5th European Conference on Tobacco Control
10-12 June 2020 - Paris, France
Global Strategy to Accelerate Tobacco Control: Measuring the progress
11-13 December 2019 - Helsinki, Finland
During three days, a group of international experts in tobacco control, and the Convention Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), gathered to the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) to review the draft of Indicator Compendium that will be used to monitor the Global Strategy to Accelerate Tobacco Control – Advancing Sustainable Development through the Implementation of the WHO FCTC 2019–2025 (Global Strategy).
The Global Strategy, adopted at the eight session of the Conference of the Parties in 2018, is intended to guide the implementation of the WHO FCTC for the next seven years (2019–2025). The strategic goals of the Global Strategy are related to the measures to decrease tobacco use and tobacco-attributable deaths and diseases; building cross-sectoral and sustainable country-level capacity for tobacco control; and contributing in advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The group of international tobacco experts together with the WHO FCTC Secretariat representatives |
“The now developed Indicator Compendium will help the Convention Secretariat to track the progress and report it to the Parties in a standardised way,” says specialist Hanna Ollila, manager of THL’s WHO FCTC Secretariat’s Knowledge Hub on Tobacco Surveillance, which hosted the meeting.
Read more... |
Roadmap for EU Cancer Plan
10 December 2019 - Brussels, Belgium
On December 10, EU40, a group of new MEPs elected together with Stella Kiryakides, the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, hosted an event at the European Parliament in Brussels morning o discuss more about the new Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. Over 100 persons working in the public health field were invited and kindly encouraged to bring their input regarding the topic.
The Commissioner stressed the fact that the fight against cancer is one of her top priorities during the next five years and she will have firstly a horizontal approach to cancer, which is in line with the ‘Health in All policies’ principle endorsed by the previous Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis. Addressing risk-factors like tobacco consumption and alcohol abuse will remain on Commission’s radar, as well as vaccination, physical exercise and healthy lifestyle in general.
Support Study on the application of the European Tobacco Products Directive
10 December 2019 - Brussels, Belgium
ICF is conducting on behalf of the EU Commission a "Support Study to the report on the application of Directive 2014/40/EU" which aims to provide the Commission with a comprehensive and independent evidence-based assessment of the application of the Tobacco Products Directive by the Commission, Member States and relevant stakeholders. As part of this study, the study team is reaching out to relevant Competent Authorities, stakeholders and private business companies to receive input, which may be considered relevant to this case.
The first workshop took place on 10 December 2019 in Brussels. It was used to set the ground and engage relevant stakeholders (Civil Society Organisations - CSOs - and Health Experts) represented at EU level with the objectives and purpose of the assessment and present preliminary findings from the documentary review. It was also used as a platform to start developing findings to test during the field research that could allow the study team to understand where the current gaps in evidence lie, and tailor field research tools.
First meeting of the Working Group
on Assistance and Cooperation of the Protocol
to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products
3-5 December 2019 - Quito, Ecuador
The Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (MOP), decided in its first session to establish a Working Group to deal with matters related to enforcement of information sharing measures, assistance and cooperation, investigation and prosecution of offences, mutual administrative assistance and mutual legal assistance. Additionally, the Working Group was requested to promote the exchange of good practices in implementation of Article 12 of the Protocol. |
ENSP participated in this first meeting of the Working Group organised by the FCTC Secretariat and kindly hosted by the government of Ecuador. The working group is expected to report on the outcome of its work to the second session of the MOP, that will be held in the Netherlands in November 2020. To develop such report the experts will be meeting for a second time in the first half of next year.
Read the opening address by the Head of the Convention Secretariat...
Oral Health platform manifesto
3 December 2019 - European Parliament
The Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe launched its Manifesto in the European Parliament on 3 December at an event hosted by MEP Jane Brophy (UK). Coming after The Lancet's latest publication "
Oral diseases: a global public health challenge" in July 2019, this Manifesto answers the question of why oral health matters for the next political mandate of the European Commission and highlights the links between oral health and other diseases such as cancer.
In order to bring well-being and good oral health to all European citizens, policy actions are required at both EU and country levels. This is central to the UN SDG 3, to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being at all ages. The meeting called on European policy-makers to take the necessary actions to actively promote good oral health by taking forward a series of policy recommendations.
ENSP Dentists Working Group: Tobacco and Oral Health
29 November 2019 - Madrid, Spain
The new ENSP Dentists Working Group held its first meeting at the headquarters of the College of Dentists and Stomatologists, in Madrid on November 29. |
Specialists from Sweden, Romania, Serbia and Spain gathered together to discuss on the dangers of tobacco in particular context of oral health. The session was chaired by the ENSP President Francisco Rodríguez Lozano, who also used lead the College of Dentists of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (from 1995 to 2009). |
During the meeting, attendees discussed issues such as direct link between tobacco and oral health, risks of electronic cigarette's use, conflicts of interest and the role of dentists in controlling tobacco consumption in Europe.
