and La Ligue contre le Cancer, she explained. They coordinate a coalition of 45 organisations all over Europe to advocate for the implementation of the illicit trade protocol. The points that she will be presented have also been endorsed by the European Cancer League, she noted.
The main pannels of discussion were: Legal framework adopted under the TPD and its derived acts, Article 7 and 8 of the WHO-FCTC illicit trade protocol, Illicit tobacco trade, Tobacco control research and
The legal framework adopted by the European Commission vs. the WHO protocol.
10 years of Global Bridges! |
2019 is an importat year for Global Bridges marking a fantastic progress in raising awareness and building capacity to make tobacco dependence treatment more available worldwide.
A ten-year Milestone Report was published on the Global Bridges website, including the achievements in the past 10 years.
Read the report... |
E-cigarettes: an underestimated danger
On 30 of January, Arūnas Vinčiūnas, the Head of the cabinet of EU Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis was speaking at the EURACTIV event, where many participants asked for a dialogue with policy makers on sensitive health topics such as tobacco.
Vinčiūnas confirmed once again the Commission’s opposition to consider novel tobacco products and e-cigarettes as healthy saying that
“There are scientific reports saying that e-cigarettes are less harmful than cigarettes (...) but it’s still tobacco". "
You can drink less poison, but it is still poison in the end,” he added.
Read more... |
Industry risks to have e-cigarettes banned |
According to the latest U.S. figures, E-cigarettes are lately the top high-risk substance used by teenagers. Juul and similar products have outpaced cigarettes, alcohol or marijuana, substances that have been tracked for more than four decades.
Therefore, E-cigarettes could be banned if they continue to encourage underage smoking.
E-cigarettes in Italy: a tool for harm reduction or a gateway to smoking tobacco?
A new research paper was published in Italy, stressing once again the perpetual danger of smoking, even in its newest and "modern" ways, such as vaping. |
Introduction More than a decade after electronic cigarettes (e-cigarette) hit the European market, we are still debating whether they may help or hinder tobacco control. It is therefore useful to explore the potential net effect of e-cigarette use in the general population.
Methods We annually conduct a face-to-face survey on smoking in Italy on a representative sample of the general population aged 15 years or over (52.4 million). A total of 15 406 subjects were interviewed in 2014–2018. We investigated the consequences of using e-cigarettes on tobacco smoking behaviour among ever and regular e-cigarette users.
Results In all, 5.7% of our sample reported ever e-cigarette use. Multivariate analyses showed more use by men, ex-smokers and current smokers. E-cigarette use decreased with age and increased with education and calendar year. Only 1.1% of subjects were regular e-cigarette users. This prevalence rose from 0.4% in 2014–2015 to 1.8% in 2016–2017 and was 1.3% in 2018. Among 522 ever users, 13.2% stopped smoking after trying e-cigarettes and 22.2% started smoking or relapsed after using e-cigarettes. The corresponding estimates among regular users were 24.7% and 28.0%, respectively.
Conclusions Among Italian e-cigarette users, those (re)starting smoking after using e-cigarettes outnumber those who stop smoking after using e-cigarettes. From a public health point of view, e-cigarettes may have an unfavourable net effect. Consequently, if we are not able to prevent sales of e-cigarettes to non-smokers, this product will more likely stimulate smoking tobacco than reduce harm.
Read the full article here... |
Cohort study of electronic cigarette use: safety and effectiveness after 4 years of follow-up
What are the effects of using e-cigarettes for a long period of time? The dangers seem to be almost the same for e-cigarettes smokers or dual smokers. Despite the illusion of smokers, the harm wasn't reduced and the long-lasting effects on the health are still very significant. This paper explains the case and provides the conclusion after a four-year study. |
OBJECTIVE: More than a decade after e-cigarette (e-cig) market launch, limited information are available on their safety after 24 months of use. In 2013, we started the first observational study assessing e-cig long-term effectiveness and safety, directly comparing tobacco smokers and e-cig users. Here we report the results after four years of follow-up.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Adults (30-75 years) were included if: smokers of ≥1 tobacco cigarette/day (tobacco smokers); users of any type of e-cig inhaling ≥50 puffs weekly (e-cig users); users of both tobacco and e-cig (dual users). Data were collected by phone and/or internet, and carbon monoxide levels tested in 50% of those declaring tobacco abstinence. Main outcomes were: possibly smoking-related diseases (PSRD; validated through hospital discharge data or visit in 62.6% of the sample); 4-year tobacco abstinence; number of tobacco cigarettes/day.
