5th European Conference on Tobacco Control
10-12 June 2020 - Paris, France
The deadline for abstract/symposia submission is 16 February 2020.
All questions and collaboration proposals can be address to ENSP Secretariat. |
Welcome to our new ENSP member!
Starting with January 10, 2020 the Cyprus National Addictions Authority became an ENSP Full Member and will be present at the next General Assembly during the Paris Conference in June 2020.
The Cyprus National Addiction Authority (NAAC) is the supreme coordinating body in the field of licit and illicit addictive substances and pathological gambling in Cyprus, which since November 2017 has continued and further evolved the work of the former Cyprus Antidrugs Council (2000).
Read more about the organisation... |
Nicotine products and oral health.
The role of the Dental team in Tobacco Control
18 March 2020, European Parliament, Brussels
The Working Group on Oral Health and Tobacco, created last year within ENSP Network, is holding its next event at the European Parliament, on 18 March 2020. The Conference titled "Oral Health and Tobacco. The role of Dental Profession in Tobacco control" is focused around the common statement - the result of collaborative effort of European oral health specialists.
MEP Maite Pagazaurtundua is kindly hosting the event, and her opening speech will be followed with several presentations of various representatives of oral health scientific societies. The programme will feature the president of the working group, Dr. Antonio Montero, the president of Tenerife Dental Association, the President of Grupo de Estudios Odontoestomatológicos de Canarias (GEOEC), but also representatives from Sociedad Española de Medicina Oral (SEMO) and Sociedad Española de Cirugía Bucal (SECIB) with the closing remarks from Prof. Ayesta, on behalf of the ENSP Scientific Committee.
The event is also supported by European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC). |
Appointment of the new Head of the WHO FCTC Secretariat and Protocol
Since 2014, during five and half years, Dr. Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva lead, the WHO FCTC Secretariat through a unique experience of working together in order to advance the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and launched a new initiative with the entrance into force of the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products.
In an official statement on the WHO FCTC website, Dr. da Costa expressed her recognition to her Secretariat colleagues for embracing her vision and for working together with persistence and commitment and at the same time, she warmly welcomed her successor. Dr. da Costa stressed the fact that she will continue to follow all developments with interest and be the first to applaud new advances in tobacco control, including the outcomes of the forthcoming Ninth Session of the Conference of the Parties and the Second Session of the Meeting of the Parties in The Hague.
Dr. Adriana Blanco will take the helm as Head of the Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, as of 1 March 2020, confirmed by a Note verbale CS/NV/20/01 released by the WHO FCTC Secretariat.
Read the full speech of Dr. Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva... |
World No Tobacco Day
31 May 2020
In 2020, the World No Tobacco Day will be commemorated under the theme "Protecting youth from industry manipulation and preventing them from tobacco and nicotine use", as suggested by the World Health Organization. It reflects the key objective of the fight with tobacco and nicotine: preventing the consumption among adolescents.
Urgent adoption of recommended and effective strategies in this regard should be the priority of all public authorities. Also, the chosen theme reflects the need to protect the adoption of these public interference policies and the manipulation of the tobacco and nicotine products industry.
The WHO calls to action!
The world cannot afford another generation deceived by the lies of the tobacco and nicotine industry, which pretends to promote freedom of personal choice while really ensuring eternal profits – regardless of the millions of people that pay with their life each year. WHO urges influencers – in pop culture, on social media, in the home, or in the classroom – who reach and connect with youth to expose the industries’ manipulative tactics to create a new generation of tobacco users. We need to empower youth to stand up to Big Tobacco by dispelling its lies and refusing to use its products.
Read more about the topic... |
World No Tobacco Day 2020 Awards
Call for nominations
The World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for nominations to the World No Tobacco Day Awards of individuals or organizations in each of the six WHO Regions for their accomplishments in the area of tobacco control.
Guidelines for nominations
The objective of these criteria is to facilitate nominations, bearing in mind that the final decision about whether to bestow an award rests with the WHO Regional Directors and the WHO Director-General.
There will be a maximum of six World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) awards per WHO region. Two of the awardees might be granted special recognition by means of a WHO Director-General Special Recognition Award.
Deadline for nominations
The deadline for submissions of nominations is Friday, 6 March 2020, at 17:00 hrs (GMT).