As a result of the meeting a report with outcomes and recommendations was prepared. The working group will present it at the European Parliament in the beginning of 2020, as well as at the 5th ENSP International Conference on Tobacco Control, that will take place in June 2020 in Paris.
XIX Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference
on Smoking Cessation Aid
28 November 2019 - Moscow, Russia
XIX Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Effective therapeutic practices in the provision of medical care to smokers” gathered over 100 health care professionals for a day of scientific presentations on the topic of smoking cessation and general discussion on effective tobacco control measures.
ENSP was honored to contribute to the conference programme with the presentation on the raising epidemic of novel products in Europe, and furthermore by presenting the updated ENSP course on treating tobacco dependence: guidelines and e-learning platform for health care professionals.
Access the online training... |
Law and Tobacco Control in Europe
26-27 November 2019 - Copenhagen, Denmark
The workshop aimed to support the legal work in tobacco control by sharing information on legal policy design and tobacco industry opposition, sharing information on legal challenges and facilitating networking and information sharing among countries. Participants of the meeting represented selected European countries and leading NGOs working on legal issues in tobacco control. |
The workshop mainly focused on the FCTC Article 5.3 but also explored in great detail the tobacco industry's efforts in testing the legal limits of the EU ban on tobacco advertising.
- Rose Nathan, the Associate Legal Director at the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids with nearly 20 years of experience working in tobacco control and an expert on Article 5.3, presented the legal and political implications of Article 5.3 in terms of the text of the FCTC and the Guidelines, and then created an imagination exercise on different Article 5.3 scenarios followed by a discussion about Article 5.3 requirements in relation to those scenarios.
- The second topic tackled the approach of the tobacco industry in testing the limits of the EU ban on tobacco advertising. Moreover, the Head of the Prevention addiction Office from General Health Directorate in France, Mrs Elise Riva, presented the French court case and the litigation in France on the enforcement of TPD Art. 13. In addition to this, Mr. Mathieu Capouet, Head of Unit Animal Feed, GMO and Tobacco presented the ongoing Politico-case in Belgium.
The 4th meeting on Smoking Prevention and Control
15 November 2019 - Porto, Portugal
The Regional Health Administration of Northern Portugal held the 4th Meeting on Smoking Prevention and Control, in the city of Porto on November 15. |
President of the ENSP, Francisco Lozano was invited to present the topic of "Tobacco and social inequalities, environmental sustainability and human rights". The meeting aimed to discuss the priority measures to control the epidemic, stimulate the strengthening of community participation, as well as contribute to a structured response to the offensces of the tobacco industry in Portugal.
30 years of Health for Romania
The anniversary album "30 years of Health for Romania" that was released in December 2019 and was initiated by a number of companies and patient associations, celebrates 30 personalities who had the power and persistence, energy and intelligence to complete projects with a positive impact on the health system. and in the lives of people living in Romania. A very important aspect is represented by the fact tat 10% of this album focuses on tobacco control. |
Prof. Florin Mihaltan, primary physician in pulmonology, a cornerstone in the Romanian Public Health and also board member within the ENSP, was mentioned in this album for his great achievements for the past twenty years. His biggest goal is to eradicate tabagism and to ensure the right to breathe clean air to all people. |
Ramona Brad, the President of the Association "Healthy Romania Generation 2035" and Director of the "2035 No Tobacco" initiative is also mentioned in this edition. As a true activist, she believes that "a doctor has the fundamental purpose of changing public health from the foundation and because health in the future can only stand on a structure, which ultimately eliminates everything that destroys the foundation: tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy nutrition ». Assertive, straightforward, and firm with her believes regarding gradual reduction of tobacco consumption, Ramona hopes that people born in 2017 will become a non-smoking generation by the time they grow up.
Moreover, a third person very important for Romanian tobacco control is the Secretary General of ENSP, Cornel Radu-Loghin. Mentioned in the album as the founder of the first organisation of activism in the anti-tobacco field, Cornel confesses that one of his motivations was an unpleasant memory of his non-smoking mother coming home smelling of cigarettes after working all day with smokers. Since then, he initiated and endorsed many organisations working in the tobacco control field, being now considered as a key person in the European Public Health arena.
Watch video presentation of the book...
Progress towards Smoke-Free Public Spaces in Greece
“A new smoking ban law without any exception under immediate enforcement”
As of November 19th, 2019, the new Greek Smoking Ban Law is coming into force broadly to all closed public spaces, including public and private working spaces, restaurants, bars, means of transportation etc. After 18 years from the first legislation, this is the only time that the Greek Government and the Prime Minister himself, manifest the public will to prioritize this issue of Public Health protection by enforcing additional measures aiming to an efficient enforcement.
The Minister of Health, Dr Vassilis Kikilias, proved that the Smoking Ban Law was one of the major issues of his agenda; aiming at the establishment of updated policy, the Minister nominated an Experts Committee of non-governmental members whose goal is to promote Tobacco Control in Greece and assist on the enforcement of the Law. Prof. Panagiotis Behrakis, President of the ENSP Scientific Committee, was honored to accept the role of the Committee’s Coordinator, as an acknowledgement of his enduring national and international efforts on tobacco prevention and control. During summertime, Prof. Behrakis had a very close collaboration with the Minister and his team in order to set the stage for the upcoming measures. |
The Committee is now consisted by 6 additional distinguished Greek scientists, determined to contribute and support the upcoming change of the Greek society’s profile.