RESULTS: Data were available for 228 e-cig users (all ex-smokers), 471 tobacco smokers, 216 dual users. A PSRD was observed in 73 subjects (8.0%). No differences emerged across groups in PSRD rates, with negligible variations in self-reported health. Of e-cig users, 63.6% remained tobacco abstinent; dual users and tobacco smokers showed non-significantly different rates of tobacco (33.8% vs. 26.8%) and all-product (20.2% vs. 19.4%) cessation, and a similar decrease in cigarettes/day. Almost 40% of the sample switched at least once (tobacco smokers: 17.2%; dual users: 81.9%).
CONCLUSIONS: After four years, a scarce, non-significant harm reduction was observed among e-cig or dual users. Given the long-lasting health effects of tobacco smoking, the benefits of e-cig use may start being detectable at the next follow-up (six years). The complete switch to e-cig may help tobacco quitters remain abstinent, but e-cig use in addition to tobacco did not increase the likelihood of smoking cessation or reduction.
Read the full paper...
Canada: tobacco class action judgement |
On Friday March 1, 2019, a unanimous Quebec Court of Appeal with a panel of 5 justices (5-0) dealt the tobacco industry a massive defeat in the two tobacco class actions. In a compelling 422-page judgment, the Quebec Court of Appeal upheld a May 27, 2015 trial judgment of the Quebec Superior Court. At trial, the Superior Court had found the 3 major tobacco companies in Canada (which are 100% subsidiaries of BAT, PMI and JTI) liable for $C15.5 billion in damages (US$11.7 billion at current exchange rates). The total liability has now climbed to about C$17 billion (US$12.8 billion) given accumulating interest.
The tobacco industry has indicated that it will seek permission to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. A decision as to whether or not the Supreme Court of Canada will grant permission to appeal would be made in about 6 months.
Learn more about the historical cronology of the case...
In order to be able to appeal to the Quebec Court of Appeal, two of the tobacco companies had to pay a total C$984 million into court, funds to be available to the plaintiffs should the tobacco companies lose the appeal.
Read the full Quebec Court of Appeal March 1, 2019 judgment (French)...
Read the English summary here...
Heated tobacco among youth in Canada, U.S. and England |
Heated Tobacco Products are a sensitive subject among policymakers and activists but also among consumers. Very little is known about the perception of these products, but the markets keep growing and the numbers of consumers too. The scariest fact is that a large number of consumers are part of the young generation.
The research paper "Awareness and interest in IQOS heated tobacco products among youth in Canada, England and the USA" points out the interests and susceptibility to trying heated tobacco products such as IQOS. The results are unfortunately as expected.
Read the full article... |
And how about the pollution? |
Among plastic straws and plastic bags, cigarettes are considered a big cause in pollution. Smokers may think that cigarettes buts will biodegrade, but the ugly truth is that they are made of cellulose acetate and it can take up to a decade to decompose.
Learn more... |
Belgium and Kuweit ratify the Illicit Trade Protocol
Belgium and Kuweit have ratified the llicit trade protocol among 50 other Parties. FCTS secretariat confirmed the ratification of these two states and it will be soon highlighted on the website of United Nations too. |
World Bank Report on Illicit Trade |
A major new World Bank report was launched and puts paid to the tobacco industry argument that when governments raise tobacco taxes it increases the illicit trade in tobacco, damaging government revenues and public health.
It is developped around the question " Why is illicit trade in tobacco products a problem?" and how different strategies worked for several countries such as: Australia, Canada, the EU, the UK, Georgia, Ireland, OECS and Trinidad and Tobago, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Eswatini, Kenya, and Senegal.
Increasing taxes on tobacco is essential for global health for reducing consumption, reducing the affordability, poverty and at the same time for saving millions of lives. But with higher taxes, increase much more smuggling and many new brands come onto the market to keep alive the interes of the low-income population.