E-cigarettes: a public health emergency among youth
Medical experts and federal health officials in USA have recently warned the public from using e-cigarettes, as the number of people with a severe lung illness rose to over 1600 cases, 34 of these fatal. An illustrative case is reported in the European Respiratory Journal. Health officials state that “vaping is a probable potential cause” but no firm conclusions can yet be drawn. In this light it is interesting to discuss the concept of tobacco harm reduction. The European Respiratory Society (ERS) Advocacy Council's Tobacco Control Committee has recently launched an ERS position paper on this topic.
The authors aimed at drawing attention to some of the major issues of harm reduction for smokers, such as the use of alternative nicotine delivery products (e-cigarettes, smokeless tobacco or new heated tobacco products to smokers instead of conventional cigarettes).
Read the full article... |
The introduction of electronic cigarettes (or e-cigarettes) in countries around the world poses new challenges to governments wanting to protect youth and reduce tobacco use. Policies governing e-cigarettes must be guided by an assessment of the impact of these products on the pace of progress in reducing the death and disease caused by tobacco use. |
The evidence around the health harms from e-cigarettes and their impact on young people is evolving. Any assessment of the evidence has to consider the impact on both individual smokers and the population as awhole. While e-cigarettes may have health benefits to individual smokers if they are proven to help smokers quit completely, they are nevertheless harmful to public health if they lead to more young people starting, if they renormalize tobacco use, and/or if they discourage smokers from quitting.
The World Health Organization has concluded that e-cigarettes are “undoubtedly harmful” and that countries “that have not banned [e-cigarettes] should consider regulating them as harmful products.” This is consistent with the general obligations of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which require Parties to the Convention to implement measures for preventing and reducing nicotine addiction. In the absence of effective government regulation, e-cigarettes could create a new generation of nicotine and tobacco users and undermine the progress made in combatting the tobacco epidemic.
Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids released a policy brief in which is used a three-step process to assist government officials in determining how to regulate e-cigarettes to fit their country circumstances while balancing competing public health considerations:
European Commission answers the question on deaths associated to e-cigarettes use
In November 2019, a teenager died from a respiratory failure after using an electronic cigarette containing a cannabis derivative, following the same pattern as the other 39 e-cigarette users from US who have died since the summer of 2019 because of a lung disease after consuming vitamin E oil that was added to cannabis refills sold on the black market.
On January 10, 2020, Stella Kyriakides answered, on behalf of the European Commission, to a few questions regarding the danger of electronic cigarettes. She highlighted the fact that the European Commission consistently draws attention to the health risks caused by e-cigarettes as a fosm of prevention and that the Article 20 of the directive 2014/40/EC introduces a regulatory framework for e-cigarettes, containing requirements relating to safety, quality, consumer protection and information as well as data collection, therefore the use of vitamins is not permitted under this directive. Nonetheless,
Ms. Kyriakides stressed that the Commission is closely monitoring the situation through an Early Warning and Response System involving reports from the Member States, as well as monitoring developments and scientific evidence related to e-cigarettes and discussing this issues in an expert group meeting.
Read more... |
Support the Netherlands in reducing the number of points of sale of tobacco!
The Dutch Ministry of Health commissioned a study to find out how the government can best reduce the number of points of sale for tobacco. Prof. Gera Nagelhout and Prof. Marc Willemsen from Research Institute IVO and Maastricht University in the Netherlands are carrying out this study. They are performing a literature review and expert interviews. Besides scientific literature that they will search via a data-based systematic search, they are interested in grey literature. |
If you know of any grey literature on this topic (in English, Dutch, German, French or Spanish), they would be very grateful if you could contact them via nagelhout@ivo.nl and pass along your suggestions. |
Hainaut Health Observatory ( Observatoire de la Santé du Hainaut) presents its annual newsletter "Breathe". This fifth issue is dedicated to the theme: “Breathing in Hainaut... for a generation without tobacco”. |
In this edition, OSH tackled the protection of youth against tobacco. Although a slow denormalization of smoking emerged in our society, the health of people living in Hainaut is still largely affected by the tobacco use.
The OSH is an active member of the Belgian Alliance for a Tobacco-free Society which, through its "Tobacco-Free Generations" program (developed together with the authorities, the civil society, private companies or individuals) transforms places frequented by the young generation into tobacco-free environments.
Congratulations to Belgium and Slovenia!