Based on the first indications, the Greek society is more than ready to accept and comply with the legislation. More and more people, smokers and non-smokers, demand smoke-free spaces for their professional and social life. The Law was slightly updated including specially defined open spaces, such as playgrounds and sports facilities, in order to enforce the tobacco prevention in youth. Eventually, the Greek Parliament approved, in absolute majority, the new Legislation and all Greek authorities are on-hand for the successful implementation that will bring Greece into alignment to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. |
Congratulations to Turkey!
Starting with 5 december, plain packaging was introduced in Turkey. After five years of actions from the public sector and civil society, the final stage was achieved! The next action in this journey will focus on preventing tax labels from covering the pictorial warnings as well as strengthening enforcement of the tobacco control legislation. |
Association of European Cancer Leagues / ECToH
Young Professional Award
The award is to recognize and support newer careerist professionals that have advanced tobacco control in areas of research, advocacy, policy and practice. The award is granted to participants judged on the quality of the abstracts and their CVs submitted to the conference.
The winner will be presented with the Association of European Cancer Leagues/ECToH Young Professional Award in Berlin by the President of the Association of European Cancer Leagues (the Association of European Cancer Leagues), Dr. Sakari Karjalainen.
Deadline: 31st December 2019
- Age 35 years or younger at the time of the application deadline;
- Presently active in tobacco control including research, advocacy, policy or practice;
- Abstract has been submitted to ECToH 2020;
- Never been affiliated with the tobacco industry, directly or indirectly
More information about the award and the conference is avaialble at: https://www.ectoh.org/
Europe's Beating Cancer Plan: Let's strive for more
4 February - Brussels, Belgium
On 4 February – World Cancer Day – the European Commission will start its outreach on Europe’s Cancer Plan at an event in the European Parliament in Brussels, supported by the MEPs Against Cancer Interest Group.
While the EU has a long history in the fight against cancer, there are still many challenges ahead. This event aims to demonstrate the EU’s strong commitment to fighting cancer and to harness the collective power for positive change.
The event will take place between 14.30 and 16.30 and a full programme will be available soon.
Learn more about the event... |
Instagram bans Influencers from Promoting Vaping Products
Facebook and Instagram will no longer allow influencers to promote vaping, tobacco products or weapons on its platforms using “branded content.” Instagram announced it would no longer allow “branded content” that promotes those goods on either platform.
This change closes a loophole in Facebook’s advertising policies. Even though Facebook’s ad policies have banned the advertising of vaping, tobacco and weapons, private users can post about them, and until now advertisers could theoretically put paid promotion behind those posts.
Read more.. |
Tobacco smoking patterns in Samoa in 2010: Implications for interventions
Alexander C. Adia, Nicola L. Hawley, Take Naseri, Muagututi‘a Sefuiva Reupena, Stephen T. McGarvey
The association between smokers’ self-reported health problems and quitting: Findings from the ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Wave 1 Survey
Lin Li, Ron Borland, Richard J. O’Connor, Geoffrey T. Fong, Ann McNeill, Pete Driezen, Michael K. Cummings
Consumption function and price elasticity of tobacco demand in Nigeria
Folashayo Adeniji
Clinical, sociodemographic and tobacco-use factors associated with smoking cessation rates at three years followup, Ankara, Turkey
Bilgen Esmer, Tijen Sengezer, Funda Aksu, Adem Özkara, Kurtulus Aksu
Nature imagery on cigarette vending machines in Ireland: A lacuna in tobacco control
Frank Houghton
Clinical, sociodemographic and tobacco-use factors associated with smoking cessation rates at three years followup, Ankara, Turkey
Bilgen Esmer, Tijen Sengezer, Funda Aksu, Adem Özkara, Kurtulus Aksu
Does adding a psychosocial cessation intervention to an existing life-skills and tobacco-prevention program influence the use of tobacco and supari among secondary school students?: Findings from a quasi-experimental trial in Mumbai, India
Nilesh Chatterjee, Himanshu Gupte, Gauri Mandal, Tshering Bhutia
A pilot study assessing the addition of a Quit and Win program to pharmacist-led intensive smoking cessation therapy in a predominantly underserved, minority population
Kirk E. Evoy, Kentya H. Ford, Sabina O. Nduaguba, Amber Taylor, Lindsay Thomas
Federally qualified health center use of the Nebraska Tobacco Quitline
Kelly Gonzales, Ann M. Berger, Kathryn Fiandt
The role of income and psychological distress in the relationship between work loss and smoking cessation: Findings from three International Tobacco Control (ITC) Europe countries
Karin Hummel, Bas van den Putte, Ute Mons, Marc C. Willemsen, Geoffrey T. Fong, Raphaël Andler, Hein de Vries, Gera E. Nagelhout
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