"Illicit tobacco trade refers to any practice related to distributing, selling, or buying tobacco
products that is prohibited by law, including tax evasion (sale of tobacco products without
payment of applicable taxes), counterfeiting, disguising the origin of products, and
smuggling. Illicit trade can be undertaken both by illicit players who are not registered with
relevant government agencies, as well as by legitimate entities whose business operations are contrary to applicable laws and regulations. (...) Confronting illicit trade in tobacco products is critical to effective tobacco control in all countries. However, addressing this issue poses complex political, legal, and technological challenges. As such, illicit trade is one of the topics on which policymakers and program implementers responsible for national tobacco control most frequently request information and technical collaboration from international organizations."
Read the full report... |
Belarus: tougher laws against smoking, including e-cigarettes
On 24 January, the Belarusian president signed Decree No. 2 to amend Decree No. 28 from 17 December 2002 and Decree No. 4 from 18 October 2007 regulating production, trade and consumption of tobacco products, according to BelTA. |
The main goal is to consistently limit access to tobacco products, to reduce the negative effects of smoking on health of people and to envisage legislative regulation of production, sale and use of electronic smoking systems, and also heat-not-burn tobacco products.
Learn more... |
Swedish Mach: the snus FDA case
In June 2014, Swedish Match originally submitted a Modified Risk Tobacco Product Application (MRTPA) to permit it to market eight sub-brands of General Snus with warning label statements different from those required by law for other commercially marketed smokeless tobacco products. The application aimed at leading smokers who would not otherwise quit smoking to switch completely to a Swedish match snus product, and would not lead to dual use or significant use among youth.
Two years later, the FDA denied Swedish Match’s request to remove a currently required warning stating that the products can cause gum disease and tooth loss, and deferred final action on the company’s other requests to remove or revise two additional currently required warnings. It was determined that the MRTPAs did not contain sufficient evidence to demonstrate that, as actually used by consumers, the snus products sold with modified risk claims would significantly reduce harm and the risk of tobacco-related disease to individual tobacco users and benefit the health of the population as a whole.
Another two years later, in September 2018 Swedish Match submitted an amendment in response to the three deficiencies enumerated in FDA’s December 2016 letter, and submitted a second amendment in November 2018 in response to FDA’s October 2018 Advice and Information Request Letter. Regarding the first two deficiencies, the company’s September 2018 amendment accepted FDA’s recommendations to retain the warnings stating that the product “can cause mouth cancer” and “is not a safe alternative to cigarettes.” In response to the third deficiency, Swedish Match conducted a new consumer perception study entitled “Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions Study” to address the issues with its previous consumer perception study that the FDA identified. Based on the results of this study and other research, Swedish Match proposed the following modified risk claim for the General Snus:
Read more about the requirements for a MRTP order... |
Response to Tobacco Free Ireland 2025: SimSmoke prediction for the end-game
Frank Houghton, Diane O' Doherty, Derek McInerney, Bruce Duncan
Acknowledgement of manuscript reviewers 2018
Panagiotis K. Behrakis
Financial strain mediates the relationship between socioeconomic status and smoking
Aaron F. Waters, Darla E. Kendzor, Melanie R. Roys, Shelby A. Stewart, Amy L. Copeland
Barriers and supportive factors in certified tobacco cessation counselors in Sweden
Anton Jonatan Landgren, Hans Gilljam
Percentage of current tobacco smoking students receiving help or advice to quit: Evidence from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 56 countries, 2012–2015
René A. Arrazola, Andrew B. Seidenberg, Indu B. Ahluwalia
WHO FCTC Article 14 enforcement in Albania: An urgent issue to tackle
Enkeleint A. Mechili, Charis Girvalaki, Aurela Saliaj, Filippos T. Filippidis, Constantine I. Vardavas
Exposure to secondhand smoke in Iranian pregnant women at home and the related factors
Seyed Saeed Mazloomy Mahmoodabad, Zohreh Karimiankakolaki, Ashraf Kazemi, Nastaran Keshavarz Mohammadi, Hossein Fallahzadeh
Adolescents notice fewer tobacco displays after implementation of the point-of-sale tobacco display ban in Finland
Jaana M. Kinnunen, Hanna Ollila, Anu Linnansaari, David S. Timberlake, Mirte A.G. Kuipers, Arja H. Rimpelä
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