Starting with 1 January 2020, Slovenia and Belgium implemented plain packaging by following the example of Australia, France, UK, Norway, Ireland, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Canada, Uruguay and Turkey. The plain packaging legislation in Slovenia concerns both manufacturer and retailer level. In Belgium, the legislation at manufacturer level was introduced on 1 January 2020 and at retailer level will take effect next year.
Congratulations to all health organisations whose efforts have been essential in this process! |
Moldova implements ban on heated tobacco products consumption and advertising
Starting January 1, 2020, the following legislative provisions regarding the products of heated tobacco will enter into force: |
- The consumption of heated tobacco products will be considered ordinary smoking and will be forbidden to be consumed in all places where smoking is limited. Thus, the public food establishments (bars / restaurants / disco clubs) where the sign "IQOS Friendly" was displayed will have to comply and eliminate that sign.
- Advertising or any kind of promotion of heat-not-burn tobacco products, but also for tobacco consumption devices (for example: hookahs, ashtrays, IQOS devices) shall be prohibited.
- Heated tobacco products must have printed on both sides of the package the warning "This tobacco product seriously damages the health and creates dependence".
- Tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide emissions for cigarettes without filter are capped.
- Increase the excise duties on cigarettes, especially for tobacco reserves for tobacco heating devices.
Read more (RO version)...
The FDA implements new regulation on the sale of tobacco products
On December 20, 2019, the President of the United States of America signed legislation to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and raise the federal minimum age of sale of tobacco products from 18 to 21 years. It is now illegal for a retailer to sell any tobacco product – including cigarettes, cigars and e-cigarettes – to anyone under 21.
Innovative call emerging from a qualitative study for workplace designated stop-smoking area
Marie Chan Sun, Lovena Rathoa
Perceived social benefits versus perceived harms of smoking among Indonesian boys aged 12–16 years: A secondary analysis of Global Youth Tobacco Survey 2014
Nurul Kodriati, Elli Nur Hayati, Ailiana Santosa, Lisa Pursell
Characteristics of Chinese smokers with psychotic disorders and their predictors on smoking cessation in Hong Kong
Raymond K. S. Ho, Gina M. T. Lee, Patrick W. Y. Fok, Helen C. H. Chan, Joe K. W. Ching
Current practices and perceived barriers to tobacco treatment delivery among healthcare professionals from 15 European countries. The EPACTT Plus project
Charis Girvalaki, Enkeleint A. Mechili, Sophia Papadakis, Katerina Nikitara, Andrey Demin, Antigona Trofor, Arben Lila, Arusyak Harutyunyan, Aurela Saliaj, Deska Dimitrievska, Francisco Rodriguez Lozano, George Bakhturidze, Javier Ayesta, Krzysztof Przewoźniak, Maria Sofia Cattaruzza, Marija Zdraveska, Mihaela Lovše, Biljana Kilibarda, Otto Stoyka, Panagiotis Behrakis, Pierre Bizel, Polina Starchenko, Shkumbin Spahija, Cornel Radu-Loghin, Constantine I. Vardavas
Factors influencing cigarette smoking among police and costs of an officer smoking in the workplace at Nsambya Barracks, Uganda
Robert Basaza, Mable M. Kukunda, Emmanuel Otieno, Elizabeth Kyasiimire, Hafisa Lukwata, Christopher K. Haddock
Brief Intervention for Tobacco when Diagnosed with Oral Cancer (BITDOC): Study protocol of a randomized clinical trial studying efficacy of brief tobacco cessation intervention, Chhattisgarh, India
Lokesh K. Singh, Ripu Daman Arora, Sai Krishna Tikka, Avinash Shukla, Sharda Singh, Supriya Mahant, Sachin Verma
Beliefs and practices regarding electronic cigarettes in smoking cessation among healthcare professionals in Slovenia
Helena Koprivnikar, Tina Zupanič, Jerneja L. Farkas
Comparing smoking behavior between female-to-male and male-to-female transgender adults
Irene Tamí-Maury, Anushree Sharma, Minxing Chen, Janice Blalock, Juan Ortiz, Lou Weaver, Sanjay Shete
Aspire to be smoke-free pilot study: A prevention educational outreach serving preschool children in rural Arkansas
Lana Gettman, Gabriella A. Douglass, Madison Wessel, Julie Kissack
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